m Daily EMERALD .AerrAT VOLUME LII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1950 NUMBER 29 ^Violator's Fate SOME GET IT, such as Mary Gillham, shown being dunked by Ray Karnofski and Dick Patrick, “Order of the O” members, for be ing caught violating a homecoming tradition. So far very few vio lators have shown up for punishment. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Weekend Plans Near Completion By Pat Dignan A weekend of fun, excitement, color, and memories is in store for students and alumni when Homecoming rolls around just two days away. All annual traditions are now in force. Violators arc bfing re ported by Order of “O” enforcement officers and dunking penal ties are being administered. Highlight of the weekend will be the dedication of the new Student Union, given com petition, of course, by the Homecoming game with WSC. Noise parade, sign contest, and bonfire plans are now completely prepared and await only the re turn of alumni to be put into op eration. Judges have been picked, rules publicized, and prices order Formals and tuxes will not be in order for the Homecoming dance. It will be informal, and students are requested to wear suits and short silks. The Emerald incor rectly stated that the dance is semi-formal, which would indicate suits and formal dresses. ed for winners of this year’s com petitive contests. This year’s Homecoming dance will be led by Ike Carpenter and his orchestra. Known throughout the west as a fine piano player, Carpenter will display these tal ents at the dance. • Ticket? are now on sale in the Co-op and Student Union for $2.40. Homecoming chairmen, led by Tom Barry, general chairman, had their last meeting before Home coming Monday night. Les Ander son, alumni director, was present and spoke a few words to the group. The success of this year’s Home coming will depend a lot on the alumni turnout. If the rain ceases for the weekend, a capacity crowd will be expected. Reports from the hlumni office indicate that many Order of the “O” men will return to take part in the traditional march. It is believed that the financial outcome of Homecoming will be favorable. Button sales have been going on for two weeks. The quota is 5,000 buttons to be sold. So far students and townspeople have re sponded well. A special 16-page Emerald will be issued Saturday. Eight pages of the edition will feature Home coming. They will include pictures articles on the history of Homecoming with emphasis on tra ditions and how they started. Annual Apple Sale Starts Next Week “The tradition is old but the apples are new.” Gamma Alpha Chi, national women’s advertising fraternity, will begin its annual fall term apple sale next week with Kay Kuckenberg as chairman, Sales booths will cover the campus and jeans-clad sales women with baskets in their arms will invade the classrooms. Last year on this campus 2,640 apples were sold, but this year the organization plans to top all previous records. Sales start Tuesday and will continue through next Thursday, and the price is one dime. (No athletic cards or coupons neces sary.) Oregana Schedule. .. Oregana .picture schedule: Wednesday: McChesney Hall, Phi Sigma Kappa Thursday: Zeta Hall, Stan Bay Hall Directories Ready Soon, Says Wright The 1950-1951 Student Direc tory, commonly known as the “Pigger's Guide,” will be complet ed in an estimated 10 days, ac cording to Virginia Wright, editor of this year’s book. The guide is at the printer’s now and will probably be proof read this weekend. As soon as it is proofread the book will go back to be finished by the printers. Last year the guide came out at Thanksgiving time. Fewer Books This Year This year there will be fewer books printed due to higher costs of printing and materials. . .but the price has not been increased. Ac cording to Bruce Wallace, busi ness manager of the directory, “It’s simply a matter of first come, first-served.” When the book does come out, it will be up to each student to pay 50 cents a copy at purchase time, Wallace stated. “This year in order to save bookwork and the student’s time in registration lines, no money was taken for the book, at tjiat time,” he explained. The Yeomen, off-campus men’s organization, will sell the book this year. Places and dates of dis tribution will be published next week. (Phase turn to page six) 200 Kids Attend Halloween Party Over 200 grade-school age child ren attended the first Alpha Phi Sigma Nu Halloween party Tues day night at Sigma Nu. Alpha Phi B. J. Boner reported that nearly half of the guests ar rived by 7 p.m. The kids were treated to Mickey Mouse, Woody Woodpecker and other comedies, and a fake boxing match staged by Chuck Schofield, and Tony Robenette. The usual Halloween entertain ment was provided at the party which the two organizations plan to make an annual affair. Rich Terieson and Larry Dean headed the Sigma Nu part of the program. Rally Set Today; Classes Shortened Today's Homecoming rally assembly, starting at 11 :15 a.m., will be the first of two rallies held in preparation for the Oregon WSC football game on Saturday. The next rally will be the bonfire rally on Friday at Howe Field. The assembly will be held in i :he Student Union ballroom. I Plenty of chairs will be provid ed for students in attendance, Barry Mountain, ASUO presi dent stated. Besides the usual yells and songs led by the rally squad, football coaches will speak to the assembl ed students and faculty members. Entertainment, music, and speeches will compose the bulk of the assembly. Mountain, speaking of the rally, said, “I know that all students will participate in the rally through their attendance at the assembly.” He also urged that all faculty members attend the rally today. Following is the temporary schedule of classes for today: 8 8:40, first period; 8:50-9:30, sec ond period; 9:40-10:20, third per iod; 10:30-11:10, fourth period; 11:15, rally assembly. Afternoon classes will follow the regular schedule. Sumner Welles Speech Slated Sumner Welles, former under secretary of state, will speak on “The United States in World Af fairs,” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 at Mc Arthur Court. He will be introduc ed by President H. K. Newburn. Recognized as a foremost author ity in American foreign policy, Welles will discuss the major prob lems which must be solved to se cure a durable peace. After resigning from the State Department in 1943, the diplomat began editing a column on foreign affairs for the New York Herald Tribune. He is the author of “The Time for Decision,” “Where Are We Heading?” and “We Need Not Fail.” Welles was the American states man who first conceived creation of the United Nations, and since leaving the State Department has been active in furthering its in terests through his broadcasts, books and lectures. 'Born Yesterday' Reopens Tonight At UO Theater “Born Yesterday" reopens its run this evening, with perform ances scheduled for Wednesday through Saturday nights in tho University Theater. The threc-act comedy will be presented next Monday evening to the Business and Professional Women’s club of Springfield. Tho group requested the theater to postppne the performance, origin ally planned for last Monday, be cause of flood conditions. Curtain time Friday night will be at 9:15, to allow theater-goers that night to attend, the dedica tion ceremonies of the Erb Mem orial Student Union. Virginia Hall, theater business* manager, reported that students may make reservations for to night’s and Thursday’s perform ance at the box office, since them are still some seats remaining. The Friday and Saturday night performances conflict with homo coming activities, Miss Hall said, but reservations for those nights are selling rapidly. “Students should make reserva tions if they wish to see the play," Miss Hall said. “We do not wish to disappoint students, but it is not likely that extra performances will be given.” 2 Foreign Students Invited to Willamette Hiledgard Ziegler from Germany and Hanns Hopk from Austria, two of the foreign students on cam pus, have been invited to attend a special International weekend on the Williamette university cam pus the end of this week. Foreign students from schools all over the Northwest will be en tertained at the meeting. Formal Dedication of SU Set Friday The Student Union building, al ready established in the public eye as an outstanding feature of the University, will be formally dedicated during ceremonies Fri day night. The dedication, to begin at 8:15 in the ballroom of the SU, will cli max the completion of a memorial student union on this campus that 27 years ago was little more than optimistic foresight by a few people. One of those people, John M. McGregor, will deliver the princi pal address at the dedication of the new building. McGregor, who was ASUO pre sident in 1923, was the first to ad vocate building the Student Union and conducted the first successful campaign for funds. The senior class of 1923 took the lead in the drive and each member pledged $10 for ten years. The drive con tinued through the years until the SU became a reality. Lives in New York McGregor, who was twice na tional president of Alpha Tau Ome ga, received a degree in law from NYU in 1926 and has been practic ing in New York City since that time. After an introduction and a de scription of the occasion, Barry Mountain, ASUO president, will speak on what the building means to the students of the University. Ft. E. Kleinsorge, a member of the State Board of Higher Edu cation, will explain the building program of the SBHE, and how the Student Union was a part of that program. Dr. H. K. Newburn, president of the University, will officially dedi cate the SU and speak on the need of such a building on a uni versity campus. Governor Douglas McKay will also give an address. Official Name The SU is officially known as the Erb Memorial Student Union in honor of Donald M. Erb who, as president of the University from 1939 until his death in 1943, is con sidered the greatest contributor toward the completion of the build ing. University Singers, a group of 41 selected students, will malr.o their initial appearance of the sea son at the dedication. They will! sing “Mighty Oregon” and the Ore gon pledge song. Special SU Edition A special eight-page supplement to Friday’s Emerald will featur# the new building. Included in the special edition will be the history of the Student Union from 1923 until its doors were first opened • last September. It will also contain feature ar ticles and pictures on each section* of the building and explain the or ganization of the SU Eoard and the six standing committees.