Release And Indemnity Agreement For Minor Permission is given herewith voluntarily to my son (daughter) . to make a donation of blood to the AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS, to be used in any manner it deems^natiLns'andTrocetUirefnecessary atfd and severally hereby release and d*5^,'«?^ca)fsanfdr(^ °a„y and all claims and demands " " - - tion ot blood authorized herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and seal this. day of . In the presence of: , 19... Parent (SEAL; (SEAL) Minor Chairman Urges Faculty, Students to Donate Blood With the blood donation drive for whole blood for wounded men in Korea only 10 days away, Jan. 22 students and faculty membeis who have not yet signed pledge cards were urged to do so as soon as possible by Donna Mary Bren nan, campus Red Cross chairman and Herb Nill. Miss Brennan and Nill are co-chairmen for the Uni versity blood drive. I’ The co-chairmen stressed the 'need for immediate action because of the nearness of the deadline for turning in pledge cards and itlie parental releases. Men’s pledge cards and releases will be due to Herb Nill by 5 p.m. iWednesday. They may be turned in prior to that time to house pre sidents, or, in the case of off-cam pus men, they may be dropped in /one of the two boxes which are located in the Student Union lob by and in the Co-op. Women's pledge cards are due to Leslie Tooze at Kappa Alpha Theta by 5 p.m. Monday. They may be turned in before that time to house presidents, or, for off-cam jpus women, dropped in the afore I mentioned boxes. The parental re leases will be due at the same time as the men’s, 5 p.m. Wednes day, also to Miss Tooze. Married jwomen under 21 don’t need re l6&S6Si Faculty pledge cards may be mailed or turned in to Howard (Lemons, assistant to President ;Newburn, at Johnson Hall in time I for him to receive them by Mon day. Any student under 2t who will [ not l>e able to have his parental i release signed by his parents i and returned to hlin in time for I him to turn it in by the dead 1 line may rail Miss Brennan at | Kappa Alpha Theta In order to | make some arrangement to en 1 aide him to donate blood Jan. 22. Anyone who has ever had in fectious jaundice or who has been ■ inoculated for typhoid or vaccin ! ated within the last month is ask |Tyler Takes Leave j Miss Leona E. Tyler, associate (professor of psychology, has been granted one year's sabbatical leave by the state board of higher education. i During her leave, Miss Tyler will j continue a research project on 'children's interests and attend the ■University of London if the world situation does not intervene. LET'S GO CABLES (DRIVE IN) ed not to sign up, as they win have to be rejected, thus lessen ing the chances of fulfilling the assigned quota, 350 pints of whole blood! Veterans Must bign To Continue State Aid All veterans on state aid should sign up for the state aid program for winter term if they wish to continue it, the veterans adminis tration office announced Tuesday. Those who do not sign immediate ly will be dropped from the pro gram. I CAMPUS CALENDAR Today: 4 p.m.—Assembly Committee 337 SU Panhellenic, 333-334 SC Foreign Students, 110-111 SU 6:15 p.m.—School of Music, 112 113 SU 7 p.m.—SU Interview Commit tee, 315 SU 8 p.m.—School of Music, 112 113 SU SU Music Committee, 206 SU Saturday: 9 a.m.—Art Gallery Committee, 313 SU 12 noon—School of Music, 112 113 SU Sunday: 2:30 p.m.—Movie: “Man in the Iron Mask” Ballroom SU 7 p.m.—Newman Club, Gerling er Annex Alumni Fireside, Dads’ Room SU Campus Mixer on Tap Tonight The first all-campus mixer will be held from 9 to 12 tonight in the Student Union soda bar. There will be no admission charge to the optional-date affair, which dance committee members, sponsors of the mixers, say will eventually be held in the ballroom. Dancing will be featured, with the soda bar juke box supplying the music. Various other types of entertainment will be offered. Checker and chess sets, and all types of playing cards may be ob tained at the main desks. Card tables will be set up in the com muter’s lunch room at the west end of the soda bar. The mixers, proposed by the Ctudent Union dance committee, 1 eaded by Ralph Hillier, were ap proved fall term by the Student Union board. They will be held every Friday night for the rest or the term, the last one being sche duled for March 3. Dimes Chairman Petitions Due Today Deadline for petitions for chair manships of the campus March of Dimes campaign is noon to day. The petitions are to be turned in to the ASI.O office in the Student Union. The campus chairman will be in charge of directing promotive activities. The drive, held for the purpose of securing funds to fight infantile . paralysis and originally founded by the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, begins Monday. _ "1 LOOK OUT! He's Headed for DUCK INN On 11th near The Mayflower open until 1:00 a.m. maybe you can’t play an accordian but you certainly can wear one... an accordion-pleated scarf, that is! They are brand new and bright... just the thing to wear with sweaters and suits! AND they are slated to be fashion's first this Spring! The price is bud get-low, too—priced from 59c to 98c. Remember... they are at Penney's! AT Penney’s