Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1950, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Eases Off
By IVte Cornucchia
A week of light practice will
be concluded by Oregon’s football
Ducks this afternoon when Coach
Jim Aiken sends his charges
■through a brief dress rehearsal.
Indicating that his team is in sat
isfactory condition, Aiken has
■emphasized rest in place of the
usual heavy work with pads.
The Webfoots won’t be the only
ones to 'limber up on the turf
covered mud. for the invading
Washington State- Cougars will
.arrive in time for a short session.
Timing Stressed
Most of Thursday’s drill was
spent in running plays against no
opposition in an effort to improve
precision. A few new plays, de
signed especially to be used against
the WSC type of defense, were
given considerable attention.
Despite the wet weather which
lias prevailed here and is expect
ed this weekend, three of Orgon’s
quarterbacks — Earl Stelle, Hal
Dtinham, and Jim Calderwood—
tiuve thown a lot of passes during
the week. Dunham threaded the
geedle consistently Wednesday af
Injury List
Injuries may limit three men
to only brief action against the
.strong Cougar eleven. End J. D.
MeCowan is stitl recovering from
a long-suffered leg injury and
once again is a doubtful partici
pant this weekend. Tackle Bob
.Anderson will be returning to bat
tts after missing the USC trip
One to a shoulder injury. Guard
Chet Daniel’s leg is still lame, but
V"1 is expected to go against WSC.
Stelle, Center Dick Patrick, and
Bdfback Bob Carey, on the injury
l/«t during the week, were listed
by Aiken as ready for duty.
SAE and Betas I
Take Victories
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Beta
Theta captured victories in intra
mural cross country racing yes
terday afternoon. Sigma Alpha
Epsilon took the easy route to
success as their opponents, Hunt
<o Hall and the Yeomen, failed to
arrive with the required number
of narticipants and consequently
Beta Theta gained a one-sided
-tt-19 triumph over Delta Upsilon.
jack Hutchins led the runners to
CinicJi linn with ii time of 4 :4rt.
Meet Sat /J*tdde>ika+t
Served Long and Well
By Bill Gurney
Back in 1945, a husky freshman end won his first varsity “O"
for Tex Oliver’s Oregon Webfoots. Boh Anderson is his name,
and the current season is his fourth for the Ducks, with a two
year time-out in the armed forces.
This record makes the 23
year-old Anderson the squads’
senior athlete in point of long
and faithful service.
He won three letters at the end
position, but was switched to
tackle this spring in a move cal
culated to add balance to the Ore
gon line. He has adjusted well to
his new job, using his 206 pounds
in effective manner on both of
fense and defense.
Nordic Type
“The tackle spot is easier, but
bruising like any other place on
a football team,” Bob said.
He is a tall, blonde nordic type,
with a disarming smile and an
easy going manner.
Bob hails from the uniquely
named city of Scappoose, Oregon,
which is near the Columbia River
about 20 miles below Portland.
“It's a great place to live,” he
declared. One reason he gave was
the fine salmon fishing there
abouts; and what red-blooded
American male wouldn’t under
stand that?
Versatile Athlete
Bob has been and still is a very
versatile athlete. As a senior in
Scappoose High, he brought home
the state discus crown with a toss
Five Volleyball
Teams Scratched
Five teams have been eliminat
ed from the WAA volleyball
tournament as of yesterday’s re
University House received its
first loss from ZTA 35 to 30, trail
ing 24 to 21 at the half.
Delta Gamma was eliminated
by Kappa Kappa Gamma 41 to 35,
half time score being 23 to 14 in
favor of the Kappas.
Teams now eliminated are Hend
ricks Hall, Alpha Phi, Susan
Campbell Hall, Delta Gamma, and
Carson Hall.
of 153 feet. In the service at Port
Hueneme, Calif., he played for
ward on a basketball' team which
won the 11th Naval District
Championship. In addition to his
football service here at Oregon,
Anderson throws the discus for
Bill Bowerman’s track team.
Turning to other topics, we found
that he receives his business ad
ministration degree in June, after
which he has no illusions.
“Uncle Sam has the say,” he
smiled. He has considered a civil
ian career in the coaching profes
sion, as well as the business world.
Here at school, Bob belongs to
Kappa Sigma, and was a Skull
and Dagger member.
Plays Poker
He says he likes to play a little
poker on the football plane trips
but was reticent about his luck.
“Ask Earl and Daugherty about
that,” he said.
Bob didn’t make the trip to the
Coliseum Saturday because he has
a dislocated shoulder. He hopes to
be ready for his last football game
on the Hayward turf tomorrow,
and the team can make good use
of his battle-seasoned ability.
Did he think the alumni would
be treated to a Webfoot win?
“It’s all up to the guys and the
student body,” he replied.
Frosh Squads
To Scrimmage
By Phil Johnson
Coach Bill Bowerman’s much
improved Frosh football players
will engage in an intra-squad
scrimmage this afternoon. A light
drill was held yesterday follow
ing Wednesday’s spirited scrim
mage, in which the Yearlings dem
onstrated definite improvement.
During recent scrimmages, the
Frosh offense has been led by the
aerial efforts of a talented toss
ing trio—Barney Holland, Jack
Morris, and John Davis. Morris
who completed a number of passes
to Right Half Cece Hodges and
Ends Neil Tardio and Bob Cook,
displayed his abilities from the
position fo left halfback. Holland
and Davis alternated at quarter
Ground Attack Better
The Ducklings ground attack
also has improved, with Morris
and Fullback Howard Hostetler
outstanding. The tackles, led by
Terry Picknell and Max Kendig
who was shifted over from center,
also showed great improvement, x
Two of Bowerman’s Yearlings,
End Ted Anderson and Guard How
ard Allman, are temporarily side
lined with sprained ankles.
Deadlines For Swim
Meet is Today
Today is the deadline for entries
into the intra-school swim meet.
Each organization must turn in
its entrants in each event to Rod
Harman at the Beta Theta Pi
Preliminaries are set for Tues
day at 4 p.m. Finals will be held
Thursday at 4 p.m. Both meets
will be held in the men’s pool.
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