Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    Jim Haycox
Paris Life
By Jim Haycox
(Ed. Note: This is the third in
a series of five articles by Jim
Haycox, UO student who toured
Europe last summer.)
Having Paris as destination this
time, I tried to find a quick way
through Switzerland but, outside
of just leaving it out, there isn’t
any quick way. With a few not
able exceptions, the trains and, in
fact, the whole way of life has to
go around the mountains.
The first night saw us to Lake
Lugano, which is not far above
Italy. After dark I sat down by the
shore with a big old pale moon
hanging close to the mountain
tops and the sweet music of a
dance band drifting across the
water. Could have stayed there
the rest of my life, but didn’t.
Early next morning we were on
our way to Zermatt.
Up a cog railway and about an
hour from town was our all time
hotel. It literally hung on the edge
of nowhere and looked smack into
the Matterhorn. You could have
blown us over when somebody ask
ed us if we planned to climb it.
Apparently they have everything
but an elevator up there now and
the real climb is a ten mile jaunt
to the base, from which point the
top is only four hours distant.
Lake Geneva
Then another train and via Lo
carno we arrived at the east end
of Lake Geneva or Lake Leman,
Which are one and the same. Saw
the castle of Chillon, which is
among the smaller and less vicious
looking castles in Europe, here
and then boarded ship for Geneva.
Spent six hours at canasta and
arrived just at nightfall. From the
water you might easily have mis
taken it for Tacoma or even As
toria, God forbid. We had just
enough time next day to see the
old League of Nations building
with its decorations of wood,
marble, statuary, and painting
brought from all parts of the
world, and then on to Paris.
I guess it was about nine o’clock
when somebody thought they saw
the beacon on top of the Eiffel
tower and for the first time on
that whole trip, you could find
room to sit down. At a time like
this, who could sit?
We couldn’t see everything, but
we tried. In two days we tried to
get something out of the Palace
of Versailles with its famous Hall
of Mirrors, the Arc de Triomphe,
Napoleon’s Tomb, Notre Dame,
Sacre Cour, another beautiful
Church of white marble done in a
Byzantine style; Montmartre,
which is one of the so-called arty
districts, the Eiffel Tower, and so
on. No matter where we turned
there was something completely
different, completely Paris that
we just couldn't miss.
Follies Bcrglere
One night in Paris every tour
ist devotes to the Follies Bergiere,
and so we did. I’d give you a
thumbnail description if I hadn’t
chewed mine off. The staging was
just terrific and the girls, well,
not knowing exactly what to say,
I won’t say anything and be safe.
By this time we had reached a
kind of agreement on the activi
ties of the certain age groups in
the party so, locking Ma in her
room, a bunch of us hit out for
Pigalle on the last night. It look
ed very gay with seemingly hund
reds of night clubs crowded into
an area of just a few blocks. It
looked terrific but you couldn’t
help but feel a kind of tough und
ercurrent that made you watch
your wallet and girl doggone close.
Two Homecoming
Candidates Set
The last two finalists for Home
coming Hostess are Lee De Jar
nette and Carol Udy.
Lee De Jarnette, a member of
Alpha Chi Omega, is from Los
Angeles, Calif. She came to the
University because she thought
a better education would be re
ceived from a small state college.
She indicated, though, that pres
sure was brought to bear by
friends who had attended the Uni
Miss De Jarnette’s scholastic
interests are centered around
sociology. She is majoring in edu
cation and would like to teach
high school. She indicated also
that she would like to get a mast
er’s degree at the University.
Other interests center around
music. She is song leader of her
house and likes to sing and play
the piano.
Blond hair and a charming
smile are just two of her physical
assets. She is five feet six inches
tall and weighs 120 pounds.
Carol Udy first came to the
University for a speech contest.
Since then Miss Udy has chang
ed her major twice and feels she
has finally found the career that
most interests her.
During her first year in college
Miss Udy majored in music. She
still likes music, but she has
found that the teaching profes
sion is what she would really like
to do.
Miss Udy is a 19-year-old
brunette who is five feet six
inches tall and weighs 125 pounds.
She is from Hermiston, Ore.
Campus activities also interest
Miss Udy. She is a member of
Phi Theta Upsilon, A. W. S. trea
surer, and secretary of the Red
Cross board.
All a good executive needs for
an office is a room that’s big
enough for his brains.
Ulcers are said to be the occu
pational disease of radio announc
ers. We wonder what affliction is
reserved for the news commenta
Dedication Group
To Station Guides
Plans for the dedication of the
Student Union includes the sta
tioning of guides in different parts
of the Student Union, Joan Carto
zian, dedication chairman, an
These student guides will be
composed of the following dedi
cation committee members, who
are requested to attend a meet
ing at 4 p.m. today in the Stu
dent Union.
Members are: Elizabeth Boies,
Joan Dean, Caroline Dickey, Jane
Durno, Bonnie Jones, Joan Kap
pel, Nance Lynch, Carol Rau,
Barbara.Rubin, Mary Ellin Moore,
and Pat Gustin.
Fulbright Scholarship
Applications Due
Deadline for the return of Ful
bright Scholarship applications is
Oct. 13. Applications are avail
able in the office of the foreign stu
dent adviser, James D. Kline.
The scholarships are being given
for study abroad by the United
States government as provided in
the Fulbright Act. Graduate stu
dents and students who will gradu
ate next June are eligible to apply.
Publicity Booklets
Still Available
Information booklets on writing
and handling the publicity story
are available in the School of Jour
nalism office for campus publicity
chairmen who were unable to at
tend Saturday’s publicity clinic.
The booklets, published by Theta
Sigma Phi, national professional
women’s journalism fraternity, will
be sold at 15 cents each.
Saturday’s publicity clinic was
termed a success by Chairman Car
ol Jones, who estimated an attend
ance of 30 publicity chairmen.
At the clinic speakers explained
Emerald, News Bureau, and radio
publicity possibilities. Brief discus
sions followed each talk, and book
lets were distributed to explain de
tails not covered.
Speakers were Miss Jones; Gor
don Greb, instructor in journalism;
Mrs. Josephine Moore, manager of
the^University news bureau; Anita
Holmes, Emerald editor; and Lorna
Larson, Emerald managing editor.
Members of the journalism fra
ternity and Emerald personneitB^'
sisted in the discussions.
This is the first time that Theta
Sigma Phi has sponsored such a
campus publicity clinic here, Miss
Jones stated.
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