Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1950, Page Four, Image 4

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    Husky Harnessed
SEATTLE — (A5) — Lou Soriano,
t!ie University of Washington’s
racehorse basketball guard, is to be
put in harness.
Dr. John Geehan, team physician,
c,aid Tuesday he had ordered a spe
cial belt for the Bremerton ace to
wear as protection against a re
curring back injury.
Spears Leads Yale
NEW HAVEN, Conn.—MP)—Rob
ert (Bob i Spears, son of Dr. Clar
ence Spears who formerly coached
at the University of Oregon, has
been elected captain of Yale’s 1951
football team.
Nineteen-year-old Spears plays
as a line backer on defense and full
back on offense.
Ski Meeting
Candidates for the University of
Oregon varsity ski team will meet
at 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 6,
in the Visiting Team Room, located
in the basement of McArthur Court.
All interested students are invited
to attend.
For the Best
in fish and seafoods
Call 4-2371
Fresh, frozen and canned
fish and seafoods
39 East Broadway
Rasmussen Returns Home
After 30,000-Mile Jaunt
A good many Oregon athletes
have done right well for themselves
since leaving the Eugene campus
but few have soared to greater
heights than has George Rasmus
sen. Holder of Pacific Coast Con
ference and Amateur Atheltic Un
ion pole vault titles while under the
direction of Bill Hayward and Bill
Bowerman, Rasmussen has return
fring your Christmas
list problems to our stationery
department. You'll find the loveliest,
most beautifully boxed collection, the
widest range of Eaton creative letter
paper fashions in years. Come now
— while our collection is at its very best.
U. of O. Co-op Store
ed from world travels to resum
studies at the University.
The slender athlete from Bern
has spent the past four months a
a member of an AAU track tean
performing in South Africa ani
Portugal. The 30,000-mile jaunl
added to an earlier tour of simila
distance in the Scandanavian coun
tries, boosted his mileage on th
bar-and-sawdust circuit to approxi
mately 60,000 miles.
To Create Interest
Purpose of the tour, according b
Rasmussen, was to create more in
terest in track and field sports. Thi
AAU squad also taught moderi
methods of training.
The ten-man squad broke five na
tional marks while competing in 2:
meets against teams from Soutl
Africa and Portugal. Ras upped thi
vault record in South Africa fron
13 feet 6 inches to 14 feet 1 3/4 in
dies, and helped pare the 440-yar<
relay time from 42 seconds to 41.1
Other bettered marks included th'
low hurdles, shot, and discuss.
Back to Books
“Fats" will return to the class
rooms here to complete work dur
ing winter term for a degree in phy
sical education. The coming Pan
American games in South Americi
may interfere with later work to
ward a master’s degree.
Steady workouts are planned b;
Rasmussen, who also hopes to as
sist Bowerman during the winte
and early spring.
Duck Cage Squ<
Heads East Tod
Coach John Warren and a 12-man Webfoot basketball!
lVill leave at noon today for Salt Lake City to open the 19J
reason Friday night against Utah. The Ducks win meet]
State Saturday in the final contest of a two-game stami '
Two Webfoots
Get Plaudits
From Foes
Guard Ray Lung and linebacker
;nd Dick Daugherty of Oregon’s
football squad have been named on
:wo college all-opponent teams,
Lung on Oregon State College’s all
Dpponent squad, and Daugherty on
the University of Idaho's all-star
rival team.
Lung was named as guard by the
Beavers along with California s
publicized Les Richter, a gieat
guard and linebacker, Daugherty,
a Webfoot mainstay on defense,
who also played offensive end, was
given the center position by the
Oregon Staters making Idaho’s
all-opponent crew were tackle Her
man Clark, end John Thomas, and
sophomore Fullback Sam Baker.
The other players named by the
Vandals were End Ray Bauer, Mon
tana; Tackle Marvin Strauch, Wy
oming; guards Manuel Muniz, Ari
zona State, and Lou Salvati, Bos
ton University; and backs Tommy
Kingsford, .Montana, Wilford
“Whizzer” White, Arizona State,
who set a new national total offense
record for individual players, and
Eddie Talboom, Wyoming.
Other players named on OSC's
all-opponent squad were ends Bob
Carey, Michigan State College, and
Bill McColl, Stanford; tackles Le
Roy Coleman, Michigan State, and
Russ Pomeroy, Stanford; center
Donn Noomaw, UCLA; and backs
Don Heinrich, Washington; Ever
ett “Sonny” Grandelius, Michigan
State; Pete Schabarum, California;
and Hugh McElhenny, Washington.
We wonder if nations exper
ience declining birth rates because
the stork is a bird with a big bill.
The squad will travel on,
tered airliner and will arrive!
for a light workout tonight
Oregon's chances of gaini
venge for the pair of beating,
ed the Ducks by the saii
teams last season will be se
hurt by the loss of two bii
Center Chet Noe has been di
ineligible because of poor,
while Forward Bob Peterson
on transfer credits. Warrei
Wednesday night that he ho
have both men ready for,
ence competition.
The traveling squad list
Warren after the team scrim
against the alumni Wed
night included guards Jack I
Mel Krause, Ken Hunt, Art!
herd, and John Neeley; centej
Loscutoff, Jim Vranizan, ana
Bonnemann; and forward^
Urban, Mel Streeter, Curt!
and Don Hoy.
Three seniors and two junil
expected to start against thl
erful Redskins in the initia]
test. Krause, Keller, and Url
begin their final year of i
competition, while Streetej
Loscutoff are the juniors.
Noe topped the individuals
performances in the lengthj
home drill, although his
were for the alumni
than the varsity.
jb'UaeC fyja/i jHoantl
'Green' SDX Slobs
Ready For Aggie Til
By Stan Turnbull
Sensational! Super-c ollossal!
Game of the Half-Century! These
are but a few of the adjectives that
are not being applied to the Finger
Bowl, first of the “big college” post
season football games, scheduled to
be played here somewhere on Sat
urday sometime.
The opposing forces will be mem
bers of Oregon and Oregon State
chapters of Sigma Delta Chi, jour
nalism fraternity. Both squads
have untied and unscored upon rec
ords prior to this, their first game.
Bear Tales Bared
Both sides have dispatched num
erous bear stories concerning their
own teams. In fact, the Oregon
group is hunting for a bear to bring
its squad up to the required seven
Reports are that the Oregon stal
warts will be cheered onward by a
rally squad of Theta Sigma Phis,
women’s journalism group, in plaid
Among the U of O stalwarts will
be such notables as Jarrin’ John
Barton expert bench jockey, and
Pete Cornaccma.
nected with the Emerald spo'
partment), and Gene R°se'
fingered end who would
a sure varsity letter-winner
that he couldn’t get his hand.
Aggies Broke
A communique from
blandly admitted attemp s ,
elyting varsity talent
■ successful “We go ^ ’
of interest by insert! g
‘Chicago Bears' in P aC
Delta Chi,’ and would h
enced little difficulty.^
whole team. But we could*
the down payment.
The release con^n“e^hat:
little trouble deciding^ sU0
football to play • • • e
that we set up ow #
‘electric football S ,
tie the whole thing P
Ticket-manager Ken ^
local SDX Proml®f5o.yar
would be Plen y field for at
seats at Hayward W
interested, but that the,,
not be played there
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