Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emxralo, published Monday through Friday during the college year frith the following exceptions: no paper Oct. 30: Dec. 5 thru Tan. 3; Mar. 6 thru 28; May 7; Nov. 22 thru 27, and after May 24; additional papers on Nov. 4 and May 12, by the As sociated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post t ffice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not prrtend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by the associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor. _ Anita Holmes, Editor Don Thompson, Business Manager ILorna Larson, Managing Editor Barbara Williams, Advertising Manager Tom King, Ken Meteler, Don Smith, Associate Editors Dear Santa—Take, Don't Give Don’t give us anything for Christmas this year, Sir Santa. We don’t want a Cadillac or a fur coat or a vacation at Sun Valley. We only want you to take things away from.us this Dec. 25, Mr. Claus. The greatest gift you could deliver would be the re moval of some of that which we already have. Take away distrust. When you clean distrust from every heart, you’ll take war away from our 20th century. And you’ll remove forever that schism separating ours and the Russian world. What a great gift that would be—disappearance of distrust. Take away poverty and hunger and want. With one sleigh-bell ring, swreep away our slums and empty stomachs and yearnings for a higher standard of living. But don’t let anybody tell you that communism will be the eradi cator of poverty and hunger and want. Take away ignorance. This is a big order, but if you could possibly do it, most other ills wrould go too. Incidentally, Santa, if you happen to have a spare brownie assigned to this project, he might do away with final exams at a certain Oregon school. Take away pettiness. Take the smallness out of people. Make them forget their crafty ways, and look to their neighbors rather than them selves. Take away selfishness. Put it back in Pandora's box, and surely you will have re moved evil’s greatest root. If you can’t give us any of these other “take aways," please do something about selfishness. With it gone, Christmas would truly be here. THE DAILY . . . to men of Minturn for organizing three championship in tramural teams in one term; to Yeomen, PiKA, Delts, and other groups who sponsored outstanding dances Sat urday night; to Dr. H. E. Dean, assistant professor of po litical science, first faculty member to be called to the armed services. This last paper before Christmas just can’t give a Lemon—so another "K” to students, faculty, and admin istration who have stood by and helped this paper of yours through its first term of ’50-51. It Could Be Oregon • “I was chosen to play Santa for our sorority an’ l*m just waiting ’til they all get to bed. Who are you going to play Santa for?” cMoujl to mcJze oh /J What the Professors Like To See How do you get an A ? Ask the man who gives one—the profes sor. And the answers given are what make up this, the last in a series of three, on how to get that top grads, _ First of all, said one professor of history, does the student an swer the test questions? A long essay, no matter how well-writ ten, on some subject other than the one of the question, will not win an A from this professor. “I’m interested in what the student has learned in the course I teach,” he explained. “I appre ciate the knowledge he has gain ed elsewhere, and hope he will use it to learn in my course, but I cannot grade him on material that is nbt pertinent to the sub ject under discussion.” A well-organized paper will meet with a favorable attitude on the part of most professors and graders. Legible handwrit ing helps, too. Though grades aren’t given on handwriting, an unintelligible scrawl is likely to create a bad impression. “Regular class attendance is important, and the A student will cut few, if any classes, one Eng Summary on A's Well—how do you get an A? If you really want A’s, better follow the advice of the student who reads his material three times, formulates questions, studies his class notes, “learns” the professor, and has answers prepared long before he takes the test. DO all that, and you’ll get your A’s; because few stu dents think A’s are that worth while. But before you start worry ing about A’s; why not take the advice of the psychology depar ment faculty — ask yourself, “Should I try to get an A?” Then maybe you’ll decide to take a D in econ, so you can db a really good job in philosophy. And then, maybe, you’ll be lieve the A is incidental—it’s new ideas and growth in under standing for which the good student strives.—D.S. lish professor proclaims. “I can not see my way clear to give an A to a student who misses many classes. But the absentee gets consola tion from the business professor who believes "that achievement is the only basis for grades; I don’t see where class attendance, by itself, should be the basis for grading.” Taking the trouble to get all papers and assignments in and done on time; and taking care of see that they are completed care fully and thoughtfully, seems to several professors to be the ear mark of an A student. And most professors are prac tical enough to admit that get ting to know the professbr sel dom does a good student harm; knowing the professor in the sense of being able to realize what he stresses and emphasizes, what type of answer he prefers in his tests, what kind of lectures he gives, how much he counts on class discussion, Outside reading, etc. But, the professors will point out, the best way to get an A is to study the material of 4$e course, comprehend it, learn it. And, though sometimes diffi cult to believe, most professors contend they enjoy giving A’s. The famous Rose Bowl Seats 95,000 people. Yet it would take More than ten Rose Bowls To hold All the parents And merchants And farmers And everyday people In all walks of life Who are Bell System stockholders. About 975,000 people-including 200,000 telephone employees Have invested A part of .their savings In the telephone business. It’s their money That helps make possible This country’s Top-notch telephone service A service vital to our National defense effort. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM