Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Churchill Lashes
Out at Labor Talks
Compiled by Merle Mass
From the Wires of Associated Press
A new session of British parliament opened Monday and King
George VI told the group and the world that the Labor govern
ment will strive for a rearmament which will avert war. Con
cervative leader Winston Churchill at once took the offensive
with a lashing attack on the Labor government program.
“It is very unlikely that this parliament will last long enough
to make it effective/’ Churchill said, indicating he thinks an elec
tion is not far off.
The King’s address called for nationalization of the beet sugar
industry, permanent powers to the government to regulate pro
duction, consumption and prices, development of civilian de
fense and other measures. The speech pledged the government
to take all steps to insure the success of the rearmament program.
Churchill went on to criticize the government for ‘ failure to
recognize the overwhelming contribution which another coun
try the United States, has made’’ to U.N. forces in Korea. He
said it was. President Truman’s “prompt initiative in June which
enabled unprovoked aggression to he resisted.” He said tins in
creased prospects of averting World War III.
Uni^, HSftS iJffSSS* diplomats to Franco Spam, it ,ho
General Assembly follows the course of the Special Political Committee.
The committee voted to rescind the 1946 TJ.N. resolution that all mem
bers withdraw their top diplomats from that country. The vote on the
American-backed resolution was 37 to 10, with 12 abstentions. The reso
lution also provided that Spain be admitted to membership in U.N. Spe
SSSS— ™c i. expected to gain the necessary two
thirds majority in the General Assembly.
Meanwhile, the Assembly spent most of Monday on the question o
udine- or keeping Trygve Lie as U.N. Secretary General. Soviet Min
ister Andrei Vishinsky said Lie “has no international tact.^He also said
Lie was se.-ving a two-faced role and was an echoer of United States
P°Onythe other hand Chief U.S. Delegate Warren R. Austin said Russia
sought to punish Lie because the Norwegians had taken a stand against
^eggressiorfin Korea and declared this must be allowed. He said the world
It nows Lie will perform his duties with courage.
A BrLtiShhedAito S' of iron pipes a short distance beyond the end
of a runway at London airport in dense fog yesterday. A spokesman for
tentiTSpean Airways said “a first report which has not been con
firmed said there may be two survivors, but we don't know about that
I Tiie two-engined REA plane was en route from London to Paris with
p passengers and a crew of four. Because of the fog the plane had been
{jiverted from Northolt to London airport.
FW°cE‘h!d £?lghT?th Korean defenses at widely separated points
{Tuesday in a concerted effort to reach the Manchurian border Monday,
frhe U S 7th Division reached Pungsan, 40 airmiles south of the border
While groups of the 24th Division were reported within 32 road miles of
F*AiTtc)1 Chinese Communist forces. Maj. Gen. Edward Almond said yes
terday that U.N. forces can determine Communist strength in North
, 1st Korea only by "an attack in strength." He indicated such an attack
^ "In'the 'next few days we will develop what is there,” said the Tenth
i jorps commander, who is also in charge of all Northeast Korean com
> MeSrihe weather is turning for the 7^“
, old weather is predicted for U.N. troops next month. R.A.F weather
, yperts forecast snow and ice with minimum temperatures as low as
logrees. The spell is expected to last through January.
Hom* fSSKSSSSfe. *<•“ — *■%**“■
irear sacrifices of World War II. according to Economic Stabilizer Alan
falentine. He told the Women's National Press Club this country must
uard against "false optimism" as a result of victories in Korea and de
/ "We need to formulate a program for defense production, not for four
tears but possibly for much longer."
* He said such restraints as higher taxes, more savings, credit controls
And allocations cannot succeed unless the public is ready to give up some
luxuries and comforts as was done after Pearl Harbor.
• ##
1 the Soviet Navy newspaper said Monday that Russia s Army and
ijavy were being strengthened because of the langer of a new war caused
iy "capitalist encirclement" of the Soviet Union.
I The newspaper stressed Prime Minister Joseph Stalins repeated re
minder that "the country of the victorious revolution must not weaken,
but in every way must strengthen its state organs, intelligence service,
and Army if this country does not want to be crushed by capitalist en
Puerto Rician... fl -TT_ ..
* National Guard forces, determined to smash resistance of U.b.-hat
ing Nationalist Rebels, drove insurrectionist forces out of their strong
bold at Jayuya Monday in a combined attack by strafing planes and
T Jayuya. about 50 miles southwest of San Juan, was the scene of some
pf the bloodiest of the fighting in the rebellion, which the Governor of
Puerto Rico said was a conspiracy helped by the Communists. The Na
tionalists, who often echo the Commie line, want the U S. to give full in
dependence to this territory of 2,000,000 people.
Inquiring Reporter
Campus Blasts
IFC Rulings
On Freshmen
By Larry Hobart
Campus opinion blasted the
Inter-fraternity council ruling pro
hibiting social contact with fresh
man men by fraternities in a poll
taken today.
The IFC bylaw, designed to pre
vent fraternity men from attempt
ing to influence any freshman in
his choice of a fraternity, drew
attacks from critics who called
the rule an extreme measure, go
ing as far as to describe it as an
“infringment on human liberties.
Eight fraternities have already
been fined by the IFC for violat
ing the rushing rules.
Bruce Koppe—sophomore in libe
ral arts—“I think that they are
going a little too far with it. Fin
ing for organized rushing parties
is all right, but to net even be al
lowed to speak to a freshman is
too extreme.’'
Vernon Cook—second year law
student—“From the facts stated,
the fines were based on perfectly
normal student relationships. As
suming that the fraternities wish
to be selective, how do they pro
pose to determine the character
of an individual without meeting
him socially?”
Pat Saunders—sophomore i n
drama—“I think that the fining is
justified. Rules must necessarily
be enforced. However, I think that
freshman should have a chance to
know the fellows. Eleminating
social contact about five weeks
before the actual rushing period
would cut down the disturbing in
Lynn Jensen—freshman in libe
ral arts—“The IFC passed the
rules restricting rushing, so the
fraternities should have no com
plaint when the rules are enforc
Carolie Coffey—sophomore m
education—“I think that it’s too
bad that freshman men can’t as
soeiate with fraternity men. The
social restrictions don’t allow' fresh
men boys to get acquainted and re
lationships become strained. I
don’t believe that freshman boys
should be entertained at fraternity
houses, but on the campus they
should be able to mingle.”
Ed Meyers—sophomore in art
“You have to draw a line some
where, but I wouldn’t call sitting
together in a booth over a cup of
coffee illegally influencing some
one. This may force rushing under
Ron Walters—freshman in chem
istry—“The ruling is senseless.
Freshman are going to be associ
ating with fraternity meh at such
functions as the noise parade any
Margaret Woods—freshman in
nursing—“The rule3 regarding
rushing should be enforced as long
as they exist.”
Directories Ready
(Continued from page one)
“For all the new students, and
especially freshmen on the cam
pus, maybe a w’ord about W'hat
the book is for would be pertinent,”
Wallace commented. “For many
years the University has publish
ed this book as a guide to find
ing people. All students registered
fall term are indexed alphabeti
cally in the book w-ith their home
address, campus address, campus
phone number, year and major in
school, and marriage status.
“The book is invaluable for call
ing up your friends, writing dur
ing the summer, and (obviously)
for getting dates.”
Kennell-Ellis in 28th Year
As Oregana Photographer
By Howard Lindbeck
Kennell-Ellis, a photographic
studio located at 13th and Willa
mette, is in its 28th year of tak
ing pictures for the Oregana. They
designate each year’s series of pic
tures with an alphabetical letter,
and are now on the B’s for the
second time around.
Though the studio handles from
80 to 120 students a day during
the Oregana season, the employees
say they enjoy working with the
students more than the other cust
omers. One of the employees said
it was quite a bit like going back
to school. They look forward to it,
but still there’s a little dread of
the heavy rush that will ensue.
This dread is understandable, for
when you realize 3,600 photogenic
kids with from four to six poses
each were handled last year, you
wonder how they manage to keep
up with their usual business. They
do manage without losing stride,
but an additional employee is us
ually hired in the fall.
UO students get a nice cut on
rates. Kennell-Ellis slices off about
33% on the regular Oregana pic
tures and 45% for specials>
Bridge Tournament
Rulings Decided
Rules for an all-campus bridge
tournament will be given at 7 p.m.
Thursday in the Student Union,
Steve Englemann, chairman has
announced. Representatives of all
teams should attend, he said.
Scoring for duplicate or tourna
ment bridge will be explained,
Englemann stated.
Teams from houses and dorms
are entering the tournament, which
will be played on two consecutive
Wednesdays, beginning Nov. 8. The
Student Union recreation commit
tee is sponsoring the tournament.
The old stereotyped idea ot
“Watch the Birdie” has disappear
ed, at least from this studio. The
photographer, a nice looking,
friendly person, chats informally
with the subject, attempting to
keep him at ease. He snaps the
picture at a time when the sub
ject is not aware, thereby getting
the picture when the person is
most at ease. _
11:15 a.m.—A 8IIO Assembly,
Ballroom SU
12 noon—SU Ballroom Comm.,
110 SU
Phi Chi Theta, 313 SU
Exec Bd of Women’s Facul
- ty, 112-113 SU
4 p.m.—SU Board, 331 SU
AWS Activity Board, 110
Sigma Delta Chi, 113-114
Foreign Students, 111-112
4:50 p.m.—Homecoming Dedica
tion Comm., 315 SU
6:30 p.m.—O rides, Gerlinger
Men’s Lounge
7 p.m.—Retorts, 114 SU
7:30 p.m.—Forum Series, 201
Phi Epsilon Kappa, 333-334
Johnny had a little lamb,
But he didn't know where to
He should have had a
“Pigger’s Guide”
To really be on the ball.
made from your own snapshot f
I k < # ,he
^°fa photographic
greeting card. Make it a
Point to stop in and M,
Por selection of the 1950
designs. Prompt service
"er* on oil orders.
25 Cards with Envelopes.$2.50
50 Cards with Envelopes. 5.00
100 Cards with Envelopes.9.50
Use your Oregana picture as
a Christmas remembrance
Order Early
698 Willamette
Phone 4-8241