Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1951, Page Eight, Image 8

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8—IVCF, Men’s Lounge Ger.
[ 9:30—RE Week Coffee Hour,
110-111 SU
11:45—Chem. Dept., 110 SU
YWCA-Intn’l Luncheon,
111 SU
1—RE Week Conferences, 112
113-333 SU
8—SU Music Comm., 206 SU
3:30—RE Week Cultural
Forum, Dad’s Lounge SU
4— IVCF Lecture, 333-334 SU
Senior Ball Promotion, 110
WAA Booths Comm., 315
Cosmopolitan Cabinet,
Men’s Lounge Ger.
UO Assembly Comm., 337
4:30—RE Week Forum, Ball
room SU
Trepp Lecture, 213-214. SU
5— Mortarboard, 111 SU
6— Beta Alpha Psi Init., 333
IVCF, Alumni Hall
6:30—Beta Alpha Psi Dinner,
11.3 SU
Kwama, 334 SU
SU Recreation Comm., 313
YMCA Cabinet Meeting,
318 SU
7— Newman Study Club, 333
Alpha Phi Omega, 112 SU
Chr. Science Organiz., 1152
Emerald St.
7:30—Recorded Concert, 206
Symposium, 111 SU
Delta Nu Alpha, 110 SU
J1FC, Delta Upsilon
8— SU Directorate, 302 SU
Dames Club, Men’s Lounge
8:15—Millikan Lecture, Ball
room SU
' 8:15—Hillel Club, 333-334 SU
Frosh to Vote
On Constitution
The new constitution drawn up
by the freshman council was vot
ed on by freshman residents in all
houses and halls Monday night.
The proposed constitution was pre
sented to each group by the coun
cil representative. Results of the
vote are still indefinite.
Designed to cover any problem
which might arise in the school
year, the constitution has been
ratified and approved by the coun
cil. If the constitution meets the
approval of the majority of the
class it will go into effect immedi
ately. Standing committees will be
selected to begin work on various
class functions, such as the frosh
Council members will return re
sults of the voting at their meet
ing Wednesday night.
Oregon Library
Receives First
New Paint Job
The old section of the Univer
sity Library is now being repaint
ed for the first time since it was
built in 1937, I. I. Wright, super
intendent of the physical plant re
Thus far the physical plant
workers have painted the reserve
reading room, the reference room,
first floor and basement, the future
reading room in the basement, and
the circulation room.
Ceilings have been painted off
white to aid in the general light
ing, Wright said. The walls of the
phone booths have been painted
black in an attempt to keep people
from scribbling on them.
Within the coming year the
physical plant expects to repaint
the second floor of the library.
Some changes in the lighting in
the building may also be made,
Wright concluded.
Federal aid is simply a system of
taking money from the people and
making it look like a gift when
you hand it back.
Needle-shy Donor Ogles
Nurses as Blood Spills
By Bob Thalhofer
Idle thoughts of one of the Red
Cross’s sacrificial lambs.
. . . .Twenty-one? Well, I guess!
Yes, I filled out one of those cards.
.What’s the tag for I wonder?
I hope they don’t expect any
trouble. Maybe they use these tags
for expeditious handling of the re
mains. . . .Say, aren’t these girls
in the white sweaters and skirts a
bunch of cuties though. And look
at those Pepsodent smiles!
_Take off my jacket? How
could she know it was my shirt ? I
guess it does look like a jacket at
Girls Again
. .. .Oh, boy, a chair and girls
again. . .That guy better not horn
in. I’ll let him know what I think
about line buckers.. ..
Name and address. Wonder how
many times they ask you that
around here? Gads, imagine that
25 years old... .Looks like they’ve
got all the top brass from the RO
out this morning. There’s the Lt.
Col. and Major Palm. Just for
kicks I’d like to ask them if those
suspenders were GI. .. .
I wish they’d take this thermo
meter out of my mouth. How long
does it take to check a tempera
ture anyway ? Ninety-seven point
six and 62 on the pulse. That girl
thought she was pretty funny with
that crack about me not being
Have to Wait
Holy smokes, you mean we real
ly have to wait for all these peo
ple? Chairs again. I’ll be worn out
by the time my turn comes with
all this hopping from chair to
chair. At least they are warm. I
think I’ll fool them this time and
wait two moves before I hop again.
That skiing is taking its toll
Why there’s that St. Vincent nurse,
wonder how her brother is doing
in the Air Force?... .Why don’t
they let a person answer all these
questions by himself? Must think
we’re all stupid. . . .
Gee, that band is tight on my
arm, and here comes the needle!
Well, it wasn’t too bad consider
ing that I’m getting more needle
shy every time. . . .Look at that
smile on the redhead. She really
must enjoy leading us to the
slaughter... .
Apple Juice!
More tables and more chairs. .. .
Apple juice! They really do this
thing up right. Say, this is good.
No, Major, this isn't my second
cup, I coddle my drinks-Why
must they have use sitting here
where we can see those people ly
ing on those cots? This waiting
is bad enough without that. Look
at that girl, is she pale.
Why, there’s my RO company
commander, what’s his name, any
way ? Say, this is really a great
place to meet people.
Woops, it's my turn to go where
the blood does flow. . . .1 must say,
that everyone is certainly friend
'City of God' Topic
Of Breen SU Talk
Dr. Quirinus Breen, professor
of history and social science, will
speak on “The City of God” by
Saint Augustine from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Browsing
Room at the Student Union.
Dr. Chandler B. Beall, professor
of romance languages, will lead
the discussion.
Miss Bernice Rise, reader's
consultant, announced that the
general public is invited.
YWCA Petitions
Accepted all Week
Petitions for YWCA cabinet
(positions will be accepted
through this week, Lois Green
wood, executive secretary, an
nounced Monday.
Interviews are now being given
for applicants. Those who are
; petitioning for positions requiring
| interviews may check at the YW
| headquarters in Gerlinger any
! time this week.
ly around here. This nice old lady
makes me feel like somebody’s
father the way she’s leading me
around... .They could use a little
more padding on these tables if
you ask me, and a little more
length wouldn’t hurt.
Use A Bed Rail
If that woman from Springfield
wants a pillow she oughta rest
her head on the bed rail. I’ve seen
worse. First time she’s ever been
in the SU, huh. It sure is a swell
place all right....
So this cute little nurse is from
Providence! Looks as if I missed
a good deal by not doing a little
more operating out there. St. Vin
cent grads all over.Novacaine!
That’s new. Don’t remember them
using that the last time I went
through this. But the last time
they jabbed me four times, too!. : . .
There’s that cute little girl from
the ski trip. Gee, they’re tapping
her on both sides.. . .And all the
time I thought that I was a blue
Blue Blood
Half a pint to go... .Heck, no,
I don’t need the stool to get off. . .
More old ladies leading you around.
. .Woops, better not step on that
fella. He really took a dive.
Ah, hah, a cot, no less....
I can’t see staying here for ten
minutes. I feel fine. Gotta get borne
to eat, too. .. .Now, I have to sit
for five minutes. Whatta system,
whatta system!.. .There’s that cute
AOPi. What’s she doing with the
Red Cross uniform?...
Too bad tnese aren’t the two-for
fifteen donuts. .. .Hmm, I never
knew she was a counselor at Hend
ricks. Nice little group we have
herd.Ob, oh! That girl just
keeled over out of her chair against
that fella. Guess I had better get
home to lunch. J
World's Fate Our Problem-Case
(Continued from page one)
the dying soldier who was shown
the theory that “you never give
up the things that make life enjoy
able; but you take them with you,”
Dr. Case demonstrated that it is
within man’s power to answer
these questions and to “become
great by answering life’s ultimates
“Now is not the time to settle
back, for there is no ease in sight.
But this is a time filled with -pos
sibility,” Dr. Case concluded his
address. *
David Seaman, director of Wes
ley Foundation, introduced Dr.
Speak Today
Dr. Daniel McGloin and Dr.
Harold Case will be featured
speakers today as Religious Em
phasis week activities swing into
their second day.
A change in program has been
effected so that Father McGloin
will speak tonight at 8:15 in the
SU ballroom instead of the pre
viously scheduled speech by Dr.
Robert Millikan, Cal Tech physi
cist. Dr. Millikan will speak Wed
nesday night at 8:15 on “The
Road to Peace.”
Father McGloin will use as his
address topic, “A Stake in Tomor
row’s World.” Dr. Case’s address
will be given this afternoon at
2:00 in the SU ballroom.
There has also been a change
in the program for the Hillel meet
ing. The talk by Rabbi Leo Trepp
will be given at 8:15 p.m. in the
Student Union.
Also this afternoon at 4:00 in
207 Chapman, Dr. Millikan will
conduct a joint science seminar.
This morning’s devotional ser
vice is being conducted by Wesley
house in Alumni hall from 7:30
to 7'50 a.m. At 7 a.m. a mass is
conducted in Gerlinger Annex by
Father McGloin.
Tomorrow’s Program
Tomorrow the Y M C A and
YWCA are in charge of the morn
ing devotions which will be held
in the Men’s Lounge of the SU.
Dr. J. Randolph Sasnett, director
of the RIE Foundation will speak
on “Reverence.” Gretchen Gron
dahl \vill be student leader.
The second in the dinner fireside
programs will be conducted to
night. House pairings were listed
in yesterday’s Emerald with Mar
garet Powne in charge. The fire
side program this week is ar
ranged so that the speakers come
to dinner at one of the houses
and then the other houses schedul
ed assemble after the dinner. “Cer
tainties in an Uncertain Wo’^af
the theme of the week, is the fire
side theme.
Everyone Knows it
why shouldn't you?
are the thing
to do.
‘ (flyfe to fioct Gt uligion
ootid do (Hfh Sr—
He mWt!
You admire this kid, don’t you? He’s got
guts enough to stand up for his pitcher
against the whole opposing team.
But this kid has more than guts! He has
grasped one of our very oldest American
traditions—that men and women have the
right to be judged on the basis of their
individual merits. Being “foreign” is noth
ing against an individual—nor is his race—
nor is his religion.
It’s up to each of us to keep disunity
from our families, our community and our
Make sure that you are not spreading
rumors against a race or a religion.
Speak up, wherever you are, against pre
judice, and work for better understanding.
Remember that’s being a good American
Accept or reject people
on their individual worth