Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1951, Page Five, Image 5

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By John Barton
Emerald Sports Editor
Washington's Coach Tippie Dye carries an averaged-sized
traveling squad—but it’s a well dressed one. He takes 13 men
with him, and they wear probably the most unique warmups in
the Northern Division, if not in the Pacific Coast conference.
jutsi jfcar, )uu 11 iriunuin:i,
Washington appeared on the
floor in those middie-jacket get
ups—something not too popular
with the fans, but which served
the purpose of keeping the play
ers warm at the right times.
Well, this year, the Huskies are
wearing warmups very similar to
those of Oregon’s, but on the back
of each man is his name—nice
big chenile-letter writing sewn
diagonally across his back. Just
his last name. Looks very pro
fessional and drew all kinds of
remarks from the OSC crowd in
Corvallis during the weekend se
Anyone who has attended a game
in State’s new Gill coliseum will re
call that the Aggie crowd is great
on riding a player when it wants to.
Any purely partisan crowd is, of
cSurse. Webfoot rooters can be that
way, too. And if there’s one guy in
the entire ND who is liable to be
“ridden” by the crowd, it’s Wash
ington’s Louie Soriano—“Little
The OSC crowd began hooting
at him the minute he came on
the floor. In the past, Louie has
been rattled rather easily by a
mere 8,000 people shouting down
his neck; But at OSC Friday
night, while he did no great
amount of scoring, he didn’t get
a bit hot under the collar. Did
foul out, but the crowd didn’t
seem to b'other him like it used to.
♦ ♦ ♦
Washington opened the game
Friday night with a tight man-to
man defense and a three-out, two-in
offense. On the offensive end of the
floor, Frank Guisness (a forward
on the roster), Soriano and LaDon
Henson handled the ball out front,
while Doug McClary and Bob Hou
bregs, both 6 feet, 7 inches tall,
played in under the basket.
From that offense, Soriano can
shobt his one-hand set shot, Guis
ness can knife through the key
for his driving one-handed (in
the air) shot, and the two tall
boys can take passes and re
bounds to do most of the scor
ing. At least, they did most of it
Friday night—Houbregs got 10
and McClary got 14. Houbregs
was a little off in getting only
10 points, but he showed that he
can be dangerous when his hook
shot is working.
Henson didn’t show too much
Friday night on offense, netting
only three points. But he and Guis
ness do a fine job handling the ball
Jfr the front key.
A little later in the first half,
Washington. displayed its other
offense—or rather one of its
other offenses.
This set-up had Soriano and
Sophomore Guard Mike McCutchen
playing out front, with Duane En
ochs, Houbregs and McClary play
ing in under the hoop. This offense,
while not as spectacular as the first,
is nevertheless plenty effective. It
gives the tall men the ball, and
those guys know what to do with it.
All in all, the Huskies appear
ed to be off their game Friday
night. Observers of Saturday’s
contest, which OSC won, said
they appeared to be off that night
also. It might have been anything
—strange court, partisan crowd,
or just a bad night.
OSC was observing its golden
jubilee of basketball over the week
end—quite a celebration, inciden
tally—and that undoubtedly put
spirit into the game for the Aggies.
♦ ♦ ♦
Washington is a team of individ
ually great basketball players, but
the Huskies could stand a lot of
teamwork development ... or so it
looks to an observer. But any five
men with the ability of those boys,
put together, make up a good team.
On the other hand, the Oregon
State Beavers present an oppo
site picture. Together, they are a
darned good team, but individu
ally they don’t come up to the
And that’s not intended as a
slam. Probably the most talent
ed Beaver is Forward Bob Paine,
but he doesn’t Come up to Mc
Clary or Houbregs. Dan Torrey is
plenty good, but not as good as
But EVERY Oregon State play
er has the one ability to play WITH
his team-mates. And its that abil
ity .that makes great teams out of
average ball players. Don't get us
wrong. We aren’t trying tp say that
the Aggies are stumble bums. They
certainly aren’t. They have to be
good players or Slats Gill wouldn’t
have them out there. But what
makes them a good team is just
that—Slats Gill and his coaching
ability. Probably no other coach in
the ND could do what he has done
with the material he has had.
State played its usual ball-con
trol game Friday night, and the
Huskies did some of it themselves.
In fact, in the latter part of the
game, when OSC was creeping up
on Washington, the Huskies were
doing more slowing down and stall
ing than the Beavers. And OSC was
actually hustling the ball down the
Castell Talk Set for SU
Alburey Castell, head of the phi
losophy department, will speak on
“Cybernetics and Philosophy” from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday in the
Browsing Room of the Student Un
ian, announced that this is the sec
ond lecture-forum series and is op
en to members of the association,
faculty, and students in the Univer
Castell has been at the University
since September, 1949. Before that
time he had been associated with
the University of Minnesota, the
University of Washington, Purdue,
and Columbia University.
Among the books he has written
are “College Logic” and “Introduc
tell is also an experienced radio
tion to Modern Philosophy.” Cas
Miss Bernice Rise, reader’s con
cultant and browsing room librar
Duck Ski
(Continued from page four)
be used for transportation and
housing of the skiers, and not for
uniforms or equipment.
Because of bad weather condi
tions, tryouts were not completed
last weekend.
Harris said the skiers will meet
again this next weekend at Tim
berlin Lodge on Mt. Hood for down
hill and cross-country or jumping
West Indies Subject
Of SU Luncheon Talk
Bas O. Maharajh will discuss
the culture of the West Indies at
noon today at the international
student luncheon in the Student
Union. All university students in
terested in foreign relations are
invited to attend the luncheons,
which are held every Tuesday at
2:15 p.m.
Maharajh is a junior in pre
medicine, and is entering his first
term at the University of Ore
gon. He is a native of Trinidad,
West Indies.
Hertzog to Talk on Metal
Charlotte Hertzog, graduate as
sistant in chemistry, will speak on
the “Properties of Alkali Metals
in Liquid Ammonia” for the chem
istry seminar to be held at 4 p.m.
Tuesday in 105 McClure.
Group to Pick WAA Theme
For Carnival Februarv 16
The WAA Carnival theme will
be chosen at a meeting tonight of
chairmen for the annual event,
Joan Skordahl, co-chairman an
nounced Monday. The meeting will
be held at 6:30 p.m. at Chi Omega.
The Carnival will be held on Fri
day night, Feb. 16, following the
first basketball game with Wash
ington State College in McArthur
Houses are paired at the annual
event, and together construct car
nival booths. Prizes are given for
the most original booth and the
booth making the most money dur
ing the night. Each booth carries
out the general carnival theme.
Last year’s winners were Chi
Omega and Phi Gamma Delta for
the biggest money maker, and Kap
pa Alpha Theta and Pi Kappa Al
pha for the most original booth.
Each house receives 10 percent
of the profits from the booth.
Carnival chairmen named Mon
day by WAA President Bonnie
Gienger are Margaret Powne, and
Lillian Schott; booths, Bernice
Bradley and Marian Christenson,
decorations; Joan Jacobs, tickets;
Sarah Turnbull, publicity; Harriet
Vahey, promotion; Sue Lichty,
food; Joyce Rathbun, clean-up;
and Carolyn Silva, finance.
Named last week as general co
chairmen of the carnival were
Brenda Lynch, and Miss Skordahl.
talk oh “A Theory of the Universe”
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 11...
. “Thereby hangs
a taleT
The class clown went out on a limb and tried to prove
cigarette mildness by the quick-trick method! He tried the fast inhale, fast
exhale test—a whiff, a sniff—and they still left him up in the air!
But then he got his feet on the ground. He learned that there is
a reliable way to discover how mild a cigarette can be!
And that test is ...
The sensible test ... the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test
which simply asks you to try Camels as a steady smoke-on a
pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap
judgments needed. After you’ve enjoyed Camels
and only Camels-for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat,
T for Taste), we believe you’ll know why . . .
More People Smoke Camels
than any other cigarette!