Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1950, Page Four, Image 4

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    Billiard Experts Slated
For Exhibition Today
Charles Peterson, world famous
pool and billiard champion and
trick shot artist, will put on an
other exhibition of fancy shooting
this afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 in
the downstairs recreation hall of
the Student Union.
Peterson, who is making an ex
hibition tour of colleges and univer
sities, put on a great three-hour
*ihow of trick shooting before a ca
pacity crowd Saturday afternoon.
dKe was back that night to give
.demonstrations and instructions to
anyone who asked.
Movie To Be Shown
Besides his shooting exhibition
today, a movie featuring trick and
fancy shots by Peterson will be
ahown at 3:30 p.m. in the ping pong
•. room of the SU.
Another feature attraction of
Peterson’s appearance will be an
exhibition by 10 Oregon coeds on
haw to play pool after one easy les
son. Peterson will select the partici
pants for his experiment this morn
.fng, will coach them for an hour in
the rudiments of the game, and’
they will demonstrate their accom
pli-diluents on the SU tables at 4
This will be another effort in the
72 year old master's campaign to
foster pool and billiard popularity
among the weaker sex. That there
is at least an interest by the distaff
element is shown by the large group
of females in Saturday's audience.
Utah First Foe
For Cage Five
Oregon’s basketball squad is be
ginning to shape up as Coach John
Warren drills his charges in prepa
ration for the opening game of the
pre-conference schedule against
Utah on Friday, December 1, only
11 days away.
A week later, December 8 and 9,
Oregon will play its first home
games against UCLA’s defending
Pacific Coast Conference champ
ions, In McArthur Court.
The forward posts are currently
held by Will Urban, in action after
a month’s inactivity with an injured
foot, and Mel Streeter. Bob Peter
sort, transfer who showed great
promise in early practice, has not
competely recovered from a sprain
ed ankle.
The outstanding candidate for
center continues to be Chet Noe, 6
foot. 7 inch sophomore, who last
'year set a new scoring record for a
freshman hoopster at Oregon.
Hank Bonneman has also perform
ed well at center.
The guard posts, considered to
be the strongest spots on Oregon’s
team this season, are held down by
Mel Krause and Jack Keller, regu
lar guards on last year’s squad.
in comfortable
Arrow Formal Shirts
No struggle to go formal when you have
Arrow dress shirts. They're specially de
signed for comfort! You'll see the Arrow
“Shoreham” and “Mayfair" at important
proms throughout the country. And now at
your favorite Arrow dealer's. qq
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Secret Practices
Slated for Ducks
Oregon’s Ducks, who lost to Col
orado 21-7 Saturday, will go behind
locked gates this week in a final
effort to put together a winning
combination for this Saturday’s
traditional civil war battle against
Oregon State.
Coach Jim Aiken said last night
that the Ducks came out of the Col
orado game without injuries and
will be in their best physical shape
of the campaign for the Beaver
Oregbn In Hole
Colorado put its guests in a hole
with a two touchdown second per
iod performance and put on the
clincher in the last quarter. Ore
gon got into the scoring column on
a pass from Hal Dunham to Tommy
Edwards with moments left in the
first half. The same combination
narrowly missed another score on
an 82 yard pass play with seconds
left in the game.
Merwin Hodel, the Buffs’ crash
ing fullback, and scatback Woody
Shelton provided the spark for the
Colorado attack. Hodel scored
twice on two-yard bucks after
drives of 61 and 62 yards and Shel
ton provided the third tally on a
twisting run after taking a pass
from Halfback Dane Graves.
Dunham Pass Clicks
Oregon’s lone score came after
Tackle Hal Simmons recovered a
Buff fumble on the Colorado 31.
Three passes failed, but on fourth
down Dunham hit Edwards on the
two near the sideline for the tally.
Chet Daniels converted on his sec
ond try after a Colorado offside nul
lified a miss on the first attempt.
The Ducks’ near miss came
after a Buff drive stalled on the
Oregon 16. With 30 seconds left,
Dunham heaved a 64 yard pass
which Edwards gathered in on
the Buff 30 and carried to the two
before being hauled down. Earl
Stelle reached the one-foot line
on the nevt play, but time ran
out before another could be
Aiken praised his whole defen
sive line for its best effort of the
season. He singled out Chuck Miss
feldt. Len Diederichs, Don McCaul
ey, J. D. McCowan, and Ray Lung
for special mention.
On offense Dunham, Edwards,
and Monte Brethauer were the big
guns for Oregon. Brethauer caught
five passes to bring his season total
to 30, just one shy of the Webfoot
record now held by Darrel Robin
son (1949) and Dick Wilkins (1948).
Though the Ducks’ running game
failed to click regularly, Stelle, Ed
wards, Missfeldt and Bobo Moore
reeled off several good gains. Aiken
hopes to bring the ground attack
to its highest point of the season
this week.
Order of the "0"
All lettermen are urged to attend
an Order of the O meeting at noon
today in the Phi Kappa Sigma
house, according to an announce
ment by President Don Peterson.
/M Schedule
“A” Quarterfinals
4 p.m. Court 40—Delts vs Sig
ma Chi
43—SAE vs Phi Delts
4:45 Court 40—Minturn vs Phi
Betas bye
League 5-B Playoff
4:45 Court 43—ATO vs DU
Rooks Grind
To Easy Win
Despite Mud
A speedy backfield led the Ore
gon State Rooks to a 30-9 triumph
over the Oregon Frosli Friday af
ternoon on muddy Hayward Field.
Despite the surprising success of
the Baby Beaver ground attack,
Duckling End Ted Anderson stole
the show when he returned the final
Rook kickoff 94 yards for a touch
down with only 30 seconds left in
the game.
Rooks Held To Twelve
Although Rook fumbles and pen
alties enabled the Frosh to hold
OSC to twelve points during the
first three quarters, the Duckling
defenses collapsed in the final per
The Rooks opened the scoring
early in the initial quarter, march
ing 72 yards in eight plays. Sizable
gains by Left Half Dave Mann and
Fullback Jack Peterson set the
stage for Right Half Bill Ander^
son's 33-yard touchdown gallop’
around left end.
The Ducklings gained their
first scoring opportunity shortly
before the end of the first quar
ter when a 47-yard punt by Ore
gon Left Half Jack Morris rolled
to a halt only two feet from the
Northerners’ goal.
Mann’s attempted punt was
blocked by Duckling End Neil Tar
dio. The ball rolled out of the end
zone for a safety and the Rooks led
An OSC drive early in the second
period covered 43 yards before an
accumulation of rule infractions
ended the threat. Penalties nullified
an 11-yard run by Sub Halfback
Ken Brown, a 26-yard end run by
Mann, and a 30-yard punt return
for a touchdown, also by Mann.
The Rooks scored their second
touchdown when Mann skirted left
end' on a double reverse and cross
ed the goal with only 17 seconds re
maining in the first half.
The Baby Beavers scored again
in the final stanza when Peter
son fumbled the ball and rolled
into the end zone. Quarterback
Art Charette fell upon the pig
skin for the tally.
Sub Fullback Don Foss smashed
through left guard for seven yards
and the fourth Rook touchdown.
Halfback Chuck Cody added the
fifth when he galloped ten yards for
the six-pointer with only 47 seconds
remaining. Reserve Fullback Kaye
Booth missed' on all four of his con
version attempts.
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