Gracious Landlord .Life in a Trailer-Mixture of Pink Dreams, Ugly Reality, Free Paint By C harlot te Uraydon •' Unit call for breakfast Jack Hilling* i* on already " It * no long er your room-mate you're railing It's your husband H(. mumble* that hr '* going U* rut The*. 3 a m study hours bring such a hmtgovei You remind him that one more cut and the dean will lower his gr*d. Mmni hmnt He* moving If you're in a good mood, y*>u serve him coffee in bed to lure hint gently In o trailer that's an easy w«v t<> pamper a husband Thr coffee pot is just around the corner from the bed "Watch that lop step when you go out Us icy You never gave your room-mate such mother ly advice The poor man still Isn't awake There he goes on his back side tooth brush and towel in air and one half-awake husband sitting on his front dt><»r step at 7 30 a m It's a cold old way to start the rooming but It'll wake your bus hand every time Some apartments have central heat the trailers have central plumbing You gel that same pio neer feeling every morning when you walk dow n the slippery wooden walk to shower Kight o'clock* are hard on break fast but usually It'S bacon and eggs, orange juice and toast or maybe waffles or oatmeal After you're married, breakfasts are a matter of mood You don't have to eat what the house rook Is serving It's nice to rook Just what you please On the other hand there are those dishes to do before a nine o'clock and there'* the dinner cooking to do when you should be reading that sociology assignment in the reserve room You try to remember half a do* en things before going to class Turn the heat off lake Hie coffee off the hot {date leave money for the ice man The milkman will find a note from your husband "Just two quarts today Beer’s cheaper now *' Campfire Theme SetforYW Dinner With on evening ■ around • the < anipfire a* the theme. the YWCA sophomore commission is laying pinna for its final dinner to be held Thursday at Gerlingcr Y'W house representatives have been advised by Harriet Valley, ticket chairman, to purchase tlicir tickets at the YWCA office in Gerlingcr sometime today Janice Kvans and Jackie Wilkes are in charge of program arrange ments Showing of slides taken at Camp Seabeck and typical camp fire entertainment will lie featured Miss Kvans said, "We want every one to get in the mood and really enjoy themselves at this final dinner ” Sue l.i' hty and Mtmi Jones are handling food arrangements for the dinner, which is scheduled for fi:30 p.m. and Is open to all sophomore women. ri.c«<&N A quick »»‘ocji over the floor and a few {tat* to the t>retilionrr* would lx- used in some i npa< ity Fund* obtained from the WHMF drive anenke! a. promotion, (xisters. soliciting, pub licity. and special events the W8HF drive will need a general secretary and a treasurer The V odvil co-chairmen. Bill Lee* and Bobble Howard are call ing for committees for Judges and awards, stage and lighting, pro gramming, tickets, and poster* Petition* for either the drive or the Vodvii may Ik- turned In to Jackie Wilkes, Klgmn Kappa; Bobbie Howard, Alpha Delta Pl: or Bill Lee*, Alpha Hall Hi Dads We'd like to Recommend our Good, Inexpensive Luncheons and those necessary in-between snacks time in the trailer* until ih< > > get a Columbia or Arwmn as-art merit, particularly if Ihry have • hll .Jrrn There they II have private hatha, a little more room. and wood oluveo UfllrM they buy their < A heating and eooktng fa< time* In the trailer* you rook on a tw. burner Kvrrtiol babe in a trmj«-ra mental KvrnlvM and heat the dl*h water in a teakettle country style Hut with planning you ran serve « .* e|| balanced rneol every night and Still keep Up with term papers Meal ataya <•« the daily menu bit aui'h old favorites as »V.» ado s.vla and frozen slrawberires don't show up very often Tor many husbands and wives the bousing < hoii e will mean the i h»i> e between a private bath t> a It H drgfr* Ko you rhoow a trailer and find it *urpr.singly tins w*d lie as rain-tight as a crepe • soled sl«-- Tile CnlvefeHy Is an easy g ing landlord The |2C, a month re- t |n< It. ! e atl i.Ullties With University f-.srntshe I paint you ran paint the place a.- y mad rotor y u please One >t.n >e »n eye stopper in f> if shades Of f .r pie Tt-.e 1‘nlve -sty asks no tj a contras* from the one t pe « landlady * ho sniffed ' Smoke ' "Yet" T-sj bad “ i No aj»artf- enl i Study conditions are g<»*d in C e trailers a p»td of coffee maybe a fresh |em-»t> pie and 'quiet b. ■.}* itUil your husband Ihumhs through » dog-eared House Iteautiful and you start talking ah>»nt that house you're going to build t he of these days Choral Union Plans Concert T !*e ■ n • v tjtf Otrgtm i>Whof A 1 i*t '■-> * ■ |'“-r.*r- f| i«f 2^) V' f> W'f|J * an a <.{• c.J 1 Maf fc M * rf .V’.f ( fisr v •% i)| * * Th» ! V.iol t>) I N>j! l«J AlHoft ft.fc |»t r tf f H]Uj»k will hf* by th<* rmvrrwiiy r cv: r R E N T A C/3 C R E P A I R S OFFICE MACHINERY & supply mu Mil. 1 I rh *./tit We £ atend a Jfeariq Welcome ta all Oregon Dads EUGENE WATER BO AM -——■ Bring Dad in to m iiunt hke a:mo*phtfc 0 l-lr-K ommrmlcd by Duncan Hwf • 1 i. y ■ > ihe C t- J*U» • All you ».in' 10 cal and your « > < •* tup is never empiy Arrange now for that Pad's Day Dinner on Kincaid j> ' off lii!' HI DAD! forget your worries! this is the week-end you're supposed to relax—and you can, too, at the i CRYSTAL ROOM EUGENE HOTEL