Inquiring Reporter Students OK Election Gains For the GOP By Larry Hobart National election results re ceived the scrutiny of campus [minds today as political circles 'seethed with the news of import ant Republican gains in Congress. “Do you think that the recent Felection results will benefit the ['nation ?" was the question asked letudents. j‘ Bev Hatfield—senior in history t—“I hope that a change in govern [ment policy in some respects will Wake place because of the recent felection. There is room for im provement in international policy, kfs time that some new ideas Concerning foreign affairs were introduced." j Joyce Barber—freshman in jour nalism—“It is good for any coun try to have a change so that no tone party becomes too strong. I am Clad to see the Republicans push ing the Democrats.” | Ann Thompson—junior in music L“As a result of the election, I punk that issues before Congress |vill now be more hotly contested tout I doubt that the results will toe very different. More heated de bate due to the equalizing of the Iwo parties will probably focus {greater attention on the 1952 pre sidential campaign." I Vern Behrends—senior in edu cation—“The election will be fol lowed by a swing to the right. The Republican sweep will, in 1952, give them the best chance they have had since pre-Roosevelt days io win a presidential election. A Significant factor indicated by election returns is the show of strength on the part of the Re publicans in the South.” f Barbara Kurllo—freshman in business administration—“We have pad a Democratic president all my life and I’m happy to see the Re ublicans gain strength in Con gress. ; Helen Hyche sopnomore in no jeial arts—-“I think that it’s fine that the Republicans gained in the Election. It is time that the bal ance of power, held for so long by the Democrats, was narrowed.” George Yost—senior in archi tecture—“I personally welcome the Republican advance. The election helped remove a lot of deadwood from Congress.” Bliss Stanley—junior in busi ness administration—“Yes, I' think that the election results will be benefical. I believe that there will lie a movement toward the de creasing of government spending in connection with the Marshall Plan and subsidies. The election indi cates that the farmers don't ap prove of the Brannan Plan. The results renew my faith in the two party system.” Don Ross Junior in writing— <