VOLUME LII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1950 NUMBER 40 infirmary Discharges UO Explosion Victim Marie Sorenson, freshman in pre-nursing, who was injured Monday when a hydrogen generator exploded in the chemistry laboratory, was discharged from the infirmary Tuesday. The injuries were not serious, Dr. Marian G. Hayes of the in firmary said. Miss Sorenson suffered from lacerations of the Choir Performs To Full House In SU Ballroom Would-be spectators had to be tu^ied away Monday night as the Little Singers of Paris performed to a full house in the Student Union Ballroom. Dressed in navy blue sweaters and short pants, the boy choir pre sented French and American folk songs. For the religious section of the program, the singers donned their white robes' and wooden crosses. , As their director, Father Mail let, was doubtful'of his own ability to speak English and explain the songs, he had one of the bass sing ers tell about the various French folk songs, religious pieces, and Western Hemisphere folk songs. Their first encore was “My Bon nie Is Over the Ocean,” sung in a very French accent. “Silent Night” was their second encore, done in close harmony with soar ing sopranos. The priest then pre sented a speech on the boys’ need for a home that night and told the audience about French books for sale. The third encore was the belov ed Negro spiritual, “Deep River.” The program ended with “The Star Spangled Banner” and “The Mar seillaise,’’"the national anthems of both countries. Radio to Feature Singers in Series An estimated crowd of 500 will participate in ‘‘Let’s Sing Ameri ca^ a University broadcast in the “Experiment. . .Radio” series, at 7:45 p.m. today in the Student Union ballroom. Citizens of Eugene as well as University students have been in vited to the revival of the once favorite community sing. The au dience, led by Maude Garnett, will find everything from popular to old-fashioned songs on the pro gram. Don Porter, KUGN announcer, will act as master of ceremonies, and Zonda Montgomery will pro vide organ ^music. Admission is free. The program will be recorded for rebroadcast at other colleges. throat and arms. Milton Belousek, sophomore in liberal arts, who was also in jured, was released Monday night after receiving medical at tention. This accident was the first in 33 years serious enough to send a student to the infirmary over night, A. H. Kunz, head of the chemistry department, reported. The explosion oecured when a bottle filled with metal and acid blew up, throwing pieces of glass and metal. Purpose of the experi ment was to determine the effects Of hydrogen on heated copper. A possible cause of the explo sion was air coming into contact with the hydrogen, D. W. Cleaves, instructor in chemistry, said. He believed the explosion was not due to any carelessness on the part of Miss Sorenson, who was conduct ing the experiment, but to a de fect in the apparatus. In the future, he said, the ex periment will have to be modified to insure against more accidents of this type. Sign-up Starts At UO Monday Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be set aside in the advanced registration process to pick up registration material only on the second floor lobby of the Student Union, according to Clifford L. Constance, regist rar. The actual registration process including conferences with advis ers, enrollment with department clerks, checking with the student affairs office, and the assessment and payment of fees, will not be gin until the following Monday, Nov. 27. Conferences with advisers and enrollment with department clerks must be completed by Dec. 1. The remaining steps may be complet ed during the following week up to noon Dec. 9. Students must have gone far enough in registration to file their cards with the registrar (step 5 of the procedure) by Dec. 9 or they will be required to pay a late fee of at least $8 when they re sume registration in January, Con stance said. He added that all students who can pay their fees and thus com plete their registration during the advance period may do so. Identification Plan to Protect Students A plan for giving students posi tive identification is being formu lated, according to ASUO Presi dent Barry Mountain, who return ed to the campus late Monday aft er a visit to Stanford University. litountain said that “details of a plan for identification that will protect all students would be re leased in the very near future.” The Executive Council has had a committee gathering informa tion for a tentative plan during the last two weeks. “I was very pleased with the deferred living arrangement at Stanford,” Mountain said, but he declined to elaborate. on the de tails of the system until he had made an official report. No Rally Planned No rally, will be held before the Colorado-Oregon football fame Saturday, Jim Fenimorc, rally board chairman, stated Tuesday. Men’s rushing this week and • mid-term examinations were the factors influencing this decision, he said. Court to Hold Initial Session The first session of the 1950 ASUO student court will convene at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Union. Tne room number will be posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. Students who have received traf fic tickets from University traffic officers are required to be present when the court meets. Students who do not appear and who have an insufficient excuse will be re ferred to the Office of Student Affairs. However, because of rush week, freshmen who have received traf fic tickets may attend the next session of the court Tuesday. Traffic citations were given to students- who committed such violations as parking in no park ing areas. Tickets were also given fdr cars which did not have a stu dent sticker and were parked in student parking lots. Piggers' Sales to Resume Piggers’ Guide sales, which ended Tuesday, will resume Monday according to business manager Bruce Wallace. Only a few copies are left. Five Suspended After Official Finds Beer in Dormitory I he future of five l uiversity of Oregon students was hanging* iu the balance 1 uesday as they awaited final disposition of their • oial suspension from school for drinking in a dormitory room. Dilector of Student Allairs Donald M. DuShane said Tuesday ■ j afternoon the men had definitely been suspended, but their cases were, to he considered again in the future—later this week, he hoped. 1 he five, three law students, one foreign student, and one spe cial student., were surprised early Sunday when a Universi ty otlicial walked into a Harris |ter Inn room where thee were engaged in a pre-dawn song test. There were beer bottles in the room. Suspension UO Policy Suspension was in line with the University’s policy of enforcing it? standing regulations concerning I liquor in living quarters. Nov. 8 the following explanation of that poli cy, signed by Director DuShane, was posted in all living organiza tions : “University regulations, regard ing the use of intoxicating liquors (including beer) within the living organizations will be strictly en forced at all times. Violations ol these regulations include entering the living organization at any time while in an intoxicated condition or creating a disturbance resulting from drinking. Violation of such regulations will result in immediate suspension from the University.” Attended Movie One of the five Barrister Inn men involved told a reporter that the group, “all of us over 23 and all but one of us veterans,” had attended a movie at the Mayflower earlier ir the evening. About 11 p.hi., he said they stopped at Taylor’s where they purchased beer. “We didn't want to drink the beer there,” he explained, “because we wanted to sing. This English kid was going to teach us some Eng lish songs.” They returned to the room on the fourth floor of Barrister Inn, a John (Please turn to page six) Friday Speaker Far East Expert Dr. George E. Taylor, who will speak here Friday, has lectured extensively throughout United States universities on problems concerning the Far East, and ia < the author of many books about the Asiatic countries. In September Dr. Taylor lec tured on “Psychological Instru ments of Power” at the National War College. Last June he addres sed the Institute of International Relations at Reed College. Hiu most recent books are “Nation or Subcontinent?,” “Thought Ways of the East,” and "East and West in China.” From 1933 to 1944 seven of hi 3 books were published. They arc “Taiping Rebellion,” “The Strug gle for North China,” “America in the New Pacific,” “Changing China,” "An Atlas of Far East ern Politics,” “Reconstruction in China,” and “The Pheonix and the Drawfs,” which was written in col laboration with George Savage. Dr. Taylor has lectured at Piinceton, Stanford, and Brown Universities and Reed College. He lectured on “No Peace in Asia” over the Round Table of the Air at the University of Chicago, and has given special lectures at Col umbia University, Harvard and Wellesley College. He has given, innumerable talks before service groups, schools and professional groups in Seattle and vicinity (Please turn to page six) Sweetheart Finalists Pose FIVE FINALISTS for the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi are pictured above. They are (left to right) Lyn Hartley, Delta Gamma; Barbara Keeland, Kappa Alpha Theta; Dorothy Anderle, Carson Hall; Mary Fowler, Kappa Kappa Gamma; and Shirley Van Derford, Alpha Chi Omega. The five were selected from a field of 26 candidates from women's campus livin; organizations. Winner of the contest will be select ed Wednesday night. (For additional details see story on page 5.)