Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 21, 1950, Image 1

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1 Barometer Editor,
Turnbull 'Color'
Rival Campuses
(Editor’s Note: “Do a color story on the OSC and Oregon
campuses the week of the big ‘civil war’ game.” That was the as
signment of Emerald Columnist Stan Turnbull and Editor Bob
Young of the Oregon State Barometer, respectively. Turnbull
spent Monday on the Corvallis campus, while Editor Young
visited here. Both writers are seniors—Youne in engineering.
and Turnbull in journalism.)
By Bbb Young
Editor, OSC Barometer
Pre-game color wasn't too ap
parent on the University of Ore
gon campus yesterday, though
there were signs that it would pick
up later in the week.
The common run of the Ducks
weren’t too optimistic about the'
Webfoots’ chances in this Satur
day’s encounter with the Beavers,
at least they weren’t when there
wasn’t any indication that they
were to be quoted.
While accompanying the Emer
ald inquiring reporter, (incognito
of course), who posed the question
V of who would win, only one of
about eight persons asked came out
openly to say that the Ducks would
take it.
Student Leader
One student leader typified the
reactions to our questions by say
ing “It’ll be a colorful game.” His
quote for publication was a bit dif
ferent, but we won’t betray him by
printing both together.
In the den of the Law school (a
close-knit group with a reputation
akin to OSC’s engineering school
only more so) Tex Goodwin, editor
of the law school review, described
the situation as one of “singular
apathy.” Nevertheless the boys
were collecting for their weekly
football pool (as practice in sound
investment—"after three years of
betting you're sure to win once.”)
Tex summed up their opinions
with the sage announcement that
“we’re more disturbed about hav
ing to walk further for our bottle
of stout.”
And that brings up the factor
that, along with deferred living and
rushing, is stealing the publicity
thunder from the big game. But
contrary to rumors, there were no
parading students—or mothers on
soapboxes—proclaiming their side
of the ruckus.
Although it was a slow hour,
when we wandered into the Side
with an escort of Emerald wheels
on our tour of inspection, only a
few booths were occupied and
these (Is nothing sacred?) by stu
dents studying. Affable John Al
pine, who fits perfectly with the
^ beer cellar atmosphere of the Side,
explained his side of the question
and hoped for adequate identifica
tion systems to provide protection
for the tavern owner.
Still Dreaming
They’re still dreaming up reasons
for the 'Oregon undercurrent’ and
attributing troubles to that old
scapegoat—deferred living,— as
well as war tension, the weather,
and a younger student body. No one
had blamed the atom bomb, at last
Getting back to football, Coach
Jim Aiken, a milder man than we
had pictured, predicted a tough
game. His men are in top shape and
came through the Colorado game
unscathed. (There, we did the im
possible—writing about Aiken with
nary a mention of his gravel voice.)
Footballers Ray Lung and Earl
Stelle echoed his sentiments and
opined that both teams would be up
for this game. “We're not worried
about last year,” Lung said, “we’re
just out to win this one.”
Despite a somewhat conflicting
opinion among the general run of
the student body, those close to the
m~ team said that morale is high
among the players despite the poor
(please turn to page eight)
By Stan Turnbull
It was no madhouse of activity,
but neither were there cows wand
ering about the quad.
A flying tour of the Oregon
State College campus at Corvallis,
45 miles north of Eugene, in
search of pre-game “color” showed
the next-best center of higher edu
! cation in the state to be—on sur
face at least—much quieter than
the Eugene school, generally.
But optimism regarding next
Saturday’s annual “Civil War”
football battle there was. “It’s too
late for the University of Oregon
to back out,” said a rally girl.
“Of course we’ll win,” pronounc
ed Student Body President Don
Hay, and dozens echoed the senti
ment. A hot time for old Portland
was predicted, too.
A lot of local color, “namely,
blood,” was predicted by a stu
Not Everyone Poetic
Not everyone was as optimistic,
or as poetic, as the Junior Inter
fraternity Council, which is fea
turing the slogan “Keep the Green
and Yeller in the Cellar.” Another
rally girl stated impartially, “Both
teams always have a lot of spirit
for this game, so you can’t tell
who will win—even if we are bet
It was thought best to keep a
safe distance from the football
team, but reports were that the
coaching staff is blue indeed after
losing last week to Washington
State. But OSC has won twice as
many games as the University this
Generally it was business as
usual at OSC Monday—no knots
of students chanting “Beat Ore
gon,” no beer-near-campus contro
versy (nearest tavern being almost
two miles away), no mammoth ral
lies planned until Friday night at
the Paramount theater in Port
land (a rally scheduled for today
was called off because of injury
to a yell-leader in an auto acci
dent on return from WSC last
weekend). No “deferred-living” for
frosh to kick around, either.
OSC Campus Larger
The campus at OSC is notice
ably larger but most buildings ap
pear older, though none so old as
Deady or Villard. Newest and
among the most useful of the
buildings is Gill Coliseum, the
basketball pavillion completed last
year. No posts in front of any of
the 10,500 seats; the site of regis
tration (which is “simplified” each
year, as at Oregon); doubles as
concert hall; and the scene of
some dances—last year 3,000
couples and 4,000 spectators heard
Vaughn Monroe at the Senior Ball.
Enrollment is down to about
6,000—approximately 1,000 ahead
of the University—from a high of
nearly 8,000 two years ago.
The 22-year-old Memorial Union
—MU—sells coffee for a flat 10
cents, coffee to match, instead of
Oregon’s eight and seven cent
(Please turn to page eight)
Portland Rally
Webfoots will assemble for a
pre-game rally in Portland behind
the Old Pioneer Post Office, in
front of the Portland Hotel,' Fri
day Nov. 24, at 8 p.m.
Robert Mautz and Gordon Wil
son, the latter a member of the
1919 Rose Bowl team, will speak.
Registration Schedule
Registration material for wint
er term will be available until
5 p.m. Wednesday on the sec
ond floor of the SU. Material
not picked up this week will be
available at the refistrar’s of
Registration will not start un
til next Monday. Advisers may
be seen then, and enrollment
must be completed with depart
ment clerks Jby Dec. 1—students
have the following week to wind
up the remaining steps.
Registration cards must be
filed in the registrar’s office by
Dec. 9—fees may be paid up to
Suspension Endell
On Five Students
In Barrister Inn
Two weeks of suspension from the University of Oregon w ill
end Monday when three law and two business students return
to classes.
1 he five are \ ernon Cook, bred Risser, and Thomas Staple
ton. all law students, and George Dock and George Murphy,
business administration majors. Murphy is a foreign studUntT
from England.
Reinstatement of the students is an “effort to give the studVntf
Mountain Requests
SelfTrule by Students
j-.et us clean our own house.”
This was the essence of a re
quest made by ASUO President
Barry Mountain Friday to Univer
sity President H. K. Newburn. Liv
ing organization presidents pledg
ed their support in enacting and
enforcing a policy of self-regula
tion within their respective groups.
Mountain pointed out that Pre
sident Newburn has always been in
favor of student regulation wher
ever it has been possible and that
he seemed ready to go along with
student corrective measures.
‘‘We must take some positive
All presidents of campus liv
ing organizations will meet at
4 p.m. today in 105 Journalism
to “discuss the drinking situa
tion on the Oregon campus,”
ASUO President Barry Moun
tain announced Monday.
In case the president is un
able to attend, the vice-president
or another house officer should
represent his organization, Moun
tain said.
action immediately or the admin
istration will be forced to act,”
Mountain explained.
He said that immediate, positive
action is also necessary to correct
To Speak in SU
Philip LaFollette, three time
governor of Wisconsin, analyst and
interpreter of world affairs, will
speak at 11 a.m. Nov. 29 in the
SU ballroom. His topic will be an
nounced later.
Dr. E. H. Moore, head of the
sociology department, will intro
duce LaFollette, who fills the third
engagement by the University
Assembly Committee.
During the last war LaFollette
joined General MacArthur’s staff
in the S. W. Pacific. He was award
ed the Legion of Merit, for merit
orious service in the Philippines,
six battle stars, the Bronze Arrow
head and the Bronze Star Medal.
LaFollette received an A. B.
Degree from the University of
Wisconsin in 1919, and an L. L. B.
in 1922. During the first world
war he served as second lieuten
ant in the infantry.
He was elected District Attorn
ey of Dane County, Wisconsin in
1923, and in 1926 he served as
lecturer in law at the University
of Wisconsin Law School. When
LaFollette was elected governor
of Wisconsin in 1930, he was
America’s youngest governor.
the many false impressions that
have arisen during the past week
about the University because of
the abundance of newspaper pub
licity, which was “more than the
situation warranted.”
“It is unfortunate that because
of the violations of a few, the en
tire student body and the Univer
sity must suffer and the general
morality qf the school be brought
before a public hearing,” was the
opinion that Mountain voiced.
“This is a student problem,” he
said, “and it should be left up to
the students to solve it and justify
the faith that the administration
has placed in student government.”
Most inflective Measure
He added that the most effec
tive measure would be self-regu
lation by the students, not by Uni
versity regulations—each group
should see that their members
“stayed in line.”
“If the students don't take the
initiative and correct the situation,
the only just alternative will be
for the administration to step in
and regulate us,” Mountain said.
Indicating their faith in student
co-operation, the presidents of var
ious living organizations made the
following statements:
Glen Holden, Beta Theta Pi,
said :
“It is a must that all students
co-operate to remove the present
menace of ill publicity surround
ing drinking at the University of
As a house president, I'm going
to do all within my power to assist
the University and campus estab
lishments to bring about a satis
factory corrective change.”
“We in Minturn Hall,” said Pre
sident Hay Coley, “are well aware
of the situation and are taking
(Please turn to page three)
section bb students
To Show Card Stunts
Students holding reserved
scat tickets in Section BB of
Multnomah Stadium for the Sat
urday game in Portland will
compose the card stunts sec
tion, Chairman Bob Brittain has
These students are requested
to wear white shirts, blouses, or
sweaters. The card stunts will
be given during half-time, Brit
tain said.
If a student in this section
cannot go to the game, he should
try to have someone substitute
for him, Brittain stated.
All Oregon students are re
quested to wear rooters’ lids to
tiie game.
body jts chance to prove that it is
capable of conducting itself in a
manner of which the University can
be proud,'’ Associate Director of
Student Affairs Ray Hawk -sait*
Monday night.
He referred to action being taken
by ASUO President Barry Moun
tain and the Executive Council to
have the Oregon students clean
their own house.
Scroti Displayed
Hawk also displayed a s'cl'oll
signed by all residents of Barrister
Inn asking for the “institution of
an honor system in Barrister Inn,
whereby we may set a pattern
which might eventually be adopt
ed in all the halls.’’
The five reinstated men arefcaVV-*
residents of the Inn—a dormitory
for law and graduate students.
They were suspended Nov. 13 for
drinking in a. dormitory room.
University reguations say the use
of intoxicating liquors (including
beer) within the living organiza
tion will result in immediate sus
pension from the University.
However, Director Hawk said ho
thought the punishment was too’
severe in this case, because a term’s
suspension for law students would
put them a year behind due to se
quence courses, and would mean
loss of visa for the foreign student.
“This reinstatement is an at
tempt to make the punishment
more equitable to the crime, and to
recognize the voice of the students,"
Hawk said.
Dean O J. Hollis of the law
school and Dean V. P. Morris of
the business administration school
both said Monday night they were
"in complete accord” with the re
Suspension Not Fixed
Length of suspension for drink
ing in dormitories is not fixed in*
University regulations. The defi
nite period is decided by the Office
of Student Affairs.
The scroll which was presented
(Please turn to page three)
Council Slates
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Execu
tive Council will be held tonight
to take positive steps on the prob
lem cf student discipline, growing
out of the "drinking” affair of
last week.
Student body officials will con
sider steps taken by living organ
ization presidents at 4 p.m. today.
Four new members of an enlarg
ed rally board were appointed at
the council meeting Monday night.
New board members are Jean
Gould, Bob Brittain, Ethel Larsen
and Marcella Wallace.