Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1950, Image 1

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Rush Sign-up Begins Today
Three Steps
For World
Union Told
Welles Outlines
Foreign Policies
By Adeline Garbarino and
Gene Gould
Three major steps have been
taken toward world union and
peace in the past five years, Sum
ner Welles told an attentive audi
ence in McArthur Court Thurs
day night.
They are, ne said: the leader
ship of the United States in the
United Nations during the past
two months, the Marshall Plan,
and the Schuman Plan for con
trol of coal, steel and iron in West
ern Europe.
Tg'Tth much international eon
tr*, said Welles, Germany could
niOt rise as a great military pow
er and the first step toward a
united states of Europe, includ
ing Germany, will have been taken.
Policy Essential
The foreign policy the Unit
• ed States is now following is es
sential, Welles continued, but it
is at best a negative policy.
As a more positive program he
recommended that the U. S.
strengthen its propaganda to the
satellite countries and prove that
we have a better alternative to
“Little by little the ‘Iron Cur
tain’ will rust and drop away if the
people of the United States have
the courage to keep on sacrificing
and hold out against communism,”
the statesman asserted.
siiau m. tan
The Marshall Plan has been an
outstanding success in many coun
tries, Welles declared. The stand
ards of the British people have
improved a great deal in recent
years and in France, industrial pro
duction has increased almost 140
per cent.
Welles referred to the Schuman
Plan as offering the most practi
cal means for controlling German
“It can be the first great step
in the creation of a United States
of Europe, including Germany,” he
Roosevelt Policy
Welles also discussed the late
Franklin Roosevelt’s ambitions for
a peaceful and unified China and
“Roosevelt did not sell China
down the river when he and Stalin
entered into an agreement at the
Yalta conference,” Welles contend
“If the present administration
had followed Roosevelt’s policies
after his death, much of the tra
gedy and suffering of today would
have been avoided,” he said.
Welles said that he does not be
lieve that the Red China govern
ment should be recognized by the
United States or admitted to the
United Nations: (1) a United Na
tions commission had been sent
to Korea to investigate what has
happened there. (2) Until the
Chinese Communist government
at least shows an inclination of
abiding by international rules of
U. N. Guiding Power
“The United States is the guid
ing power for the United Nations,
which is now stronger in actuality
than it has ever been before,”
; (Please turn to page jour)_
Oregana Schedule. . .
^Ktregana picture schedule:
Friday: Alpha Xi Delta, Al
pha Delta Pi, Alpha Omieron Pi
Welles Airs Views in Press Talk
Opportunities in the foreign service are now better than ever for
college students, visiting statesman Sumner Welles told the assembled
press at a conference Thursday morning in the Student Union.
“Pay is much better now than it was in 1915 when I started out as
secretary of the embassy in Tokyo,’’ Welles said. “Employment is
gained through examinations rather than favoritism and this is at
tested by the fact that foreign service jobs are occupied by men from
all sections of the country. Furthermore, there are more applications
for these posts than ever before.’’
Discussing the present state of the world, Welles said, “The Mar
shall Plan, the Schuman Plan, and the success in enabling the United
Nations General Assembly to take immediate and prompt action in
(Please turn to page eight)
Chairmen M°tesDai,y;
Qy Ses
this lnur
u,nS in the
at a
PARIS’S EIFFEL TOWER provides an appropriate background
for “Les Petits Chanteurs”—The Little Singers—from Paris, schedul
ed for their first Eugene appearance at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the
Student Union Ballroom. The boy choir is directed by the Abbe
French Choir to Sing
In SU Monday Night;
Group Highly Praised
The Parisian “Les Petits Chanteurs”—The Little Singers—
scheduled to appear here Monday, are “very, very good” accord
ing to Mary Potel, French foreign student at the University.
“They have very fresh, well-trained voices and are reallv worth
hearing,” Miss Potel said.
The 40-voice boy choir will
appear at 8:30 p.m. Monday in
:he Student Union ballroom, un
der the direction of the Abbe
Maillet. The group is currently
engaged in a nationwide tour.
This is their first Eugene ap
Tickets for the concert, which
is sponsored jointly by the French
department and the Newman club,
are $1 and may be purchased
through R. L. Picard, assistant pro
fessor of romance languages, at the
main desk of the SU, or downtown
at Kaufman's department store.
Monday’s attraction will be the
first concert scheduled in the Stu
dent Union.
The choir, founded in 1907,
gained in popularity during the
thirties. In the past 19 years Les
Petits Chanteurs have presented
(Please turn to page eight)
Of A Phi O
Today in SU
The annual Northwest Section
al Conference of Alpha Phi Ome
ga, national service honorary, will
begin at 4 p.m. today in the Stu
dent Union.
Zeta Psi, University of Oregon
chapter of the organization, will
be the hosts for the three-day con
vention. Bill Sloan of the Zeta
Psi chapter is the general chair
Today's program is limited to
registration activities, and the ma
jor work of the convention will
begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, when
the general session will meet with
John Heilbronner, former presi
dent of the Southern Oregon Col
lege of Education chapter, presid
Activities Reports Due
Following talks concerning the
outline and objectives of the con
ference by Bill Sloan and Herb
Waldimeyer, chapter presidents
will deliver reports on their chap
ter activities. Then Brian Graves,
first president of Zeta Psi, will
speak on "Once 4n APO.” “Ser
vice Through Scouting” is the sub
ject of Gib Andrus’s talk, which
wil close the general session.
The rest of the Saturday morn
ing session will be devoted to of
ficers’ meetings and committee
President Richard Thompson of
Zeta Psi will speak at the welcome
luncheon, which will initiate Sat
urday afternoon's program. The
keynote address will be delivered
by Joseph Scanlon, a national exe
cutive of Alpha Phi Omega.
Baker to Speak
Other speakers will include
Managing Editor Altoq Baker Sr.
of Eugene Register-Guard, who
has chosen the subject of “A Lay
man Looks at Scouting,” and Max
Jensen, former national secretary
of APO, whose topic is “Service
Opportunities of the Future.”
The afternoon general session,
which will commence at 3 p.m.,
will feature committee reports,
talks by Bob Hilliard and Harold
Brown, and Joseph Scanlon’s mes
sage from the national convention.
At the evening banquet, Presi
dent Elmo Stevenson of Southern
Oregon College of Education, and
state chairman of APO, will
speak on “Friendship;” University
(Please turn to pane seven)
rre-rushmg registration will
lie conducted all day today and
Saturday until 2 p.m. All men
desiring to rush will till out the
required IFC rushing card and
pay the $5 rushing fee.
These cards will be checked over
the weekend by the Office of Stu
dent Affairs to determine scholas
tic eligibility.
Rushing chairmen of all frater
nities uill meet at 8 p.m. Sunday in
the Student Union to receive lists
of all'eligible rushers.
Rushing, beginning Monday, will
consist of three dates each day. No
rushee can have more than two
dates on any one day and no more
than four dates with any one fra
ternity during the rushing period.
Rushing hours will be lunch, din
ner and evening dates, ending by
7 p.m.
Freshmen who do not wish to go
through fall term rush week will
not have an opportunity to rush ami
pledge until thb second week of
winter term, during a regular rush
Scholastic requirements for rush
ing are set under IFC ruling as a 4
prep decile or the upper two-thirds
of the rushce’s high school gradu
ating class, in which case a letter
is needed from the high school
principal Old students and trans
fers must have a 2.00 GPA.
Sign Date Cards
Date cards will be filled out from
3 to 5 p.m. Monday in Gerlinger
annex. Two representatives from
each fraternity, together with offi
cials will be present Monday to as
sist rushees in filling out their dato
During the rushing period, rush
ees will have no contact with fra
ternity men other than scheduled
dates and the Monday afternoon
meetings in Gerlinger annex. No
fraternity man will be permitted in
side any dormitory and not more
than two fraternity men in any
house will be permitted in the vici
nity of Gerlinger annex while dates
are being made.
All present IFC rushing rules,
modified to fit the dates of this rush
week, are in effect and freshmen
are cautioned that any violation on
their part will result in not only a
fine to the offending house but also
in forfeiture of the rushee’s right
to pledge such house.
Willamette Park
Dances Start Again
College night at Willamette
Park will continue this Friday aft
er a slight layoff for Homecom
ing, Tom Barry, park manager,
Dancing will start at 9:15 p.m.
to the music of Curt Finch and hi -,
orchestra. Admission is $1.00 a
person and entertainment will be
provided at intermission.
Students may reserve tables by
calling Mr. Steele at 7-3484. There
will not be a Friday night dance
the week of Thanksgiving.
Weather . . .
Fair today through Saturday;
continued cool nights; high today
60; low tonight 25; winds decreas