Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1950, Page Three, Image 3

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    ns alwa
Whatever your taste, |
whatever your budget,!
Si’ll find just the 1
ristmas cards you
want to send—in
our larger-than-ever
collection now on
display. Come see - ,
ffiem soon, won’t youl
Imprinted Cards for
Fraternity or Personal Use
Gift Wrapping
Make all your gifts Beautiful
with our choice wraps and ties
Personal Stationery
For the finest papetries see the
designs of Eaton and Cranes. A
most welcome gift.
Hand-made, decorated Candles
of Christmas motif are beauti
ful as decorations or make dis
tinctive gifts.
Stationery Co.
76 West Broadway
News Reporter
Mrs. Ann Sullivan, a University
graduate and now a reporter for
the Portland Oregonian, will meet
with students at an informal “Meet
the Press” session at 4 p.m. Tues
day in the Student Union.
Mrs. Sullivan has been with the
Oregonian eight years. Graduated
from the University in 1940, she
was a member of Theta Sigma Phi,
women’s journalism fraternity. She
is now president of the Portland
Photographic Society.
At 11 a.m. Tuesday Mrs. Sulli
van will speak to the Introduction
to Journalism class in 105 Johnson.
Language Clubs Set
'Christmas Fiesta'
“Christmas Fiesta” is the theme
of the song and dance program,
sponsored by campus language
clubs, Russian, German, French,
Spanish, Chinese and Jap
anese, to be held at 4 p.m. Thurs
day in the Student Union.
Students and the general pub
lic may attend. There is no admis
sion charge. Refreshments will be
served after the performance.
Swedish Movie Slated
“Torment,” Swedish movie spon
sored by the Foreign Movie Club,
will be shown Wednesday and
Thursday at the Mayflower Theat
Called strictly an adult picture,
“Torment” deals with sadism, pro
stitution, and the first love ex
periences of youth, as well as the
injustice and lack of freedom in
the schools.
Wilson, Penttila to Sing
Jim Wilson, baritone, and sop
homore in music, and Eldon Pent
tila, tenor, and senior in music,
will appear from 8:15 to 8:30 to
night on the weekly KOAC show,
“Campus Recital.”
Auditions Scheduled
Auditions for KWAX announc
ers will be held at 4 p.m. today in
Villard Hall. Don Frost, station
business manager, announced that
the auditions are open to anyone
IRC to Meet Friday
Final meeting of the Interna
tional Relations Club this term
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Men’s Lounge, Gerlinger.
Former Dean to Speak
George Turnbull, former dean
of the school of journalism, and
a recognized authority on Oregon
newspapers, will speak at 9 a.m.
Wednesday, in 105 Journalism.
State Aid Info Asked
Those students who will not be
using state fee scholarships for
winter term, are asked by Dolores
Ray, scholarship secretary, to con
tact her at Emerald Hall.
Brother, you bet they're good! Delicious,
chewy, chocolaty TOOTSIE ROLLS at
all candy counters. Each is individually
wrapped to insure fresh goodness.
WANTED—Two passengers going
to Texas or Oklahoma. Leaving
Dec. 15. ..Phone 48138. 49
12 noon—SU publicity comm.,
110 SU
4 p.m.—Of! campus freshmen,
110 SU
6:15 p.m.—AAUP, Faculty club
7 p.m.—Yeoman, Commuter’s
7:30 p.m.—Co-ed Council, 110
SU Comm., 315 SU
Exec. Council, 337 SU
Graduate record examination ap
plications are on hand at the of
fice of counseling center, Emerald
Hall, l |
Porter to Tell Pledges Tonight Over KUGN
seven pledges of Kappa Rho t
Omicron, radio honorary, will be 1
innounced by Don Porter at 11
onight on KUGN.
by Hallmark
box Assortments
50 and $1.00
Packets of 10 Cards 29c
University Pharmacy
Corner of 11th and Alder
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 9...the marsh hen
“For a while they had me swamped!”
. Q
- k-/eems like this confused fowl got mixed in a metaphor ■" '
and was almost turned into a guinea pig. The story goes she
got caught in a welter of quick-trick cigarette tests... one
puff ofthis brand, then a puff of that... a sniff, a whiff — a fast
inhale and exhale. And then she was supposed to know all about
cigarette mildness! is that the way to treat a lady?
And is that the way to judge a cigarette?
We think not. That’s why we suggest:
The sensible test - The 30-Day Camel Mildness Test,
which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke —
on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap
judgments needed. After you’ve enjoyed Camels - and
only Camels - for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for
Throat, T for Taste) we believe you’ll know why ..,
More People Smoke Camels
o than any other cigarette!