Daily EMERALD VOLUME Lll UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950 NUMBER 34, Second Homecoming1 Hostess candidates to be interviewed by the Oregon Daily Emerald are Jessie Bennett, left, and Martha Stapleton. Misses Bennett and Stapleton are two of six finalists selected Wed nesday night. Pictures and interview’s on the remaining two candi ttes will appear in Wednesday’s Emerald. Interviews are on page (Photo by George Lamont.) Kick-off Breakfast Launches Drive The Lane County Community Chest drive was officially un derway today with a kick-off breakfast held at the Eugene Hotel. Heading the student division of the appeal is ASUO President Barry Mountain. He appointed as his lieutenants at Monday night's Executive Council meeting Tom King, associate editor of the Emerald, and Barbara Stevenson, president of AWS. Although the Tarie County Community Chest appeal has in creased 19 per cent, the Univer sity of Oregon’s quota will be $4,000, the same as last year’s figure. However, students will be ask ed to contribute more this year because decreasing enrollments will require larger individual donations if the quota is to be attained. Cornish Chairman N. H. Cornish, professor of busi ness administration, is the chair man of the Universities participa tion in the drive. He has divided the faculty into three groups, Cap tains R. T. Ellickson, head of the physics department, Paul E. Kam bly, professor of education, and Col. F. R. Maerdian, head of the military and air science depart ment, are in charge of the faculty divisions. E. W. Martin, assistant busi ness manager, will captain the ad rrynistrative department. All members of the University Community Chest Committee are asked to meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Guild Theater, Johnson Hall, to receive their assignments and working materials. A representa tive of the county-wide appeal will discuss the important phases of this year’s drive. Appeal Through Nov. 8 The appeal, which will be held through Nov. 8, will have a re presentative in every living organ ization according to Barry Moun tain, who is chairman of the stu dent division. Mountain said that the bene fits of the chest are not as far removed from student life as many might imagine. “This,” he said, “is exemplified by the recent death of Ernest Hay cox, prominent Oregon alumnus and key figure in obtaining funds which made the Student Union possible.” Haycox died of cancer. The American Cancer Society is just one of the agencies that is re ceiving increased appropriations the chest. “With this thought in mind we should all give generously,” said Mountain. Ticket Sale To Winners Ends Today Ticket sales to drawing winners for the Oregon-Oregon State game in Portland, Nov. 25, have been extended until 5 p.m. today to give a last chance to the students whose names were selected in the ticket drawing. “Reserved seat tickets that are not purchased today by students on the eligibility list will go on sale Thursday and members of the ASUO Executive Council and Rally Board will be given first preference for the remaining tick ets,” Barry Mountain, ASUO pre sident, reported Monday night. Sales will continue from 8:30 a.m. to noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. in the athletic ticket office in McArthur Court. The ticket price is $2.50. Picture Schedule Oregana picture schedule: Tuesday: Nestor Hall, Sigma Alpha Mu Wednesday: Omega Hall, Phi Delta Theta Homecoming Hostess Voting To Start Wednesday at 9 am Voting for Homecoming Hostess will not be held today as was pre viously scheduled. Voting will start Wednesday at 9 a.m. Jeanne Hoffman, hostess selec tion chairman, announced that this change will enable students to see all the Hostess candidates pic tures in the Emerald before vot ing would begin. The original voting schedule was set early so that the winner could be announced at a send off rally before the Southern Califor nia football game. The rally will be Friday instead of Thursday. By voting a day later time will still be left to count the ballots and announce the winner at this rally. Probation Women Called to Meeting All women probationers will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Stu dent Union. Mrs. Golda P. Wick ham, director of women’s affairs, has asked that scholarship chair men from women’s living organi zations be present. Included in the group who are to meet with Mrs. Wickham are all women who did not make their grades spring term, those whose cumulative GPA is below a 2.00 and all those who have specified or “pegged” grades. Social Heads to Meet To Discuss Desserts All social chairmen from cam pus living organizations are ask ed to be present and to bring their dessert schedules to the dessert re scheduling meeting at 4 p.m. to day in the Student Union. This re-scheduling of desserts is in line with the new ASUO policy. Dana Lind, campus social-stand ards chairman, will be in charge of the meeting. Phi Theta and Skull and Dag ger will handle the voting booths. Students must present student body cards to vote. Voting will be Wednesday and Thursday. The hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Candidates are Jessie Bennett, Lee DeJarnette, Helen Jackson, Joyce Sonimerlade, Martha Staple ton, and Carol Udy. Executive Council Acts On Freshman Elections, Court, Dessert Schedule freshman election machinery got a thorough overhaul at the ASUO Executive Council meeting Monday night in the Student Union. Also receiving council action were the following: 1. Appointment of Student Court members and increasing its membership. 2. A committee to investigate the Inter-Fraternity Council’s report of the problems of deferred living. 3. The revised dessert procedure. In revising the freshman election procedure, the council went on record as approving the use of ballots separating candidates into two groups. Those who wish to run for president or vice president, and those who wish to run for secretary or treasurer. This move was taken to prevent the possibility of a person who wished to be secretary from being elected president which could have happened under, the former procedure since all candidates Call Made On Contracts For Oregano Although the contract deadline is past, several men’s living groups, campus clubs and honor aries have not turned in contracts for Oregana space. Bob Schooling, Oregana busi ness manager, stated Monday that these groups would have to turn in contracts immediately if they wish space in the 1950 book. Space which has been allotted for groups which had pages or half-pages last year will be sold to new organizations desiring space unless contracts are return ed, Schooling explained. Reason for the early contract deadline is that work on this sec tion begins immediately, he said. Opera Star to Sing Tonight in Mac Court Giuseppe di Stefano, Italian tenor from the Metropolitan Op era, sings at 8 tonight at McArthur Court for the Civic Music Association. Students are to present student body cards, not athletic cards, for admittance. The handsdme young singer will present two numbers in Italian, "Conime raggio di Sol” by Antonio Caldara, and “Nel