Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1951, Page Two, Image 2

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    n.:.™, I .111 Mined on the editorial pare are those of the writer and do not pretend to
rcmKnTtkeapiniotM of the ASUO or of^he University. Initialed editorials are written by
the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor._
Akita Houiu, Editor
Maktei Sceogcin, Business Manager
Leon* Larjom, Mwin« Bditor
Keic Mrtzlrr, Tom Kino, Sam Fipman. Associate Editors
Sujiur Hillard, Asst. Business Manager
iiim: Grctcfcen Grondahl
Editor: John Barton
litor: A1 Karr
Editor: Norman Anderson
:ws Editors: Marjorie Bush. Bill Frye,
anafioc Editors* Norman Anderson,
kttens, Gene
m: Barbara William*. _
teaturc tcnior: noo ruru
As**. Sports Editor: Phil Johnson.
Night Editor! Sarah Turnbull.
Circulation Manager: Jean Lovell.
Advertising Manager: Virginia Kellogg r
Zone Managers: rran Neel, Harriet Vahey,
Jody Greer, Denise Thutn. Jeanne Hoff
Layout Manager : Keith Reynolds.
National Adv. Mgr.: Bonnie Birkeroeter.
IRL.Jf the Germ Spreads...
So'you want peace. So you want one world instead of two.
So you want understanding among men.
But what can you do about it ?
That’s a basic question which must have prompted organi
zation of International Relations Leagues in Oregon high
schools four years ago. The Oregon Education Association
weighed the work done by Oregon high school teachers to
encourage their students in a serious study of democracy and
international affairs.
An international relations committee was formed, and it be
came the sponsor of high school leagues. Now Dr. Charles P
Schleicher is executive secretary of the committee and the
University co-sponsors the statewide organization.
And this weekend more than 200 high school students are
on the campus for their annual international relations confer
These students are thinkers. They have been digesting bul
letins and study guides prepared through Dr. Schleicher, and
thev are ready to discuss “The United Nations, the United
States, and the World Crisis.”
A conference and a high school club and a discussion or two
may seem far removed from world peace and understanding.
But the seed is here.
In future years, Dr. Schleicher hopes to see an 1RL orga
nizer and promotion man travelling to all the high schools in
■Oregon. He also hopes to have research done on international
relations programs in high schools.
There must be other education associations and executive
secretaries and universities and individuals vitally interested
in this need for international understanding.
If they will set their shoulder to many time-consuming ad
ministrative tasks ... if they will set their goals at a far distant
future ... if they will follow the pattern started by Oregon . ..
the world’s day will someday dawn a little brighter.
Call for Petitions for Gripe Chief
You have a gripe? Well, the thing to do is to draw up a pe
tition on your complaint—then send it to K. M., Gripe Editor,
in care of the Emerald. Any and all gripes are welcome. The
Emerald will process and judge everything. Petitioners who
are judged to have the best gripe will be given a free trip to
In the past, that old cure-all, the gripe petition has turned
many a hopeless situation toward the better.
You can petition for a 28-hour day instead of 24 in order to
have time to finish that term paper, for example, but you will
need some supplies:
First, you’ll need some whereas’s—four or five will do. They
can be purchased cheaply at the Co-op. You will need one Be
lt-Therefore-Known, a rather expensive commodity, but you
can probably pick up a second-hand one on your next trip
through Salem.
The only thing left to purchase is semi-colons. You’ll need
about 30 or 40 for each petition—but why not buy the economy
package containing 500 semi-colons? You never know when
you’ll need one.
We now eagerly await your gripes.—K.M.
THE DAILY 'E' •. •
... to State Senator Phillip Hitchcock—for taking time
from his busy schedule in Salem to speak to University
students last night on matters now before the legislature.
From Phi Kappa Sigma
EmmlU Editor:
As "the small ones" we feel ob
ligated to reply to the editorial
criticism in the March 1, 1951 is
sue Number 90, Volume HI of the
Oregon Daily Emerald.
It is a tale that should bo told.
In the spring of 1948—at Ore
gon—a coalition party of seven
Greek houses and Independents
was formed. Only one of the
seven original Greek houses now
remains In the TJ.S.A. party. Is
this significant? As even Empty
would say, “As a matter of fact,
In publication the house presi
dent gave three good reasons for
leaving the coalition—none of
which were cited in the editorial.
The editor goes on to state that
two parts of a void contract were
violated. She also went on to
state that the president of Phi
Kappa Sigma had denied that he
had agreed to this void contract.
Yet she drew the conclusion "the
last two points of the agreement
were violated.” Is this a fair edi
torial viewpoint ? “As a matter of
fact, no.”
And that is the story that
should be told about “the small
ones.” It is short. It is important.
Phi Kappa Sigma
Lynn E. Sjolund
Campus Critic
Movies Better Than Ever
jin Eugene This Weekend
-By Don Smith*
Don't choke up on your coffee
(or whatever you happen to drink
when you read this column), but
there are some good movies in
town this weekend. In fact, no
matter what kind of film you
like, you can hardly miss find
ing it in Eugene (this week only,
If you want an action film—t ry
Humphrey Bogart In “The En
forcer,” a no-holda-barred detec
tive story at the Mac through
Saturday. You can munch pop
corn, go out for cigarettes, etc.,
during the co-feature, “The Ban
dit Queen."
If you want a western, try
“Dallas" with Gary Cooper and
Ruth Roman, playing through
Saturday at the Rex. It's a tech
nicolor Western that's better
than most. "Spy Hunt,” with
Howard Duff and Marta Toren, is
the co-feature that rates equal
Another Western in town
through Saturday is "Tomahawk”
at the Heilig, teamed with a typi
cal B feature "Trial Without
If you like Will Rogers, you can
get three and a half hours of him
at the Lane, which is showing to
day and tomorrow "David Har
um" ami "Steambout ‘Round tho
Cornea Sunday - and guess
what? More fllma that you can
stomnch (it i» truly a remark*
able weekend in Eugene.)
Just a good old-faahioned .story
of love for love’s sake is "Sep
tember Affair," that opens Sun
day at the Mac with Joseph Cot
ten and Joan Fontaine, intelli
gently acted; intelligently direct
ed. Even the co-feature sounds
tolerable- it at least haH Ella
Haines and Bruce Bennett, com
petent thenpiana, to vouch for it.
By name, it’s "The Second Face.’*
At the Re* Sunday are a couple
of amusing comedies — not the
best ever filmed, but ut least
among the better—“Family Hon
eymoon," which Is a little exas
perating In spite of Fred MeMup^”
ray and Claudette Colbert; unit
“Miss Tallock’s Millions,” which
skirts disaster several times, but
manages each time to come off
cleverly thanks to Wanda Hen
drix, John Lund, and Bill Uema
Say you want a musical ? I’ll
Be Seeing You” has good songs
land June Haver), and the Luna
has double billed "The Breaking
Point," a John Garfield adventure
film with it. Both Start Sunday.
This Is Oregon
\ POT a
And Its only March!