Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 28, 1950, Image 1

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Friday is the last day to enroll
in courses with department clerks.
See story, column four.
Special notice: only 16 more
cramming days until Final Exams.
Weather ... ]
Fair and colder today. Partly
cloudy Wednesday.
Temperatures: Low Monday
morning, 42; high Monday, 59.
Expected low today, 42; expect*
ed high, 59. i
Marshall Dana
Slated to Discuss
Editorial Page
Marshall N. Dana, editor of the
editorial page of the Oregon Jour
nal, will speak at 11 a.m. today in
105 Journalism on “The Editorial
Page: Conscience of , the News
At 4 p.m. he will appear for an
informal discussion with a "Meet
the Press” group in the Student
Dana, who has been on the staff
of the Oregon Journal for more
than 40 years, will retire Jan. 1.
Before coming to the Journal in
1909, he worked on the Kansas
City Star and several West Virginia
papers. He started his career in
journalism in 1905 on the staff of
the Dayton, Ohio, Evening Herald.
Dana studied at Dension Uni
versity, Granville, Ohio, and has
since been awarded honorary de
grees from Whitman, Linfield, and
Oregon College of Education.
In the field of government, Dana
has headed several regional divi
sions of government agencies. In
1949 he was a guest of the Ameri
can Christian Palestine Committee
which made a study tour of Israel
and visited Europe. He toured the
Far East as a guest of the Wai
Department in 1947.
'’KWAX' Likely
As FCC Nixes
Original Choice
It may be KWAX instead o:
This is the word of Jack Vaughn
station manager of the Univer
sity’s new FM station, who tol(
the Emerald Monday that the cal
letters KDUK have been pronounc
ed “unavailable” by the Federa
Communications Commission.
The station had requested th<
familiar letters KDUK, by whicl
the station has been known on th<
campus since last year. But per
mission to use the letters are uj
to the FCC.
“KWAX was our second choice,’
said Vaughn, “but until broadcast;
start winter term we cannot b<
certain of FCC approval on these.’
While rejecting the request foi
KDUK, the FCC has as yet no
given approval to any other cal
jgtters. KDUC and KWAC weri
’also listed by the station as call
letter choices.
THE HEAD OF THE Chinese Communist delegation, Vvu tisiu-Chuan
(right) is greeted by Russia’s Jacob Malik (left) as the Chinese
arrived at Idlewild airport, New York, from London. In center back
ground is Juliusz Katz-Suchy, head of the Polish U. N. delegation.
The Chinese Communist delegation is here for talks at the United
Nations Security Council. (AP WIREPHOTO)
oeer Licenses ot aide, Taylor s
Suspended for 15-Day Period
Taylor’s coffee shop and the College Side Inn drew 15-day sus
pensions of beer selling privileges after the Oregon Liquor Con
trol commission sustained reports from commission examiners
that minors were being sold beer in the two places.
The suspensions were ordered during a Friday meeting of the
liquor commission in Portland and will take effect within 10
The question of beer sales
near the campus of any college
or university in the state was
set aside by the commission for
later action. The policy-making
decision will probably be hand
ed down by Jan. 1.
In tabling the much-argued is
sue, the commission expressed the
feeling that it required further in
vestigation and study. Members
said it was necessary to confirm
the attitudes of the University
administration and authorities of
the city of Eugene before proceed
ing to establish a policy.
Evidence Discussed
The commission did, however,
discuss evidence collected at an
open hearing held in the Eugene
city hall Nov. 16. Commission Ex
aminer Richard Reed, who Was pre
sent at the Eugene hearing, told
, members that testimony given at
the hearing seemed to indicate that
■ the proximity to the University
campus of places selling beer had
little effect on the problem.
Reed compared the case of the
I Chat & Chew in which minor stu
I dents from the OSC campus, locat
ed 2V2 miles away, had purchased
I beer. He pointed out that distance
in that instance had no bearing on
the sale of beer to students.
' A stack of letters from all over
1 the state urging termination of
(Please turn to page 7)
1 Notice to Students. . .
Students in literature and com
position courses should register to
’ day and Wednesday if they wish
1 to remain in their present section,
the English department has an
- nounced.
If they are unable to see their
[ advisers, they should sign a re
! serration card in the office, 109
Friendly. Changes in sections may
be made begining Thursday,
Wex/er Enacts
Role of 'logo'
In Coming Play
By Don Smith
One of the most experienced
Shakespearean actors in the
"Othello” cast is Paul Wexler, sen
ior in speech, who is playing the
role of Iago.
When the play opens Friday he
will play his first important
Shakespearean role, after about
1 two years of working in the Bard's
Ashland’s summer Shakespear
ean festival was the place where
Wexler picked up his experience.
He’s been in plays there for the
past two summers. In the Ashland
production of “Othello” he doubled
in roles of senator and official.
( Please turn to page seven)
Council pakes Action
On Rally Board Upset,
Misplaced Gripe Boxes
1 he Rally Board is being reshuffled again.
The resignation of Jim Fenimore. chairman of the Rally Board
was announced at Monday night’s meeting of the ASUO Execu
tive Council.
The council decided that:
1. Petitioning will begin for another rally board member.
2. Two suggestion Boxes will be olaccd on flip tUot*
students may easily voice their
3. Future meetings of the
Executive Council will be held
at 7:30 p.m.
“The Rally Board is the only
group that has not been func
tioning to the fullest,” criticized
ASUO President Barry Mountain.
He went on to say that the board
would probably become “better or
ganized, soon” and admitted that
the board had been limited by time
for planning.
Navy Calls Fenimore
Fenimore is resigning because he
is going to get married and has re
ceived his call from the Navy, ac
cording to Mountain.
The council decided that this
new appointment should be limit
ed to an upper classman. Petitions
are open immediately and will
close at 5 p.m. Thursday in order
that they may be screened. Per
sons chosen to appear for inter
views at 7:45 p.m. Monday will be
notified by telephone. The council
suggested that all petitions be as
complete as possible to enable fair
evaluation in the screening pro
A new chairman of the board
will be chosen after this appoint
ment is made.
A report on the Oregon Federa
tion of Collegiate Leaders recent
meeting at Oregon State College
submitted by 2nd Vice-President
Eve Overback made mention of the
use of suggestion boxes for get
ting student’s comments.
This struck a responsive chord
in the mind of Virginia Wright,
junior representative, who said
that she had two in her closet
which were constructed last year.
(Please turn to page 7)
All steps in the pre-registration
process for winter term must be
completed this week, according to
Registrar Clifford L. Constance.
Students must have conferred
with their advisers and enrolled in
classes with department clerks by
Friday afternoon. The following
steps—checking with the Student
Affairs Office, filing cards with
the registrar, and paying fees—
may he done up to noon Dec. 9.
It is not necessary to pay fees
until January, but students must
have gone far enough in the regis
tration process to file their cards
with the registrar by Dec. 9 or they
will be required to pay a late fee
of at least $8 when they resume
! registration in January, Constance
' said.
Students holding Alaska-Hawaii,
I state fee, or foreign scholarships I
should refrain from paying their
fees until January. These students
must cheek with Miss Dolores Ray,
| scholarship secretary, to verify
their awards and their GI’A.
To Lecture
“Is Another Depression Ahead?”
will be the subject of a lecture by
Phil LaFollette, three times gover
nor of Wisconsin and analyst and
interpreter of world affairs, who
will speak at 11 a.m. Wednesday
in the SU ballroom.
Each morning class will be cut
fifteen minutes. The schedule will
be: first period, 8-8:35; second
period, 8:45-9:20; third period,
9:30-10:05; and fourth period,
A coffee hour will be held for
Philip LaFollette at 3 p.m. Wed
nesday in the Dad’s Lounge of the
Student Union. The informal meet
ing, being sponsored by the SU
board and Mortar Board, is open
to students, faculty, and towns
The lecturer’s father, the late
Robert M. LaFqllette, was gover
nor of Wisconsin from 1900 to
1906, and U. S. Senator from 1906
until his death in 1925. He was
defeated as a candidate for presi
dency running under the League
for Political Progressive Action.
Phil LaFollctte’s brother, Bob,
succeeded his father as U. S. Sena
tor in 1925 and served until 1947.
America’s Youngest Governor
When Phil LaFollette was elect
ed governor of Wisconsin in 1930
he was America’s youngest gover
nor. He had previously served a.T
District Attorney of Dan^ county,
Wisconsin, and as a lecturer in law
at the University of Wisconsin
Law School.
During the last war LaFollette.
joined General MacArthur's staff
in the S. W. Pacific. He was award
ed the Legion of Merit, for merit
orious service in the Philippines,
six battle stars, the Bronze Arrow
head and the Bronze Star Medal.
Dr. E. H. Moore, head of the
sociology department, will intro
duce LaFollette, who fills the third
engagement by the University As
sembly Committee.