Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1950, Section Two, Page 7, Image 15

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    History of Union Begins
(Continued from page one)
by a $10,000 donation from Mr.
and Mrs, George Giustina and fam
ily. The money was given to fur
nish a room in the Student Union
as a memorial to Major Tom T.
Taylor, the son-in-law of the Guis
tinas, who was killed in action
over Europe in 1942.
$100,00 by. 1946
Approximately $100,000 was
contributed by early 1946. Along
with this, the building site was
paid for and definite plans were
At this point the late Ernest
Haycox, alumni president in 1946
47, president of the Dads’ Club in
1948-49, and appropriately a mem
ber of the Class of 1925, took over
the drive. He turned it into a na
tional campaign, and as a result,
ground-breaking ceremonies were
held in June, 1948.
Contracts for construction were
signed Oct. 7, 1948. Construction
began in November. Ross B. Ham
mond of Portland was general
The $2,100,000 Union opened its
doors to Oregon students Sept. 17
of this year. The dream of men
like McGregor, Erb, and Haycox is
now a reality. The Student Union
attests to the fact that their efforts
were well rewarded.
SU—Dream Come True
tContinued from fane one)
the most popular campus spot, with
students using its facilities.
Nearly 30 meetings can be held
in the building in one day if neces
sary. Bowling leagues have already
been formed and are using the al
leys. The Women's Athletic Associ
ation will put 40 teams onto the
alleys in January.
So many students are playing
ping-pong that 28 paddles were
worn out in the first three weeks of
school, Williams reported.
The Union was built entirely
through gifts by students, alumni,
and friends of the University. The
site of the building is the only do
nation of the taxpayers.
As Williams says, ‘Tve seen
every important student union
building in the country, and I
challenge anybody to prove that
ours isn’t the best one.”
Congratulations to the alumni and students of the
University of Oregon who are responsible for a Me
morial building the state of Oregon may well be proud.
Modern and up to date in every respect, it is indeed a
fitting tribute to Donald M. Erb, past president of the
University, who planned for such a building until the
time of his death.