Page bight____— Winter-Spring Social Agenda Jan. 2 Classes begin 5, 6 Basketball, Washington at Seattle 12 Basketball, University of San Francisco at San Francisco 13 Basketball, St. Mary’s at San Francisco House dance—Lambda Chi Alpha 19, 20 Basketball, Idaho at Eugene 20 House dances Chi Omega Alpha Omicron Pi Delta Zeta Highland House Sigma Kappa Hendricks Hall 22-25 Religious Evaluation Week 26 Basketball, Oregon State at Eugene Lemon-Orange Squeeze 27 Basketball, Oregon State at Corvallis House Dances Theta Chi Phi Sigma Kappa Minturn Hall Yeomen Alpha Hall Delta Upsilon Chi Psi 30 Smarty Party Feb. 5-10 International Student Week 2, 3 Play Basketball, Idaho at Moscow 3 Senior Ball 5, 6 Basketball, WSC at Pullman 5-10 Play 8-10 Northwest Drama Conference 9 Blue and Gold Athletic Club at Portland Heart Hop 10 Blue and Gold Athletic Club at Eugene House dances Sigma Nu Phi Gamma Delta Beta Theta Pi 13, 14 Basketball, WSC at Eugene 16 WAA Carnival 17 Military Ball ? ? ? House dances Ann Judson House Kappa Alpha Theta Pi Beta Phi Delta Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma 23, 24 Basketball, Washington at Eugene 24 House dances Cherney Hall Sigma Alpha Epsilon French Hall International Fun Fest (“Y”) Dad’s Day Mar. 1-3 High School International League Conference 1, 2 Play 2 Baskeball, Oregon State at Corvallis 3. Basketball, Oregon State at Eugene House dances—Sigma Hall 5-10 Play 7 Women’s elections 8 WAA initiation 13-15 Closed period 16-21 Exams 20-24 State High School Basketball Tournament 25 Easter 26 Registration 31 Retreat Apr. 1 Retreat 7 House dances Gamma Hall M inturn Hall Merrick Hall Sigma Alpha Mu Kappa Sigma 9-15 WSSF drive 13-15 Duck Preview Weekend •/j-21 Play 21 House dances Sigma Kappa Alpha Xi Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Gamma Phi Beta Orides Zeta Tau Alpha Rebec House Alpha Phi Delta Delta Delta Carson Alpha Gamma Delta Highland House 22 YWCA Jr.-Sr. Breakfast 23-28 Play 28 WAA Sports Day Concert House Dances Phi Gamma Delta Delta Tau Delta Tau Kappa Epsilon Alpha Hall Philadelphia House Campbell Club Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Psi May 2-4 Orchesis Concert 5 House dances Chi Omega Susan Campbell University House 11-13 Junior Weekend 12 Junior Prom 16, 17 Amphibian Water Show 19 House dances Theta Chi • Sigma Nu Lambda Chi Alpha Sherry Ross Delta Upsilon Chi Psi Phi Delta Theta Beta Theta Pi Sigma Hall 22 WAA initiation 25, 26 Play 26 Mortar Board Ball ? ? ? 28-31 Play SO Memorial Day June 1 Play 2, 3 Closed Period 4-8 Final exams 9 Alumni Day 10 Commencement Signs of Times Seen on Doors By Tom Shepherd Whoever said, “What’s in a name ?” should take a stroll through Veterans’ Dormitiories and not the nameplates on occupants’ doors. The simple task of writing an alias, prospective means of support, city and-or alma mater seems to pose a problem for “Pasteboard Palace” residents, and the signs that do eventually hobnob with the plywood are -—well, let’s get on with the story. The words “Come in” and “Wel come” are foreign to most Alder St. boys. “Let it not be said that studies interfere with my education —enter,” states the longwinded oc cupant of 133 Hunter while Bob Cool of Merrick says “Take a peek inside.” Along the same line of feminine thought, Merrickers A1 Golden berg and Sharky Weatherall em phatically state “Boys! Keep out! —Ladies without escorts cordially invited.” Philosopher James BjiJJof Stan Ray BB21 known affectionate ly as “The Mangier” offers advice on how to get rid of unwelcome guests: “Do Em in right and you won’t have a comeback.” Perhaps the unknown occupants of Stitzer AA3 summarizes the mood of the dormitory units with her (or hersl, “Well, what in the hell do you want!” “Golden State” residents are well represented at Vets’. Taking it for granted that every passer-by knows there’s only one “God’s Country,” Stitzer AA19 Norm Hays of the Bay City inscribes there two words on the door while room-mate Bob Stout simply says “California also.” Doc tor-to-be Richard Buchanan from “God’s Country” says “When do we start skiing?” Some of the Carson Hall “peni tentiary atmosphere” must have mingled with the Weyerhaeuser aroma and drifted over to the Web fot Matchbox. The not on 200 Cherney institutionally says: “Cell 200; Block C; Prison 2; Inmate— Gordon Gullum; Sentence—1 year.” BB19 Stan Ray inmate Gislove “Ex pects parole in—June 1953.” Prospective mothers at Oregon having trouble with baby’s layette may soon be making the long trek to 16th and Alder. It seems that an enterprising young man in E20^1 vertises on the door to his lodging's, “Alterations—Hemstitching.” Not to be outdone by Merrick’s seam stress, Leroy Dunn and Bob Scholer of EE 2 appeal to the large major ity of University students who wear shoes with “Shoe shine $.20—Dye $.35.” But—come Saturday night when the Oregon co-eds receive a reprieve until 1 a.m., the sign on'Nestor 208 is most representative of all the guys at “Cardboard Manor.” It says simply “And Then Larry Went Into Action.” The worst feeling in the world! Nine years old and he can’t play with the gang! His parents say two or three of the boys are different and he shouldn’t associ ate with them. What do they mean, different? He re members that only a few days ago his his tory teacher told him that all Americans are equal—all citizens of one country and all working together. This kid judges the rest of the gang by their individual personality, character and how they play ball—not by their race or religion. Each race, each religion, contributes its own talents, culture and idealism to pro duce that amazing blend of ideas and vigor which have made America great. This boy wants to be proud of his country . . . not ashamed of it—and he can be if we don’t influence him to the contrary! Make sure that you are not spreading rumors against a race or a religion. Speak up, wherever you are, against prejudice, and work for better understanding. Re member that’s what it means—to be a good American citizen. Accept or reject people on their individual worth ^