Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1951, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Don Smith Quits Post
ftonbaned from fui/t <*«*■)
Kxrrullvr Council Inst spring n* »
rrprcjwnutiv<« of UHA jmrly
"Hacauae of my own npalhy. #1
thin time, toward* student govern
ment " Smith's tetter of irslgna
ttori n>id, “and because of other
tlme-coruiumlng Interest*, I do not
feel capable of Serving the senior
claa» a* one of Hit repirsentutlves
on the Council."
Petitions for the vacant pomlIon
Will be accepted In the AHt'fl of
Exec Council Agendo
(Hr the agenda for tonight’*
meeting of the ASt'O K»ecutl\r
< ouncll:
I. Melertlon of AIM'ampu* Vod*
*11 eo-chairmen
!. Inter* lew* for Hport* Night
3. IM*«-u**lon of rampit* drfenae
4. AHt’O eon*Mtutlnn
flee until ft pm Friday. Mountain
announce.| The other senior class
representative la Tom King
Council members approved the
appointment* -*r Mm- Wilke?, and
Mia* Howard after the two had
been chosen by the University
Religious Council A controversy
•vet which group the HeItgtou*
Council or the Kxrcultve Council
should name VVHHK and Vodvil
chairmen wu m-llled Thursday by
Mountain and student religious
Tin* executive Council Krulny
nprovrd the ngicement which wan
made, and had It inaat led in Uu
by-law* of th* AHtJn The agree
nient »inird that lit*- WHHK drive
will tie M|MiniM)r<'<l by ibe Umver
nlty Kcllglou* Council
Th*- nll-cnmpu* Vodvil nhnll be
n part of thi* fund drive, and the
chairmen of both ahull t»e appoint
a) by the KeltgtoU* Council, It w»»
ft greed
\ tut til Co-Chairman
However, when the Vodvil in
jvtrt »f a major campon waekrnd
mirli a* Duck Preview co-chatr
man tor the Vodvil will lie iminerl
by the ASttO group
The addition to the by-lawn #l*o
naid that all fund* collected in the
name of WHHK nhall be turned over
directly to thl» 01 ganirutlon for
dtntrlhotton through their regular
Senior Ball Draws
230 Couples to SU
Approximately 230 couple* danc
ed to the mume of King Terry and
bin orrhentra Saturday night at
the Senior Hall in the ballroom of
the Student Union
The informal ‘lance was billed
an the "Colton Ticker* Hall ' and
saw decoration* ami dr< m in line
with the theme
Oreqon Press Conference Draws 20
fCnnhniifit frtnn MO* onf)
nf Auinti n liwili'l cltlljrht cited.
tiiiFi.nf cumnenow. and
11 1011*1 |ir«nN hadernhifi, I hut time
1.) now. K'rnr concluded
( rlthUin ArliiHn*W|rd
In hi» report <>n thr Journnliem
School. Ha filin' ocknowledgrd the
■ I nii min of working nrwapaprt
men who ii-rin journaltam nrhool*
nn "I h oof r Ural nil'! UnrralUltIO,'
but explained t fn- |»inn for n bund
general tm. kground which n )<iiirii
allam Mtudrltl »t Ihr Univrrnlly rr
< riven ami outlined Ihr benefit* of
nn iijij*ri dlvlaton m hool
’ (• iom n )oiiniali»m education
Wr Wltlll eager, alrlt young lorn
and women who understand what
if in they rr trained for. who uiwki
litMul that they need a large •«»*
nurr of common «’»*• a* wrli an
book knowledge who appfrc lair
tfir fact that thry atlh hnvr much
to fraili rcjjardlron of Ihrlr univrr
nit V degree, and w ho haVr r*n rivrd
ihrir technical Information againut
thr rvn nr. rmvary ha> kgroultd of
a general edueatlon " Hablnr said
ItulMIug I'tann
f’Una for a nrw )ourn»ll*«t build
lug on thr Univrfnity compu* were
|,rr i.*ntr<! by Sabine nn art ex ten ■
nfon of thr *M hool 111 thr future
Although Hablnr wa* unahlr to
. rollit thr <lnlr ,.f .1 ret ion 'if thr
nrw at nurture. hr mid that Mwr
now h»v<- architect* blueprint* for
tl)r n . •:! rfficirlilly planned Jotirn
ulinii* unit m lhe»* I'nllnl Hinli
A program of trliiihililiilhiii of the
I>i.-*>«-111 journalism building bo* ul
so been planned. Hi»M»i«- i>i«i™i
Constant contact will* the work
lug press of the atatc, active work
|,y | he fm Ulty in l hr- e off l 111 lid 11 II
Ilona research field. and the giov,
lug prograrrf fur graduate students
■ATI* rki«ilug m hlrvi-rm-ntu fur the
». hoot rtlnl by Habine
Mm ray M Moln, intermounlaln
manager <»f tlniteci 1'imt spoke at
the annual preas conferenc« Ian
rjllrl Killjoy evening in the Hugsnr
Hotel Holer's sj«*ei h was entitled
llutf’lllir Korea
Muter, who baa te< ently return
r <| trorn I lie tmtllr area declared
Hint t'niled Mtales soldier* m Kl,
n o feel that they have a (nil (•< do
"C-'otnmunlnro. they f»e|. rnuat t-e
stopped in It* track* in Klilen ult
lea* we re to attempt to atop tl
laler on even blnodnI bottle field*
in our own country
"The rontputwiry < ensnrshtp. a*
now enforced, I* usually more ton
fusing than restrictive," M-.lel
mid "Ninety-nine |>et rent of the
lie Women oJoUOtetl |»»fe«t|y Willi
ih t?,r biun )> of Voluntary ici.sor
rh.p or new * involving military
security during th< fir»i »i* month*
if 'he war he said
The reporting of torrenpiiHlenl*
ti K"rea was haile-l l,y Jkfoler a*
ol e of the gieolcsl Jobs turned
n in (he h.story of journalism
round tl»«- wort<1"
f ' r" .. h*v,
-«t Ut rVlTfl 111);),IT .
■ i««uolliP, than (;I|1
... v ,,
< knKM t«-|Ci(iniri)f h#,
'h- l»vrn of ,„o„
l otuff.' lily ,^1,^,1 A((
MW lion Chl*-f of Ihf ,
IMK alatlon At Aro,
PMM '"i,f. r< , ,
Km milky rio,)IlK
!-<• |^lrtt<v| out ’t.*t
fcnMwtr<!K* >>«« aff«tH
Of bkrkuty %n4
lur<- in Ihr ' Ivilian world
fk'ulllrt l|„. )u|, )ft
l»»|f M )<-(>< ■• n«-*n for l|,a
Ian** .f la*k Of
writer* waa |»>-wr,tm] t,y
retttmmrtuii*} , io^.r
tw-M-fi <l«-j,.irtrr.^riU ;I) ,
uMivrn,nu-« to fwovxk
y*ut V. With ft Iifj
I’olitw#) rrn*lic»J ,rul
a|Jl Wultur u») rrfK>n.rn
morn in th*- ItftHt
fell' k|JI o .• <]a ,
(’oitfr-ono- i.ffitrr*
lh<* firm! !!•< ' til jf rtf»
Half’ll Ktolk-r fmhtuK
C(K|'Ullr VaS!<-v K*nU
M«Kini>ry. of tji«
Artf-r lo loij 'rant
of l Ik F.r \r U Alk»
Kun-1. and far 1 \V--on
}>«of*Bi«,r of ri.i..
-: §8
. sit
NtatocsAm |
Ttkip M C»»m 1
YES... Compare Chesterfield with the brand you’ve been
smoking...Open a pack...enjoy that milder Chesterfield aroma.
And—tobaccos that smell milder, smoke milder. So smoke
Chesterfields.../tay do smoke milder, and they’re the only cigarette