Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 05, 1951, Image 1

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Partly Cloudy, Rain;
Our Loss, River's Gain,
Partly cloudy with a few widely
scattered showers today. High, neap
50; low, near 86.
GPA, Bells
Take Toll
Of Officers
Grade point average and
wedding bells took additional
toll of class officers over the
Willard Dodds, junior class
president, failed to make a 2.00
GPA and, according to the AS
UO Constitution, must resign
his office.
Dodds follows in. the footsteps of
former junior class president, Vern
on Beard, and former sophomore
class president Joe Kiaser, who
were ruled ineligible for office last
fall on the basis of their spring term
Dodds, elected last spring to the
junior class vice presidency, suc
ceeded Vernon Beard to the office of
Goodman Marries
Anne Goodman, senior class sec
retary, resigned her office to marry
Ralph Johnson, former law student
now serving with the Air Force.
She was also president of Mortar
Board, senior women’s honorary.
Last year the new Mrs. Johnson was
jdiHiior class treasurer.
Who will take over the vacated
offices in both the junior and sen
ior class depends on action of the
Executive Council, which has sup
ervisory jurisdiction over all class
Successor Uncertain
Shirley Hillard, junior class sec
retary, is next officer in line for the
position, unless the Executive Coun
cil decides to hold a special election
to fill the vacated office, said Don
ald M. DuShane, director of student
Betty Wright, vice-president of
Mortar Board, succeeded Miss
Goodman as president of the hon
Receipts Must
For Card Pix
Cashier’s receipts for registra
tion fees must be presented in order
to have pictures taken for the new
ASUO student body cards, Virginia
Wright, Executive Council member
in charge of arrangements, said
Pictures will be taken Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday at the
University photographic bureau in
the basement of Johnson Hall. The
bureau will be open for photography
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to
4:30 p.m. each day.
A ten-cent fee must be paid when
the picture is taken. Late picture
sittings will result in extra cost.
Picture schedule:
Monday: Last names A through
■^Tuesday: Last names I through
Wednesday: Last names S
through Z
The new card, which will include
the student’s name, picture, and
birth date, will be used for athletic
events, library books, and concerts
with the same card to be good all
Cards are scheduled to be ready
to pick up Jan. 19 in McArthur
Court. Designer of the new card is
Stephanie Scott, sophomore in art.
Sub-2-pt. Frosh
Will Hold Meeting
Freshman men in University dor
mitories who fell below a 2.00 GPA
fall term will meet at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 9, James D. Kline,
asociate director of student affairs
announced Thursday. Place of the
meeting will be announced later.
The purpose of the meeting will
be to discuss plans for the freshman
study hall program, which will get
under way later in the week, Kline
Crews are now removing all fur
niture other than tables and chairs
from French Hall, which will be
iteed to provide study facilities und
: er the new program. French Hall
residents have been transferred tc
other dormitory units.
Opera Singer
To Appear Here
Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano
of the Metropolitan Opera Com
pany, will appear in concert 8 p.m.
Thursday at McArthur Court. The
Eugene Civic Music Association is
sponsoring her appearance.
The brown-haired Swedish sing
er started her career 10 years ago,
giving up her Canton secretary’s
job to take her first music lesson.
Since then she has scored success
after success reaching the attention
of the Impresario S. Hurok within
two years, appearing at Manhat
tan’s Town Hall in January, 1944—
after three concert tours—and in
the Metropolitan Opera that same
One of her greatest ovations was
given her by her mother country,
Sweden, when she sang at the
Royal Opera House in Stockholm,
in Saint-Saens’ “Samson and Deli
lah.” She received 45 curtain calls.
The manager of the Stockholm
opera then invited her to sing in
“Carmen.” She also sang the part
of Dorabella in Mozart’s “Cosi Fan
Tutte” at the famous Glyndebourne
Opera festival in England.
This year Miss Thebom will ap
pear in the role of “Eboli” in Ver
di’s “Don Carlos” at the Metropoli
tan, sing the solo part in Mahler’s
symphonic poem, “Das Lied von
der Erde” with the Chicago Symp
hony Orchestra, and sing in the role
of Klythemnestra in Strauss’s opera
“Elektra” with the San Francisco
Symphony Orchestra. She will end
her season as soloist for the second
year at the May Festival in Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Students will be admitted to the
concert upon presentation of their
student body cards. ^
Defense Action at Oregon
Within 24 Hours~S.W. Little
Campus to Give
Blood for Korea
In SU Jan. 22
Whole blood—350 pints of it for
the wounded in Korea—will be col
lected from University of Oregon
students and faculty members Mon
day, Jan. 22, by the Lane. County
chapter of the American Red Cross.
The blood, which is for military
use only, will be received in the
Student Union, with two bloodmo
biles being used and doctors and 12
nurses on duty. The local chapter
has been assigned the quota of 350
pints, and will make 425 appoint
ments in order to make the quota,
due to possible rejections and fail
A parental release blank is
printed on page 7 of this issue of
the Emerald. Students are asked
to have the blank filled out, by
their parents as soon as possible.
ures to keep appointments. With
receiving being conducted for five
hours, the donations will have to be
made at the rate of 80 every hour.
Age Range 18-60
Anyone at least 18 years of age
but not yet 60 may donate blood.
However, those under 21 must
have a signed release giving par
ents’ consent. The only exception
to this is married women, who do
not need parents' consent.
In order to prevent as many re
jections as possible, thus enabling
the majority of donors signed up to
actually be accepted, the Lane
County Red Cross chapter has
made the following requests:
Any person who has ever had
infectious jaundice will definitely
not be accepted, so such persons
are asked not to sign up.
Students and faculty meinbers
who have been inoculated for
typhoid or vaccinated within the
last month also will be rejected.
Many Rejections
The local chapter said that re
jections in the past have been about
one-sixth of all those appearing. It
has stressed that those who sign up
must appear for their appointments
in order to insure the quota of 350
(Please turn to page seven)
'Street Corner' Review
Sex Education Movie at Lane
Draws Large Throngs of Curious
By Don Smith
“Street Corner,” semi-education
al film at the Lane, is a sincere
and not too bad attempt at im
pressing the masses with the
necessity of “family relations”
(vulgarly termed sex education)
as a method of avoiding unhappy
sex experiences.
The show has an air of excite
ment about it in its pre-filmtime
advertising and write-ups—segre
gated audience, the registered nurse
in attendance, the hygienist who
will lecture, the provocative illus
trations accompanying the ads, all
lead many to expect something
other than what they get.
But few peope who pay their 70
cents admission to find out what’s
going on in the Lane will be dis
appointed. If not an entertaining
evening as some may have hoped,
it is at least an interesting exper
The show has been playing to
full houses. Women can get into
the picture at 2 and 7 o’clock
showings; men can see it at 9
The story is of a sweet, intelli
gent high school girl, Lois Marsh,
who had never been told about sex
by her parents. She has an affair
with the boy to whom she is en
gaged, and discovers after he has
left for college that she's going
to have a baby.
She can never get courage up to
tell her parents even that she is
engaged, since they consider her
still a little girl, but she does tell
her boyfriend that she’s going tc
be a mother. He gets killed in an
automobile accident when driving
back from college to marry her.
Lois is naturally worried and
confused; and finally gets reluct
ant advice from an older friend
who gives her money and the ad
l (Please turn to page seven)
“By the end of this month, we will have a University civil de
fense program so organized as to enable us to take action within
24 hours' notice if necessary," S. W. Little, head of the Univer
sity's defense program, and dean of the School of Architecture
and Allied Arts, declared Thursday.
The University is under state jurisdiction, and has established
its own civil defense program. However, Little said that it would
cooperate closely with the city
of P.ugenc.
Nurses’ Aides will he trained
by the Red Cross, and a motor
corps will he organized. Roth
divisions will consist largely of
faculty members, with some stu
dents participating.
To Name Officials
“Officials from the faculty in
charge of housing, hospitalization,
emergency building repair, food,
sanitation, and communications will
be named soon,’’ Dean Little said.
Certain buildings on the campus
offering most protection and ade
quate space will be designated as
atomic radiation shelters.
The Student Union has been
chosen by the county medical board
to serve as an auxiliary branch of
Sacred Heart hospital, and will be
supervised by Dr. Marion H. Miller,
assistant University physician.
UO to House Evacuees
Fraternities, sororities, dormitor
ies—all campus living organiza
tions will be used for housing
evacuees, as necessity demands. In
emergencies such as housing, the
University and city of Eugene will
exchange facilities,
"Heat, food, electricity, water-,
and other utilities will probably be
supplied by the physical plant,’’
added Dean Little.
A secretariat will be organized to
handle statistics. Tentative plans
call for the location of official gen
eral headquarters to operate from
the speech department, communi
cation facilities there being super
ior to those of other campus build
Kwama's Elect
New President
Dolores Parrish, sophomore in
liberal arts, has assumed the presi
dential duties of Kwama, sopho
more women’s service honorary.
Miss Parrish fills the vacancy
left by Francis Gillmore, fall term
president, who has withdrawn from
school to join her family in Wash
ington, D.C., where she will attend
George Washington University.
Kwama recently tapped Gerry
Pearson, sophomore in liberal arts,
to maintain their membership of 30
Miss Pearson, a member of Kap
pa Alpha Theta, is campus enter
tainment chairman. She has work
ed on the advertising staff of the
Emerald and last year was active
in Junior Panhellenic and in plan
ning the Frosh Picnic.
UO Faculty Man
Goes to Naval Lab
Lyman A. Webb, former Univer
sity physics instructor, is now in
San Francisco as a physicist for the
naval-radiological defense labora
Webb worked last fall on Dr. A.
E. Caswell's IT. S. A. F. Research
Radiation staff, and left Nov. 1,
climaxing four years on the Univer
sity faculty. His contract with the
physics department expired when
he accepted the offer from San
Extra Soul Signs—
Registration Gains
Things picked up in the regist
rar’s office Thursday.
As of Wednesday, registration
for winter term was 1,001 student*
behind 1950’s winter term registra
tion for the corresponding day.
When the office closed Thursday,
however, there were only 1,000 few
er than the same day of 1950’s wint
er term—a gain of one student.
A total of 3,733 students have re
gistered for this term, compared
with 4,733 for last winter term. Re
gistrar Clifford Constance empha
sized that Saturday noon is the
deadline fdt complete registration
without penalty. On Monday, a late
fee of $5 will be assessed; every
day after Monday, another $1 will
be added.
'Right You Are'
'Casts Peterson,
Vosburg in Lead
Tru Vosburg and Bob Peterson,
seniors in speech, have been cast in
featured roles in “Right You Arc
(If You Think So),” Pirandello
comedy to be directed by Frederick
J. Hunter, instructor in speech, as
the third University Theater pro
duction of this season.
The comedy, one of the theater’s
Greater Drama Series, will be pre
sented Feb. 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 to stu
dents and townspeople. It will also
be shown to delegates to the annual
Northwest Drama Conference,
which will be holding its fourth con
secutive meeting on the campus
Feb. 8, 9, and 10.
Casting of “Right You Are” was
conducted at the last of fall term.
In the cast with Miss Vosburg
(winner of last year’s best actress
award in the University Theater)
and Peterson are Ben Padrow, Eric
Matthews, James Wolters, Harokl
Long, Dorothy Polanski, Martha
Stapleton, Helen May, Pat Matsler,
Pat Bellmer, Donna Knoll, and Pa
tricia White Nelson.
Casting of four roles, including
the lead male rote, will not be com
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