Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1951, Image 1

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    'Y' Fete Opens Saturday
The YW-YMCA International
Festival will open here Satur
day: foreign studentN who are
now attending schools In Oregon
will be present at the one-day
meeting. See story, page 5.
Orzaon Daily
M MBEIt ill
Student Entertainment 'Bad'
By Bill Frye
Campus entertainment was dealt
n slap in the face Tuesday by two
University officials who asserted
that a thorough housecleaning is
necessary to bring it back to a re
spectable level.
Mrs. Golda Wickham, director
of women's affairs, and Kay Hawk,
director of men's affairs, declared
that student entertainment had
gone completely out of bounds in
.judging good taste in entertain
ment at some of this year's social
The comments of Hawk and Mrs.
Wickham camp after they had met
with Senior Class President Steve
Church and five other students who
put on entertainment during the
Intermission of the Senior Ball.
Hawk said that two women and
two men of the group of five had
been placed on "personal proba
tion" by himself and Mrs. Wick
ham because of the "smutty" acts
in which they participated. A third
woman was prohibited from tak
ing part in any campus entertain
ment for the rest of her college
The action paralleled steps taken
by llawlt fall term in which one
student wan barred permanently
from taklrtg part in campus enter
tainment following his appearance
at a Homecoming rally. Hawk said
the atudent’s remarks had brought
"an avalanche of protest" from
[indignant parents and townspeople
Who were attending the rally.
Tn referring to entertainment
presented at the Senior Ball, Hawk,
i who is senior class adviser, said
that normally he would have check
ed the script, but that he was nut
of town that day and did not get
to the dance until Just before inter-,
The two official* agreed, how
ever, that It waan't their deal re
to "act aa eenaora” for all the en
tertainment that la put on at cam*
piia eventa. "That ahould he. left
to the atudenta," Hawk said, and
added that they ahould "get aome
thlng churning within student gov
He pointed to the Executive
Council as the place to atart and
aald It ahould present plana where
by the campus entertainment chair
man would he reaponaible for see
ing that entertainer* kept within
the circle of good taste.
I.R.L. Conference Opens
OFFICERS OF THE Oregon High School International Relation
League are, right to left: Robert Job, Springfield High School, his
torian; Eleanore Rigby, Farkrose High School, secretary treasurer;
Janies Gleason, .Medford High School, vice-president; and Robert
Glass, Eugene High School, president.
'U.S., U.N., World Crisis'
Chosen Theme of Meeting
Opening session of the fourth
annual International Relations
League Conference begins at 8 this
morning in the Student Union,
with Robert Glass, state IRL pre
sident, presiding.
Registration of high school dele
gates and advisers will continue
fftim 7:45 a.m. until its completion,
with the total to reach approxi
mately 235, Charles P. Schleicher,
professor of political science and
conference director, said.
General subject for the confer
ence, which is sponsored by the
Oregon Educational Association
and the University, is “The United
Nations, the United States and the
World Crisis.’’
Newborn Will Greet Delegates
University President H. K. New
burn will welcome delegates at
the opening session. A discussion
of “The United Nations Today"
will follow. Speakers will be Ivan
Nagy, assistant professor of poli
tical science, and Paul S. Dull,
associate professor of political
science and history.
Committee meetings for round
table discussions will occupy the
remainder of the day, with a lunch
eon and business meeting schedul
ed from 12:30-2 p.m. in the SU
ballroom. Discussion questions for
the roundtables were prepared in
a guide compiled by Schleicher,
who is executive secretary of the
International Relations Committee
of the OEA.
C. N. Official to Speak
William J. Bruce, assistant di
rector of the United Nations sta
tistical office, will deliver the main
address at the banquet at 6:30 to
night in the ballroom. His sub
ject will be "The United Nations -
Opportunities for Leadership."
Barry Mountain, ASUO prcsi-!
dent, representing the student body,
will welcome delegates. Entertain
ment at the banquet will be pre-1
sented by University, Eugene, and j
Willamette High School students.
Dancing and recreation will fol
A panel by foreign students of
the University will begin the Sat- j
urday program at 8:30 a.m. "As
Others See Us” will be the topic.!
Participants will be Basdco Mahar- ■
aja, India: Arne During, Sweden; ;
Maurice Morello, France: Yoshiko
Sekl, Japan; and Oscar HoesI, Ger
many. James Kline, foreign stu
dents advisor, will preside.
Assisting with all phases of the i
(Please turn to page eight)
Puddles, feathered mascot of I ho I nl\ rrillv of Orphan, was appar
ently stolen from tIn* campus by "aggie" marauders parly Thursday
\ report from Oregon State College received Thursday Informed
(lie l.merald that a large white duck bad “appeared” on the OSC
eamptiH. The ealler requested inlormatlon concerning the where
about a of I'liddles. A eheek with the home of Athletic Director I-co
Harris repealed that the duek was missing.
The tip came to the Kmerald when OSC Daily Barometer staff
man >lim Cluhhy ealled from Corvallis to inquire about the mascot.
He described the duek on the OS(' campus as “large and white.”
Asked whether the bird was a he or a she, (lahhv replied, “I durum
— I'm not that familiar with ducks.”
The prestige attached to capture of the mascot has its drawbacks,
however. At last report, Cluhhy was pluving nursemaid by feeding
the duck a mixture of oatmeal and water. Hi- said Ire had a hard time
finding anybody on the OSC campus—home of a large school of
agriculture — to tell him what to feed a duek.
Puddles is expected to put in an appearance at tonight's Oregon
OSC game in Corvallis' (.ill Coliseum.
IFC Nixes
I he Inter-1' rati rnity l‘oun
i il I liurxlav evening expressed
its disapproval of the present
rushing-pledging compromise,
wi111 the Inter-Dormitory
t ouncil and appointed a com
mittee to study the agreement
with members of the f DC.
IKC president Bill Barber said,
“The present arrangement is not
working out for fraternities. It is a
one-sided system. Fraternities de
serve a better deal a fair chance
at freshmen.”
The plan now in effect is the re
sult of a compromise between IF'.!
and the IDC fall term when th'
"hands-off” policy, complete dlsa.v
soelatlnn of fraternities -with fresh
men, proved to be unenforceable.
The fall term agreement abolish
ed the provision prohibiting social
intercourse between fraternities
and freshmen and established rc
; strictions on rushing and pledging.
However, curbs wc rc placed on
participation of freshmen in fra
ternity activities with basic loyal
ties directed toward dormitories.
The Inter-Dormitory Council i.s
sued a letter Ke b. 20 recommcnd
ing that all rushing and pledging
be delayed until the beginning of
the sophomore year. Ti e dormitory
council said that halls can have no
continuity of spirit or hall organi
zation from year to year so long
as fraternities have pledges living
m dormitories while their hearts
belong to the fraternity.
The IFC criticized the present
“melancholy compromise ' because
its provisions do not allow suffi
cient contact between freshmen
and fraternities of which they are
• pledges. Dormitories arc given pre
I cedencc in sc heduling of living 01
| gamzation mee tings, IFC metnbet a
Donald DuShane. director of stn
- cii-nt affairs, told the fraternity rc
(P'ca.tr turn in fner ctiyht)
'Meonesf Men'
Steal Alpha Xi
Red Cross Fund
The campus Thursday had two
candidates for the title of "mcan
est man In the world,” even though
they didn't collect much.
Two unidentified men — appar
ently of college age — presented
themselves as Red Cross drive re
presentatives at 7:20 p.m. Thurs
day at the Alpha Xi Delta sorority
house and collected the house's
daily donation to the fund.
The money, $2.80, hasn't been
seen since.
Red Cross drive heads warned
other living organizations that
Joanne Kelley, Delta Gamma, and
Joan Renner, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma, are the only persons authorized
to collect house contributions.
{Stephanie Scott, the Alpha Xi
representative who turned over the
money, did not know the two men,
who were wearing Red Cross but
tons. One wore a leather jacket.
City police arc investigating the
'Goodbye, My Fancy'
Opens Here Tonight
"Goodbye, My Fancy,” opens 'at
8 this evening in the new Arena
Theater of Villard Hall. Ottilic
Scybolt directs the University
Theater production.
Box office for the Broadway
hit comedy will be moved from the
main theater to the main hall of
V'dlard at 7:30 each performance
evening. The play will be present
ed tonight and Saturday, and Mon
day through Saturday next week.
Entrance to the Arena Theater
is through the north door of Vil
lard. Box office is in the center
hall. There are no reserved scats,
hut there arc no tickets available
for cither performance this wcek
I end.
Lead roles in the Fay Kanin
1 comedy will be played by Gerry
I Hettinger, Ed Itagozzino, Beverly
Gratton, and Donn Doak.
Technical director is William
E. Schlosser, assisted by Harry
Bidlake. Stage manager for the
production is Kathleen Wisdom,
who is also assistant director.
In the large cast are Sandra
Price, Barbara Baker, Susan Perry,
Miss Wisdom, LcRue Daniel, Eri?
Matthews, Ken Olsen, Ted Thomp
son, Jo Curry, Helen Johnson, Su"
Polsky, Helen Jean Ncuber, Joanne.
Forbes, Taul Wexler, Dougla
Ambers, Bob Chambers, and Dave
On the stage crews are Patricia
Matsler, Miss Forbes, Avis Lange,
Gailerd Smith, and Joanne Secoy.
Heading the staff of business
manager Virginia Hall are Mary
Ellen Burrell and Phyllis Keller,
ticket managers; Ralph Wide,
house manager; and Phillip John
son, assistant house manager.
Red Cross Drive Donations Far Below Quota
The campus Red Cross Drive
goes into its last clay today, with
the University far behind the $3,
000 total set last year. As of Thurs
day morning, the total collections
had not yet hit 25 per cent of the
hoped-for total.
Thursday night Collections
Chairman Virginia Kellogg report
ed that $462.55 had been raised
since Monday, when the drive start
ed. The fund-raising campaign will
continue into Saturday, and is not
expected to be extended.
Lane County Red Cross officials
have set no official quota to be
reached by the University. The
campus total will be included with
that of Eugene and surrounding
area. However, Miss Kelloog said
that the Red Cross committee and
Last Day to Report
All living organizations imist
turn in figures of amount of
money collected today by 7 p.in.
to the chairmen of the men's and
women’s collections committees.
Men’s houses are to contact
Joanne Kenner, Kappa Kappa
(iamma, and women's houses
Joanne Kelley, Delta (iamma.
Eugene Red Cross officials had as
sumed that the University would
do at least as well as it did dur
ing the Red Cross drive last year.
Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Phi Epsi
lon continued to lead living organi
zations in amount of money collect
ed. Women's houses still lead men's
in amount raised. No house has
yet reported 100 per cent subscrip
tion to the drive.
Representatives in each living
organization are asking members
to contribute at least one dollar
to the cajnpaign, for which they
will receive a membership card in
the 1951 Red Cross. For those un
able to give $1 now, pledge cards
will be given, to be replaced with
a membership card when the full
amount is contributed.
Off-campus students may
contribute at booths in the Co-on
and in the Student Union. An ofi
campus collections committee, und
er the chairmanship of Chuck
Isaak, is also circulating through
the University housing projects.
The University of Oregon is one
of nearly 3,000 colleges and univer
sities throughout the country which
are participating, in the annual Red
Cross drive for funds. Some, like
the University of Oregon, have
practically separate fund-raising
campaigns. Others are participat
ing with local organizations.
At the present figure of $407.51,
it can bo estimated that about 407
people have so far contributed $1.