Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1951, Page Three, Image 3

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    Marines Bayonet
Reds out of Hills
Compiled by A1 Karr
From tin: wires of the Associated Press
t Ametican leathernecks weilding bayonet jn hillside dugotrts
I'lim das won two key heights from the Chinese Reds near Hoi
< Mlu r Marines fought slowly up nearby hill in a renewed
drive on the heart of a -10,000-mutt Communist force in central
Kotea. I he Reds counter attacked fiercely at 3 p.m. southwest of
In the air. four l . S. I*-HO Shooting Stars damaged three Rus
sian type MK, jets near the Manchurian border. The b-80 jets
langled in a 10-minute dogfight with 12 M Id's over northwest
Kotea. | he I'iflh Air I’orte said that no b StO's were damaged.
Jt was the first jet fight reported since early February.
.War Seoul, American troops invaded Sand island in the Han
River, but withdrew after a five-hour fight. They had landed in
assault boats on a mission to clear the way for tank crossings.
After the Reds struck southwest of 1 Ioengsong, a frontline
ollicci said that the Communists were "showing a greater deter
mination to remain in the areas where they are in contact with
Allied forces. They are lighting stronger delaying actions.”
I he United Mares, Britain, and France. . .
. . . ukreed Thursday to a meeting of the Big Four Foreign ministers
deputies, including Husain, opening Monday at Paris.
The meeting Is scheduled to lay the groundwork for a full dress con
ference of the big power foreign ministers, provided an acceptable agenda
can be agreed upon. Moscow agreed to the preliminary meeting in a
formal note Thursday.
The .State Department announced that Ambassador-at-large Philip
Jessup will head an lj-member American delegation to the Paris meet
The State Department, in announcing American acceptance, made it
plain that the United States In pessimistic over prospects for any agree
ment which would effectively ease East-West tension.
French President Vincent Auriol Called...
... on former Premier Georges Bidault Thursday to try to form a new
French government.
Auriol tapped the suave, dapper, experienced politician for the job
nfler Rene Pleven, who quit with his coalition cabinet Wednesday in a
dispute over a new election law. had turned down an offer to try again.
Bidault was France's first postwar foreign minister and was Premier
twice for five months in 1946, and again from October, 1949, to June,
1950 He said that he would confer with leaders of other parties to see if
he stood any chance of forming a new cabinet. He is a leader of the Cath
olic Popular Republican Movement.
A Distress Call by Yugoslavia...
.. . for more funds to bolster her sagging economy has gone out to the
United States, Britain, and other western nations.
Foreign Trade Minister Milentije Popavic told parliament that he
hoped the appeal would bring quick results, because fast action is need
ed to keep the country on her feet He said that the loans Yugoslavia has
obtained so far are buying less because of rising world prices.
The biggest help is expected from the United States and Britain, but
the Yugoslavs also hope that France will aid with new credits and wheat
Already a direct gift of $70,000,000 worth of food from the United
States is helping Yugoslavia through the winter.
Charles E. Wilson Will Remain...
... as Defense Mobilization Director despite labor's walkout from the
program, President Truman said Thursday. Mr. Truman told a news
conference that he has full confidence in Wilson.
Although labor's refusal to have any further part in the present setup
threatened to imperil the whole defense program, Mr. Truman indicated
that he felt no sense of crisis.
The top men of labor decided Wednesday night to boycott the program
in what amounted to a "no confidence” vote in the way it is being run.
Unless 10-Year-Olds Are Drafted. . .
. . . veteran-reservists called to duty in the Korean crisis cannot be re
leased, Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall said Thursday.
"We cun't spare them," Marshall told the House Armed Services Com
mittee. He said that military manpower deficiencies in Korea, at home,
and elsewhere have not been made up.
- Marshall went before the House group as Senate Democratic leaders
pressed for a start of voting on sections of the Universal Military Train
ing bill which calls for drafting 18-year-olds.
Congress Can Debate the Troops-to-Europe. . .
. . . issue and anything else it wants to, but that does not mean that it
helps relations with the rest of the world, President Truman said Thurs
He made the remark in response to news conference questions dealing
with a report on presidential and Congressional war powers. The report
was prepared at the request of Senate committees which have been hold
ing hearings on the administration plan to send more troops abroad to
bolster Western Europe’s defenses.
An RFC Director Was Accused...
. . . Thursday by Carl G. Strandlund of working with “financial wolves"
which he said had brought his Lustron prefabricated housing plant to
financial ruin in efforts to enrich themselves.
He named RFC Director Walter L. Dunham, E. Mori Young, Washing
ton insurance man, and Rex Jacobs, Detroit manufacturer, as leaders of
"a small clique” bent on wrestling from him control of the Lustron Cor
poration's big plant at Columbus, Ohio.
'As You Like It/
SU Film, Brings
Bard to Screen
The film version of “As You
hike It" will be nhown Sunday at
2:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.rn. in the ball
room of the Student Union. A dmis
sion i« 30 cents.
The Hollywood production, star
ring Laurence Olivier and Eliza
beth Bergner, brings Shakespeare
to life on the screen.
A short, “Sliphorn, King of
Polaroo," is the special added fea
The weekly Sunday movies are
sponsored by the Student Union
Board for all students and faculty
Registration Card
Deadline Saturday
Saturday noon is the dead
line for turning spring term re
gistration cards in to the regist
rar’s office, Clifford I,. Con
stance, registrar, has announced.
Students who do not have their
cards filed by the deadUne will
he fined $8. Those who do not
pay fees when they file their
cards, may pick their cards up
at the beginning of next term
and pay at that time.
Kwamas Will Host OSC Soph Honorary
Talons, sophomore women’s ser
vice honorary at Oregon Bute Col
lege, will be weekend guests of
Kwama, Oregon’s sophomore wom
en's service group, Delores Par
rish, Kwama president, announced
I A dinner at the Student Union
will be held in honor of the guests
i Saturday evening after which both
groups will attend the basketball
! game. Following the game both
j groups will take part in the mixer
at the Student Union.
We serve breakfast 'till noon
on Saturdays
It's so handy
854 E. 13th On the Campus
KASH broadcast
Bible School 9:45—Feb. 25 Hinson 928; Eugene 921
. 7:3 Op.m.
"Russia's Doom Foretold"
C.O.S. !• ellou ship'—6:30 Afterglow 9 p.m
Bdwy at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor
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