Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1950, Page Seven, Image 7

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    UO Delegation
Starts on World
Topics Speeches
Seven University students re
turned Saturday from a two-day
regional conference of the Inter
national Relations Club at the Col
lege of Puget Sound, Tacoma,
Accompanying the group were
P. W. Neuber, a Carnegie fellow
in political science, his wife, and
E. C. Robbins, adviser to the club
and instructor in political science.
Discussions on Communist China,
the Japanese peace treaty, Yugo
slavia and her communism prob
lems, and other subjects were fea
tured. Approximately 25 north
western colleges were represent
ed at the conference, sponsored by
the Carnegie Endowment for In
ternational Peace.
The Oregon student delegation
included President Claire Cordier,
Vice-president Tolbert McCarroll,
< Nancy O’Connor, Richard Hansen,
Lloyd Lease, Grace Sargent, and
Hans Hock, Austrian foreign stu
Two reading copies of the Eme
rald are available in the Student
Union Browsing Room every day.
A woman with her hair done up
in papers couldn’t possibly look as
terrible as she thinks she does.
fmble for
r W {
| The easiest-writing
\ portable m built!
* *
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Top Bridge Teams
To Meet at 6:30
Finalists in the first annual all
campus bridge tournament will
meet at 6:30 tonight in 315 Stu
dent Union.
Teams which placed first or sec
ond in each section and each di
rection in preliminaries qualify for
the finals.
Winning men’s and women’s
teams will be awarded rotating
trophies; individual winners will
receive small permanent trophies.
Second-place winners will be pre
sented permanent plaques.
The tournament, sponsored by
the Student Union Board recrea
tion committee, is directed by Steve
Engelmann, committee member.
Darby Chairman
Of AWS Party
Ann Darby was named general
chairman of the AWS Christmas
charity party, schedule for Wed
nesday, Dec. 2.
Subchairmen are Bobbie How
ard, decorations; Norma Hultgren,
distribution; Barbara Clerin and
Joan Cartozian, collections; Andy
Priedle, publicity; Jeanne Gould,
program; Denise Thum, food; and
Judy McLoughlin, invitations.
Meeting of all committee chair
men will be held in the Student
Union at 4 p.m. Monday.
KDUK Project
(Continued from page one)
"We’re not certain yet just what
kind of shows we’ll have. We need
a staff of about 100 in order to
operate as we would like too,”
said Vaughn.
Located in Villard
KDUK, with studios, offices and
transmitting facilities on the top
floor of Villard Hall, is owned by
the State Board of Higher Educa
tion, and will be run through the
speech department of the Univer
Unlike the Emerald, and the
Oregana, KDUK is not supported
by student funds, although the
transmitting facilities were provid
ed through student body contribu
tions in the radio honorary Kappa
Rho Omicron, pledge drive last
Biggest difficulty faced by
KDUK is transmitting to this area.
Investigation was made on this
campus and at Stanford to see if
carrier circuit was practical at
Oregon. It was found by techni
cians that the size of the campus
and the diversity of living organi
zations would make carrier cur
rent not only impractical, but ille
Reason for FM
For this reason the FM applica
tion was made. Vaughn, explain
ing the FM said, “We feel that
after we start programming, FM
will turn out to be far superior
to anything else.”
Living organizations, said
Vaughn, have put in “converters”
in FM sets which permit AM radios
to transmit FM programs.
Stating the policy of KDUK,
Vaughn said the station will be an
education station, in that it will
be training for students, rather
than education primarily for list
“KDUK” Pending
Some doubt remains that KDUK
will be the call letters of the sta
tion. The FCC has still to issue an
official permit on that point.
Vaughn said a request has been
made for those call letters and
the station has no reason to be
lieve that KDUK will not be grant
ed them.
Other call letters which the sta
tion has submitted as alternatives
are KWAX, KDUC, and KWAC.
The radio department of the Uni
versity will continue to transmit
three hours a week over KOAC.
New Pledges Listed
(Continued jrom page one)
move into fraternities whenever
they wish, said Bill Harber, pre
sident of the IFC.
New pledges are:
Alpha Tau Omega—Howard All
man, Bob Altman, Ted Anderson,
Philip Barter, Bill Bottler, Ron
Chevrier, Kenneth Cardwell, Mar
tin Hankinson, Paul Hawkins, Ger
ald Ingwerson, Robert Jones, Ron
Keil, Paul Lasker, Ronald Lowell,
James Mendenhall, Bill Miller,
O’Neill Sanders, Richard Ward,
Pierre Pasquio, and Vernon Bon
Beta Theta Pi—Dick Adams,
John Akers, Dick Buren, Norman
Hay, Russell Mannex, Albert Mar
tin, Ed Meyers, Jack Southworth,
Bob Stout, Jim Weatherall, Larry
Wolford, and Wade Carter.
Chi Psi—Chuck Camplan, Ken
Carnahan, Bill Kaer, John Mar
shall, Gary Meredith, Robert Mor
ris, Max Pierce, Thomas Spencer,
and Bill Thomson.
Delta Tau Delta—John Eckstein,
Duane Fields, Hubert Garrabrant,
Charles Hansen, Craig Lucas, Rog
er Nichols, Henry Szwarce, and
Andrew Vincent.
Delta Upsilon—Peter Moe, Peter
Quinn, Leonard Schroeder, Lowell
Schuck, Lee Roy Thomas, John
Wadman, and Baron Whitney.
Phi Beta Kappa
Elects Souers*
P. W. Souers, head of the Eng
lish department, was elected pre
sident of the Oregon chapter of
Phi Beta Kappa at a meeting last
week. Robert Dean, assistant pro
fessor of chemistry, was elected
vice-president; and Mrs. A. F.
Moursund was re-elected secretary.
Members of the group’s execu
tive committee elected at the meet
ing were Mrs. Lois Baker, law
librarian; and Robert Leeper, pro
fessor of psychology.
Elected to the membership com
mittee were Donald M. DuShane,
director of student affairs; E. C.
Robbins, instructor in economics;
Howard Dean, assistant professor
of political science; and Mrs.
Marie Mason, instructor in mathe
ASUO Rally Board
Requests Petitions
Petitioners for five Rally Board
positions Will be interviewed by
the ASUO Executive Council at
8:15 p.m. tonight in the Student
Union board room.
Another vacancy on the
board has been created by the
resignation of Jim Crismon. Cris
mon, junior in liberal arts, has de
clined deferment and is Army
bound according to ASUO Presi
dent Barry Mountain.
There are five vacancies on the
enlarged nine-member board. The
council wants about three or four
lower classmen for the new ap
pointments, one of whom should
be a band member. This will leave
at least one and possibly two po
sitions open for upper-classmen.
Also on the agenda for the coun
cil meeting, which is open to all
students, are reports on the meet
ing of the Oregon Federation of
Collegiate Leaders, final plans for
a new student body card, and tent
ative plans for an athletic sport’s
night program.
Chocolates & Fudge
Made in Eugene
63 E. Broadway
Kappa Sigma—Tom Angle and
John Ramming.
Lambda Chi Alpha—Richard
Cumpston, Earl Fowler, Richard
Hollenbeck, and Walter McClain.
Phi Delta Theta—Russell Bayly,
Richard Carlson, A1 Christenson,
Jon Eremeef, Robert Holloway,
Bob Mausshardt, Richard Miller,
Richard Price, and Richard Zim
Phi Gamma Delta—John DeKon
ing, David Mecklem, Clarke Mil
ler, James Mills, Franz Niege
mann, Clark Smith, and Henry
Phi Kappa Psi—Jerry Ander
son, John Beal, Robert Brandbury,
Don Braman, George Crosby, Jim
Goldrainer, Henry Keil, Robert
Oringdulph, Larry Smith, and Walt
er Straub. I
Phi Kappa Sigma—Robert Bail
ey, James Baker, James Marshal,
Malcolm Norton, Glenn Reller,
Howard Slinkard, and Peter Mun
Phi Sigma Kappa—Steve By
strom, Franklin Kincaid, Ralph
Spencer, James Hess, and Marvin
Pi Kappa Alpha—Alan Ander
son, George Booth, Loyal Kirk, Ed
die Robinson, Marvin Schaffer, and
Edward Weiss.
Pi Kappa Phi—John Brocha,
Leslie LaFond, Robert Pierce, and
Jack Wood.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon—Bob Brit
tain, David Chapman, Dick Cun
ningham, Bill Earl, Ron Gustafson,
Bill Hail, Bill Johnson, Dick John
son, James Lancaster, Bob Meaney,
Tom Moss, Alan Packer, Don Parr,
Bob Reverman, Tom Rhodes,
George Ross, Bill Webster, and
Robert Zeagler.
Sigma Alpha Mu—Stan Blank,
Jerry Friedman, Stanley Geffen,
A1 Goldenberg, Jerome Nudelman,
'Ted Rubenstein, Stanley Samuels,
and Ronald Sherman.
Sigma Chi—Brent Bates, Wayne
Carothers, Peter Charlton, Stanley
Gottschalk, Bob H a w e s, Don
Hedgepeth, Barney Holland, Ron
ald Phillips, Douglas Rogers, Ben
Salvon, Bob Scott, Don Siegmund,
Harold Toliver, Ronnie Walters,
Norman Webb, and John Whitty.
, Sigma P h 1 Epsilon—Martin
Johnson, Frank Jones, Ed Kuyken
dall, Gordon MacPherson, Raoul
Maddox, Peter Mihnos, Dick
Peters, William Sink, Wilkam
Walker, and Rodney West.
Sigma Nu—Bob Bennett, John
Davis, Eugene Espey, John Fost
er, Marion Grzeskiewicz, Lawrence
Hall, Dick Hiller,' Howard Hostet
tler, Richard Johnson, Burt Lucas,
Skip Nagler, Charles Soderberg,
Vince Tadei, Arthur Teague, and
Roger Webster.
Tau Kappa Epsilon—Robert
Fowler and Donald Surfus.
Theta Chi—Dave Aldrich, Don
Almy, Richard Anderson, Stanley
Blue, Harry Donkers, Judge Elder
kin, William Hug, Richard Kes
son, Don Krieger, David Lenz,
Dick Nooe, Ron Strickling, Rob
ert White, Richard Hartsock, and
Eddie Moses.
LOST—Combination wallet afid
change purse. Name inside: ubc
Collough. Finder please return
to library office. Reward. -15
Oregana Adds
■Two Editors
Jerry Hencken, junior in art, and
Mary Cochrane, sophomore in lib
eral arts, have been named asso
ciate editors of the Oregana, Edi
tor Ruth Landry announced Sun
The appointments were approv
ed by the Student Publications*
Board last week.
Hencken will have charge of the
schools section and Miss Cochrane
of the clubs and honoraries secr
tion. ,4
Hencken has worked on the
yearbook for two and one-half
years, mainly on layout and the
-school's section.
Miss Cochrane, who edited the
Eugene High School yearbook in
1949, did layout work arid speeikj
assignments for the Oregana last
year. ..
Lomax to Discuss Alaska
"Alaska As A Market for the
Pacific Northwest" will be the
topic of a speech by A. L. Lomax,
professor of business administra
tion, at 8:45 p.m. today over tnte
KOAC broadcast, “World in Re
view." t
Showing Today! \
Joel McCrea
“ Saddle Tramp”
Howard Duff
Spencer Tracy 4
“Stanley and Livingston”
also t
“Les Miserables’1
IAN E 4 0431
Robert Walker ^
‘Skipper Surprised His Wife’s
y Girl”
William Bendix
‘Kill the Umpire”
sprfinOFifi-Lr. I 7-340.1
“Drums of the Congo” '
‘Captive Wild Woman” .
■— ■
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