Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1951, Page Six, Image 6

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    Ad Scholarship Contest Modified
1 The Joseph R. Gerber Co. ad
vertising research scholarship,
heretofore open only to students
with exceptionally high grades, has
been modified to allow all students
of advertising and marketing at
the University to compete, accord
ing to word received from Gerber
last week.
- To compete for the scholarship
students must complete an adver
tising and merchandising thesis,
preferably with an Oregon pro
duct or potential product as its
subject. All research and creative
work is done by the student.
The scholarship is awarded to a
junior at commencement time each
year and is considered sufficient
to pay tuition and fees during the
.senior year.
Winner of last spring’s award
was Don Thompson, senior in
journalism and business manager
of the Emerald, whose thesis was
entitled “Marketing Frozen Fish.”
Oregana Requests
Name Corrections
Students with names spelled
wrong in the “Piggers’ Guide”
may continue reporting misspel
lings to the Oregana office this
week if they wish the spelling
corrected in the yearbook, Editor
Ruth Landry said Sunday.
Names for the yearbook are
taken from the student direct
ory, and any names spelled
wrong in the “Piggers' Guide”
will probably be spelled wrong
in the Oregana unless corrections
are made, Miss Landry explained.
Miss Landry requests students
whose names are misspelled or
ommitted from the Piggers'
Guide to notify the Oregana of
fice during afternoons this week.
Telephone number is Ext. 239.
Class Officer Bids
Due 5 p.m. Monday
Mazharul Islam, junior in archb
tecture from Pakistan, will lead an
informal discussion on his native
land today at Christian House.
The discussion will begin at 4
p.m. and will be part of the house’s
International Tea Hour. Wah Chun
is chairman.
Christian House is located at 736
E. 15th.
Tinian' Tryouts
Wind up Today
Last call for tryouts for roles
in “Finian’s Rainbow” was made
Monday by Horace W. Robinson,
director, who has scheduled the
tryout for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
room 104 Villard.
“Anyone who has not as yet
tried out for dramatic, singing, or
dancing roles may do so Tuesday
evening," Robinson said. “Any
one who has not read.and who can
not appear may call me personally
at Ext. 403, or see me in 208 Vil
lard, to make a special arrange
ment," he stated.
Casting of the musical comedy,
scheduled for production by the
University Theater in April, will
be completed this week.
Infirmary Confines 11
A roll call in the infirmary Mon
day revealed 11 students confined.
These students are Gloria Barry,
Katherine Fortner, Helen Long,
Myrna Blizard, Betty Nachter,
Janet Ryel, Charles Turner, Mau
rice Petriclc, Robbin Lamson, Dave
Chapman, and Fred Turner.
„.,A «*,
Our fine water repellency treatment assures you
of complete protection from the elements.
And our quality drycleaning assures you of smart
appearance. Together, they keep you spruce
and dry no matter what the weather brings.
Save Money by Cash and Carry Service
14_?0 - Onex
(,to - loth
Inquiring Reporter
No Need Here
Say Students
By Billie Harnden
The topic of racial discrimina
tion is especially interesting when
brought up in relation to condi
tions which are familiar to a group
such as UO students.
Recently there has been discus
sion on the reactivation of the lo
cal chapter of the National Asso
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People on the campus. In
an attempt to find out just how
the average Oregon student feels
about the revival of the chapter,
your inquiring reporter asked
several people for their opinions.
Jim Sandefer, freshman in libe
ral arts—“From what I’ve seen of
the campus, there seems to be very
little racial discrimination of any
kind. Socially, however, I think it
is too bad that there is not a liv
ing organization or social group
here which would be open to all
groups. Except for the fulfilling of
such a need, I don’t believe that
such an organization would be
Julia Lundy, freshman in art—
“Yes, I do think that we need
such an organization. It is a good
thing to have anywhere.”
Sylvia Jones, freshman in AA—
“No, I don’t think that we need
such a group on this campus."
John Palmer, senior in sociology
—“I don’t believe that the situa
tion on this campus is severe
enough to warrant the formation
of the NAACP here. However, my
understanding of the organization
would lead me to believe that it is
a positive and conservative ele
ment no matter where formed, and
therefore I would be in favor of
seeing it come to this University.”
Judy McLoughlin-, freshman in
English—“No, I don’t think we
need NAACP because such an or
ganization as the one in question
only emphasizes instead of mini
mizes the racial prejudice on a
campus. Also what prejudice there
is here is hardly prevalent enough
to warrant such action.”
Finn Sagild, special student from
Denmark—“It is encouraging to
find a place like the Oregon cam
pus where there is little racial
prejudice. There is a little bit here,
but hardly enough to warrant such
a group.”
Cece Daniels, junior in BA— “I
have never seen any discrimination
on campus, but I have seen it in
action downtown. There doesn't
seem to be any need for a chapter
here at the U.”
Kathy Burgess, fre..liman in art
—“I don’t think there is enough
discrimination on the campus to
provide basis for such an organi
Jo Tollman, freshman in speech
.--"No, I don’t think we need
NAACP for the simple reason that
I don’t think there is very much
discrimination on this campus.
Especially when you compare it
with the situation at some other
Chapman Hall Sets!
Educational Movies
Education movies on music and |
sculpturing will be shown Wed
nesday night at 7 and 9 p.m. in
207 Chapman.
The movie group will include
“Moonlight Sonata." by Henry
Moore, and “Color Studies of Mus
ic by Chopin."
“Moonlight Sonata" tells the
story of a broken romance which
is mended by the music of the great
composer, Ignace Padrewski. “Col
or Studies of Music by Chopin" is
the second in the group on music!
of the favorite composers.
“Henry Moore” is a film show-j
ing the work of a contemporary
British sculptor.
These movies are part of a ser
vice sponsored by the Student
Union board for students, faculty
and townspeople.
Fashion Career
Contest Opened
To Senior Women
Three fashion fellowships, given
by the Tobe-Coburn School for
Fashion Careers, are now being
offered in a nationwide contest
among college seniors, according
to an announcement from the
The fellowships, covering full
tuition for the one-year course,
are offered to senior women gradu
ating before Aug. 21., for the year
1951-52. The New York school
trains young women for execu
tive positions in buying, fashion
c oordination, advertising, and per
The one-year course emphasizes
actual contact with the fashion
industry through lectures by im
portant fashion personalities, visits
t o manufacturers, department
stores, fashion shows and mus
eums, and periodic working exper
ience with pay in stores and other
fashion organizations.
Registration blanks for the com
petition may be obtained from the
Fashion Fellowship Secretary,
Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion
Careers, 851 Madison Ave., New
York 21. Registration closes Jan.
SU to Offer
Disc Music
The first Student Union record
concert will be held from 8 to 9:30
p.m. in the music listening rooms
in the SU.
Tonight’s program will consist
of Wagner’s “Parsifal” Prelude,
performed by Arturo Toscanini and
the NBC Symphony Orchestra;
Sonata No. 21 in C for piano by
Beethoven, performed by Claudio
Arrau; and Symphony No. 7 in C
by Schubert, performed by the
Copsertgebeau Orchestra of Ams
terdam with William Mengelberg
A music listening program will
be presented each Tuesday even
ing in the listening rooms adja
cent to the Browsing Room.
Suggestions for future programs
may be submitted to Carolyn
Welch, chairman of the SU Music
committee, she announced.
11:45 a.m. — YMCA-Internat’l
Luncheon, 110-111 SU
12 noon—SU directorate, 112
3 p.m.—SU music comm., 202
4 p.m.—AWS Congress, 112
Religious Emphasis Comm.
110-111 SU
Religious Emphasis supper
comm., 113 SU
4:15 p.m.—Rally Board, 114
6 p.m.—IVCF, Ger. Men’s
7 p.m.—Alpha Phi Omega, 110
Newman Study Club, 112
SU Board, 337 SU
IVCF, Ger. Alumni Hall
Christian Science Group,
1152 Emerald St.
7:30 p.m.—Propeller Club, Ger.
Symposium, 113 SU
8 p.m.—SU Rec. Comm., 313
Musical program from re
cords, 202 SU
8:30 p.m.UO Ski Team, 111 SU
French club, 334 SU
Class Changes*
Now Require
Special Okay
Special approval is now required
for any change in classes, Clifford
L. Constance, registrar, said Mon
day. Regular registration for wint
er term ended Monday.
Students still not registered in
school must petition for admit
tance and receive approval of the
scholarship committee.
Procedure for adding and drop
ping courses remains the same. To
add a course, students must obtain
drop cards, signed by advisors and
instructors, as well as approval
by the head of the department con
cerned, Constance said.
Students who drop courses must
fill out drop cards and obtain ad
visor and instructor signatures.
The course will remain on the stu
dent’s permanent record but will
be marked as a withdrawal.
Veterans must check with the
bookstore to add and drop courses.
A charge of $1 will be made
for each course added or dropped,
said Constance.