Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 01, 1951, Page Seven, Image 7

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Place your ad at the Student
Union, main desk or at the
Shack, in person or phone ext.
219, between 2 and 4 p.m.
Bates: First insertion 4c a
word; subsequent insertions,
2c per word.
FOR RENT: Trailer space—very
nice. Near U. of O. Couple only.
1481 Columbia. 71
FOR SALE: Tire chains 600x16
3 for $5. Call 47865 6-8 evening’.
FOR SALE: 39 Dodge 4 door RH
new seat covers. Paint thin motor
excellent, good tires must sell.
Phone 5-1226 evenings. Bud
Hurst. 69
LOST: Phi Delt crested ring near
P. E. Building. Finder contact
Stan Stratton Phi Delt House.
Reward. 71
WANTED: Riders to L. A., Feb
ruary 5, Stan Spohr 4-8196. 71
FOR SALE: Heavy-duty kitchen
aid mixer. Like new. Call House
Manager, Sigma Alpha Mu.
FOR SALE: Student desk, tux
size 36. Argus A-2 35 m.m.
camera. Call 4-9785. 71
LOST: Black and white female
Springer Spaniel. Please return
to 1653 Agate St. Reward. 71
SU Board
(Continued from Page one)
ectorate Chairman Dewey Wilson
and a treasurer’s report by Ed
Wilson explained activities and
plans of the Student Union stand
ing committees and also present
ed a recommendation by the direc
torate that the SU resume check
room service, j. . _ .
Williams Rejects Proposal
The recommendation was reject
ed by Dick Williams, Student Un
ion director, on the ground that
the costs of maintaining that area
of the SU required a reduction of
expenditures. Check room service
is now being provided for non-stu
dent functions only, Williams said.
These groups assume checking
costs, he explained.
Williams said the recent drop in
University enrollment was costing
the SU $3,000 and that by dis
continuing check room service $2,
200 of this amount could be made
up. ,
Night Editor: Jean Asplund
Night Staff: Sarah Turnbull,
La Vaun Krueger, Connie Per
kins, Phil Johnson
If you think we need television
comedians, you haven’t been pay
ing much attention to some of the
'Mosf Important' Sees Show
WITH SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Acheson (right) leading the
singing of a hymn and with Mrs. Alben Barkley, wife of the vice
president, holding his wheel chair, Pfc. Anthony Troilo looks in
wonderment on the stage of Constitution Hall in Washington, dur
ing the VIP (Very Important Persons) amateur 'show. Acheson in
troduced Troilo, who lost both legs fighting in Korea, as the “most
important person here." (AP WIREPHOTO)
Graduate Induction Postponement
Now 'Legal' Says Headquarters
Official word concerning the
choice of service and the 30-day in
duction postponement for gradu
ates was received Wednesday by
Ray Hawk, director of men’s af
fairs, from the state, headquarters
of the Selective Service System.
This is the first information re
ceived locally from official sources
regarding the matter.
Quoting a joint release of the
Department of Defense and the
Director of Selective Service, the
state draft headquarters .points
out that “The Secretary of De
fense, General Marshall, issued an
order officially rescinding, in the
case of college students, the inter
service agreement of Aug. 9, 1948.”
Under this agreement no armed
service would accept voluntary en
listments after a man had been
notified to report for his pre-induc
tion physical examination.
Groupings Reopened
At the same time Major General
Lewis B. Hershey, director of sel
ective service, announced that he
would “reopen, in the last month
of the college year, the classifica
Send Your Shirts
With Your Cleaning
tion of all students who were order
ed to report for induction during
the year, but whose induction was
postponed” by an amendment to
the Selective Service Act, ‘‘and
who desire to volunteer by enlist
ment in a service of their choice.”
This action cancels all previous
orders to report for induction, and
renews the right of students to en
list in any branch where openings
are available.
No Obligation Noted
In making known his intention
to reopen classifications Hershey
“emphasized that no change in
obligation of students to serve
was contemplated.”
Text of the telegram received
by the state director of selective
service from Hershey is:
“Postpone induction for 30 days
of all college students who are be
ing graduated at this time and
having their statutory postpone
ments terminated for that reason.
This 30 days’ postponement is to
enable such graduates to obtain
employment in essential industry.
Upon showing of such employment
local boards should be requested
to reopen the cases of such regist
rants and consider classification
Business Manager
(Continued from page one)
through winter term, 1951, and to
be paid:
“a. A guarantee of $70, or
“b. 8 percent of the first $1760
of advertising income, whichever
is greater (a. or b.); plus 25 per
cent of all collected advertising
revenue from the Oregon Daily
Emerald above the total of $1760;
"With the provision that the pre
sent advertising staff members of
the Oregon Daily Emerald be con
tinued in their positions at the
pleasure of the Student Publica
tions Board; with the understand
ing that any person so selected by
the Student Publications Board
serve through winter term, 1951,
unless earlier relieved, or not be
paid any amount for his services.”
By Marilyn Patterson
On Jan. 28, 1950, a male figure
could be seen beating his way
through snow and wind. He was
heavily burdened, and could hard
ly keep his eyes on the lights of
the train depot as he fought his
way toward it.
That was "Dad—Oregon's Man
of the Half Century,” coming down
to visit son pr daughter and the
299 other fathers for Dad’s Day
In the depot, he met Hostess
Bobbie Chambers and some Skull
and Dagger men who took care of
his luggage. Then off to the cam
Group to Interview
King Candidates
Semi-finalists for the title of
King of Hearts, to reign over the
YWCA-sponsored Heart Hop. will
be interviewed beginning at 6:30
p.m. tonight in the Student Union.
Connie Ohlsen and Pat Johnson,
co-chairman of the selection com
mittee, have announced.
Six finalists will be selected in
tonight’s judging. Their pictures
and personal interviews will appear
in the Emerald as soon as possible,
Gretchen Grefe, publicity chairman,
stated Wednesday.
‘ Semi-finalists are Pierre Pas
quio. Alpha Tan Omega; George
McMath, Beta Theta Pi; Dick
Fuhr, Campbell Club; Dick Mc
Laughlin, Chi Psi; Fred Sehneiter,
Delta Tau Delta; Jerry Irion, Mc
Chesney Hall; Mike Lally, Phi
Gamma Delta; Wilson Wilt, Phi
Kappa Psi; Martel Scroggins, Phi
Kappas Sigma; Merv Hampton,
Sigma Alpha Mu; Curt Finch, Sig
ma Phi Epsilon: and Henry Wede
meyer, Sherry Ross Hall.
Posters regarding the Heart Hop
will be distributed to living organi
zations over the weekend, and fly
ing speeches with the final King
of Hearts candidates will continue
through Thursday of next week,
Jody Greer, promotion chairman,
! disclosed Wednesday.
Another Mixer
Set for Friday
Crowd participation dances and
three acts of entertainment will
highlight the mixer to be held
from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight Fri
day in the Student Union Ball
Getting more "coed cooperation”
is the main objective of the dance,
Ralph Hillier, chairman of the SU
dance committee explained.
All houses are to announce the
dancing during Friday night din
ner hour.
Special emphasis is placed on
the stags of both men's and wom
en’s living organizations to at
tend, Hillier concluded.
That evening Dad watched dinf
Oregon Webfoots lick Washington
Huskies 63 to 60.
Sunday morning church services
centered around paternal interests.
Even downtown store windows had
welcome displays!
Yes. Dad had a good time last
year in spite of the snow. The 23rd
weekend celebrated in his honor
is scheduled for Feb. 23 to 25, and
preparations are under way right
now to make his stay really pack
ed with interest.
SU Luncheon Site
His luncheon will be in the Stu
dent Union—-has he seen it yet?
He will watch our hoopsters battle
the Washington State Cougars
Feb. 24.
However, there is work to be
done. A contest will be held to
award the living organization with
the highest percentage of invita
tion letters sent to fathers. Three
cups will be given.
Living groups again will com
pete in the sign contest. Rules for
which will be published in the
Emerald later. An award is also
offered for this.
Dad will even get a special
i Have you written your dad yet?
James Stewart
Foreign Movie Club Selection
Willy Forst's
art perception
'( )Uii
"The Big Wheel”
Mickey Rooney
'Blue Grass of Kentucky”
Bill Williams
Vl spp'.NOriri;) 7*2/01
John Wayne
“Rio Grande”
Mickey Rooney
c;r., >F IF i n I 7-340?
The Student Union
Virginia City Players
from Montana
* .
Can-Can Girls
Barber Shop Quartet
Shooting of Dan MeGraw
8:15 p.m. Saturday
I'eb. 3rd., 1951 S. U. Ballroom
Price—Students, 50c; Adults 70c