Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1950, Page Six, Image 6

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    UO Revives Ruling
On Late Phone Calk
The revival of the University
rule restricting telephone calls to
women's houses after 11 p.m. on
week nights,is on a trial basis only,
Mrs. Golda Wickham, director of
women's affairs, explained Wed
Although enforced in all Uni
versity dormitories, the rule has
been neglected by sororities and
cooperatives for years. As a result
of recent complaints, the rule was
restated at the Heads of Houses
meeting Monday to get opinion on
the regulation, Mrs. Wickham said.
Presidents Make Survey
House presidents are to make a
survey in their individual houses,
and report reaction to the next
Heads of Houses meeting Nov. 27.
Mrs. Wickham pointed out that
a large share of complaints re
garding late phone calls came
from houses, not dorms.
Originally the rule was passed
to avoid disturbing living organ
izations after freshmen were in
bed. The campus telephone ex
change allows no outside calls to
go through to dorms, both men’s
and women's after 11 p.m. unless
they are long-distance or emer
, gency calls.
Many Restrict Calls
“Many universities restrict calls
after a certain closing hour when
they have a central telephone of
fice which includes all living
groups,” Mrs. Wickham reported.
House presidents contacted Wed
nesday emphasized the impractical
ity of the rule.
‘‘There is no way we can en
force the rule,” Delta Gamma pre
sident Ruth Mihnos said. “The
phone, is usually busy around 11
p.m. The girls see no reason why
they can’t answer the phone when
they’re up anyway. If in bed, they
aren’t called to answer the phone
unless it’s important.”
No Complaints at Thetas
. “No complaints,” were register
ed at the Kappa Alpha Theta
house according to President
Nancy Chamberlain.
“In other years when freshmen
were living in the house there
were more calls, and upperclass
men had to call after 11. Now this
problem isn’t so serious,” she stat
“It’s extremely hard to regulate
off-campus calls," Helen Koopman,
Highland House president, noted.
“I see no way of enforcing the
rule when the phones are constant
ly busy.”
Chi Omega president Barbara
Ness pointed out the inconven
ience of restricting these calls.
“We are having a hard time mak
ing the rule work because of our
lack of control over incoming
Frosh Pre-Dentals Receive
Provisional Acceptance
Promising freshman students
who plan to enter the dental
1 school in the fall of 1952 are to
bo given provisional acceptance,
according to Dr. Robert B. Dean,
v/ho i3 in charge of pre-dental
' This allowance is made neces
sary by the fact that Selective
Service boards have not recog
nized pre-professional classifica
tions unless they were endorsed by
a professional school, such as the
1 dental school.
Dr. Ellis B. Jump, chairman of
the Dental School Admissions
Committee, will address students
interested in dentistry as a pro
fession 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 in Mc
1 dure Hall. The speech is open to
the public.
Swenson to Answer Questions
Dr. Swenson, who is in charge
of the professional aptitude test
at the dental school, will also be
present at Dr. Jump’s lecture to
answer questions.
All students qualified to enter
tire school in 1951 should send in
applications immediately. A few
of these are available in 6 Mc
Clure Hall, Dr. Dean stated.
Provisional acceptance for the
class of 1952 will probably be giv
en only to students who have com
pleted at least one term of Uni
versity work.
Dr. A. H. Kunz, who is in charge
of pre-medical advising, had not
yet received word of similar ac
tion by the University Medical
Loren Mort Quits
SALEM—hP>—Loren Mort. high
school football coach here since
1948, has resigned.
The school board took no action
on the resignation Tuesday.
Hurt’s team won only one game
this year, lost seven and tied one.
George Emigh, former general
manager of the Salem Senators of
the Western Internaional baseball
league, lias expressed interest in
the post, unofficial sources said.
We’ve never heard that any
picnics were held on Noah’s ark—
only two ants.
Moonlit summer nights will
bring one sure sign of an early fall
serious love making.
By Arthur C. Whitney, C.S., of Chicago. Illinois
Member of tHo Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, •
in Boston. Massachusetts
Tonight at 8 P.M.
Wilson Junior High School
650 West Twelfth Avenue
Eugene, Oregon
Cordially Invites You To Attend
Oregano Schedule. ..
The Oregana’s new retake
and off-campus senior picture
schedule goes into effect today,
with regular living organiza
tion scheduling having ended
Under the new plan, off-cam
pus seniors will be given a spe
cial day for photography, ar
ranged alphabetically, and liv
ing organizations will be given
specific days for retakes.
The schedule:
Off-campus seniors A through
Alpha Hall, Delta Upsilon, Al
pha Tau Omega, Chi Psi, Beta
Theta Pi. Campbell Club, Cher
ney Hall, Philadelphia House.
Off-campus seniors G through
Delta Tau Delta, French Hall,
Gamma Hall, Kappa Sigma,
Hunter Hall, Lambda Chi Al
pha, McChesney Hall, Phi Sig
ma Kappa.
Dr. Sasnett Meefs
Religious Group
Dr. J. Randolf Sasnett, director
of the Religious in Education
Foundation from Los Angeles, will
meet with the University Religious
Council at Westminister House at
noon today.
He will discuss Religious Evalu
ation Week. The group he repre
sents serves as coordinator for
these weeks throughout the U. S.
Jan. 22 to 25 has been set aside
for this week at the University.
George Yost, vice-president of
the University Religious Council
is general chairman for the meet
Frank Cothrell, president of the
Council urged all members of the
Council to be there at 12 noon.
Far East Policy
Assembly Topic
George E. Taylor, director of
the Far Eastern and Russian In-’
stitute at the University of Wash
ington, will speak on “Our Policy
in Asia,” Friday at 11:15 a.m. in
the SU ballroom.
Classes will be shortened for
the assembly. The schedule Fri
day morning will be: first period,
8 to 8:40; second period, 8:50 to
9:30; third period, 9:40 to 10:20;
fourth period, 10:30 to 11:10.
Taylor will be introduced by
Dr. Paul S. Dull, professor of Poli
tical Science and History, who
studied the Far East under him
in 1939 and 1940.
“I have the greatest respect for
his knowledge of the Far East,”
Dull said. “He is probably one of
the top ten authorities on that
subject in the United States, and
is a marvelous speaker. He has a
good personality: friendly and
Assistant managing editor:
Gretchen Grondahl
Desk editor: Phil Bettens
Desk staff: Jo Curry, Virginia
Dailey, Wally McClain, Gene Rose
Night Ed.: Margaret Phelps
Night Staff: Jo Curry, Connie
Perkins, La Vaun Krueger
Liquor Board Holds Hearing,
Plans Further Investigations
(Continued from page one)
svident in the hearing of Taylor,
it is probably true in connection
with any other tavern which col
lege students patronize, he added.
Both of Wednesday’s hearings
were heard before Karl F. Glos,
hearings examiner for the Ore
gon Liquor Control Commission.
Representing the OLCC was De
puty Attorney General John K.
The two and a half hour hear
ing for Alpine concerned two vio
lations: that Alpine sold beer to
a minor, and that minors consum
ed beer and loitered in Alpine’s
It was established, however,
that Alpine—through one of his
employees, Erwin C. Schoonover—
did sell beer to a minor, Robert H.
Jones, a freshman in liberal arts
from Hillsboro.
Jones told the hearing that he
bought a total of four bottles of
beer at the College Side on Nov. 10,
somewhere between the hours of
9 and 10 p.m. He told Dep. Atty.
Gen. Crowe, conducting the pro
secution, that he was not asked
for any identification. He added
that he has never been asked for
I. D. at the tavern, and has never
shown any identification to any
one there.
Checked Identification
Schoonover told the investiga
tors that he checked Jones I. D.
that he was satisfied from that
I. D. that Jones was not a minor
and that he then sold Jones the
two bottles of beer.
The Commission established,
through the evidence of two Uni
versity women, that minors had
drunk beer in the tavern, and had
not been questioned by any tavern
Alpine, questioned as to what
methods he takes in preventing
minors from drinking, told the
hearing that he is handicapped in
enforcing the regulations of the
OLCC because there is no ade
quate means of positively identify
ing a student.
“I am always there,” said Al
pine, “and I very seldom sell beer
myself. I patrol and try to find
any minor who is drinking. But
certain days the crowds get out
of hand and it’s ditncuu ior mo
to tell where all the beer is going
that one person is buying.
Tries to Double-Check
Alpine added that he attempts
to double-check the ages of any
questionable student.
“The boys who sell the beer,”
he said, “check students first, and
then either Mrs. Miller or I try to
see if anyone is drinking beer who
shouldn’t be.”
The charge against Taylor’s
Coffee Shop was changed from
selling liquor to a minor to a less
er charge of consumption of liquor
by a minor on the premises.
Charles N. Covey, freshman in
liberal arts from Portland, was
the student involved in the morn
ing hearing. He is 19.
Covey testified that he came in
to Taylor’s Friday night with two
other students, both of whom are
over 21.
“One of them went up and
bought beer for the three of us,”
Covey said, “then I took just one
drink and looked up to see the
two gentlemen come in.”
Example Should be Made*
Taylor said he thought it would
have a good effect on the campus
“if an example was made of the
older fellows’ buying beer and giv
ing it to minors.” He added that
the war situation and the deferred
living plan seem to have caused
much of the disturbance among the
“No one could be more careful
than we’ve been,” Mrs. Taylor
said. “We would like to work with
the commission and the Univer
sity to set up identification cards
with pictures.”
Taylor said he had suggested
that he and Alpine pay part of the
cost for such cards.
Mrs. Taylor, who is an Oregon
Mother, emphasized that “parents
should impress honesty upon the
students. The fault lies with the
parents who fail to teach honesty
and consideration for the right3
of others.”
During their 31 and one-half
years on the campus, the Taylors
have tried to conduct their place
“so it’s something our children
can be proud of,” Mrs. Taylor
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