Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1950, Image 1

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    Snowball Rally Rolls Tonite
The snowball rally for the St.
Mary's game will start rolling at
opposite ends of the campus at
6:15 p.m. today. All men’s groups
are to be at the house or hall with
which they are paired at that time,
Jim Fenimore, rally board chair
man, said.
The snow-ball parade, .led by Ore
gon’s rally squad and song queens,
is scheduled to reach the parking
lot in front of the Phi Gamma
Delta house for the rally at 6:45.
The snowball will roll in spite of
the weather, Fenimore stated, but
a shower might drive the rally in
Roll call of the houses by pair
ings will figure prominently in the
rally program and give due recog
nition to those groups with the
largest representation.
Marcia Knosher, Jerry Crary,
and Dick Shirley will present
something different in skits ac
cording to Jack Faust, entertain
ment chairman. Also included in
the rally agenda are several snap
py yells and songs by the rally
and song squads.
“Although the Thursday morn
ing rally attendance was gratify
ing, this snowball rally is still the
big thing. We want to encourage
everyone from -every living organ
ization to attend,” Fenimore em
The snowball will start at Del
ta Zeta, and will follow Univer
sity Street to 15th, down 15th to
Agate and from Agate to 13th.
The parade will then swing' up
University past Hendricks and
Susan Campbell Halls. The route
then follows up Kincaid past the
Pi Beta Phi corner and over to
Alder. Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha
paired with them will meet the
The snowball will proceed to
the parking lot where Alpha Xi
Delta, Rebec, Ann Judson, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
and Delta Gamma and houses
procession on the corner of 15th
and Alder.
Phi, and Gamma Phi Beta and
their pairings have been asked to
meet the procession. All halls or
houses not specifically mentioned
by name will be picked up as the
parade passes their organization.
House pairings for the snowball
rally follow:
Delta Delta Delta, Theta Chi,
Gamma Hall; Delta Zeta, Del
ta Tan Delta, Omega Hall;
Carson 4, Alpha Tau Ome
ga; Carson 3, Alpha Hall
Pi Kappa Phi; Carson 2, Zeta Hall,
Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Carson 5, Sherry Ross, Phi Delta
Theta; Susan Campbell, Sigma
Hall, Phi Gamma Delta; Hendricks
Hall, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Stit
zer Hall; Ann Judson, Phi Sigma
University House, Cherney Hall;
Highland House, French Hall;
Rebec House, Orides, Lambda Chi
Alpha; Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma
Chi, Hunter Hall.
Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Alpha
Mu, McChesney Hall; Alpha Gam
ma Delta, Sigma Nu, Merrick
Hall; Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Kap
pa Sigma, Min turn Hall; Alpha
Phi, Chi Psi, Nestor Hall.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha
Xi Delta, Delta Upsilon; Chi Ome
ga, Kappa Sigma, Sederstrom;
Delta Gamma, Pi Kappa Alpha,
Stan Ray Hall; Gamma Phi Beta,
Beta Theta Pi, Yeoman.
Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Kap
pa Psi; Pi Beta Phi, Tau Kappa
Epsilon; Sigma Kappa, Philadel
phia House; Zeta Tau Alpha, Camp
bell Club.
Articles Galore to Sell
At AWS Auction Today
Looking for a tooth brush at bargain price, a slightly used pair
of baby shoes, or an extra pair of reading glasses? Try the an
nual AWS Auction at 4 p.m. today on the first floor terrace of
the Student Union.
Besides such inanimate items as books, keys, bandanas, and
mittens, two groups of highly animated articles from Zeta Tau
Greek Students
Elect Tom Barry
New Vice Prexy
Tom Barry, Sigma Phi Epsilon
senior representative to the As
sociated Greek Students, was
elected vice-president of that
party at a meeting Thursday
In addition to the election of
Barry, the group discussed organ
ization of the AGS according to
its new constitution, which was
passed last week. Discussion cent
ered around the formation of three
standing committees.
The committees—policy, promo
tfen, and finance—are provided
for in the constitution. In con
formity with a by-law passed at
the Thursday meeting, the 33
members making up the three
committees will be appointed by
the AGS president, subject to rati
fication by the group at large.
Under the plan, the policy com
mittee will be composed of 13
members including the president,
vice-president, and secretary-trea
surer. Its function will be to or
ganize and direct all policies con
cerning the AGS party.
The promotion committee, head
ed by the vice-president, will have
11 members. It will be primarily
concerned with handling the elec
tion campaigns.
With the nine members making
up the finance committee, includ
ing the secretary-treasurer who
will be chairman, this plan virtual
ly assures each of the 32 AGS
houses on the campus representa
tion on one of the three standing
In dedication to National Hat
^Veek—which, like National Cat
'’week, recently gone by, is even
now upon us—An old head upon
young shoulders—English Phrase.
Alpha and Phi Delta Theta will
be auctioned off—namely the
sophomore class from each
These groups will serve din
ner and provide between-course
entertainment for the highest
Presiding with the “going. . .
going. . .gone!” honors will be
auctioneer Stuart Richardson, en
deavoring to pass last year’s total
of $78.08.
On the lighter side, trios from
(Please tarn to page eight)
Ticket sales for the Oregon
Oregon State Portland game
Nov. 25 begin today at the Ath
letic Ticket Office, McArthur
Sales will continue from 8:30
a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5
p.m. today and Monday. They
may also be purchased Satur
day morning.
Pictured are the final three of the twelve candidates for Betty Coed
and Joe College titles to be interviewed by the Emerald. They are
Hal Dunham (left), Jane Knecht, and Bod Bell. Interviews are on
1 page eight.
Sophomores Set
Contest Outcome
As Dance Climax
Naming of Betty Coed and Joe College of 1950 will be the fea
ture attraction of "Nine O'clock Shadow,” Sophomore Whisker
ino Saturday night in the Student Union ballroom.
W ally Heider’s band-will play for the dance which will last
irom y p.m. until 12:15 a.m.
Tickets at $1.75 are now on sale
in the Co-op and in the main
lobby of the SU. They will also
be sold at the door Saturday
Hostesses Due
Homecoming Hostess finalists
will be introduced by Jeanne Hoff
man, chairman of the Homecom
ing hostess.selection committee.
Competing for the title of Betty
Coed will be Rusty Holcomb, Del
ta Zeta; Beverly Krueger, Chi
Omega; Maggie Powne, Alpha Xi
Delta; Lois Petterson, Alpha Phi;
Suzip Seley, Kappa Gamma, and
Jane Kneckt, Alpha Delta Pi.
Joe College candidates are Tom
Bauman, Kappa Sigma; Rod Bell,
Alpha Tau Omega; Carson Bow
ler, Phi Kappa Psi; Fred Decker,
Pi Kappa Phi; Hal Dunham, Theta
Chi; and Jim Livesay, Phi Delta
First Big Dance
The Ballroom will be used for
the first time this year for a full
dress campus dance. On the second
floor of the SU, the Ballroom can
be enlarged by opening the doors
to the Dad’s Lounge and using
the terraces. Rain, however, may
prevent their use.
Whiskerino Co-chairmen Bill
Frye and Mike Lally request all
students to use the main entrance
to the SU. Checking facilities are
in the main lobby.
Heider’s 11-piece band has re
cently played at Stanford, Calif
(Please turn to pa<je cii/ht)
Mayor to Judge
Spirit of Parade
Mayor V. Edwin Johnson of Eu
gene witi take part in this year’s
Homecoming festivities. He has
accepted the offer to act as judge
of spirit for the noise parade,
Roger Nudd, parade chairman, an
Originality of floats will be
judged by Lt. Col. John Cunning
ham, University military depart
ment. A. M. Vincent, professor of
art, will judge decoration and E.
A. Cykler, professor of music, will
judge noise.
Nudd also announced a change
in pairings. Zeta Hall, better
known as Barrister Inn, will not
take part in the parade. They
were originally paired with Alpha
Chi Omega, who will now team up
with Gamma Hall and Zeta Tau
Alpha in the parade.
Carson Hall has been divided so
that each floor will be paired
separately. This will take the
place of the original plan in which
Carson was paired with Minturn.
Changes will pair: Minturn Hall
and Carson 2; Merrick Hall, Al
pha Phi, and Carson 3; Delta Del
ta Delta, Sigma Hall, and Carson 4.
Chairman Roger Nudd warns de
signers of floats not to make their
floats over 16 feet high. Over
hanging branches on Alder street
prohibit a greater height.
Pi Phis vs. Kappas
Lipstick and Buxom Belles;
Everything Except Football
J»y stan i urnbull
It’s the eve of “Big Game” day,
and the infallible Turnbull rat
ing system is going to go out on
a limb and then deftly saw it off,
in regard to Sunday’s big Lipstick
Bowl battle between the buxom
pledge belles of Pi Beta Phi
and Kappa Kappa Gamma.
(Game time is 2 p.m. Sunday
on the University High School
field, just behind the Education
After carefully watching the
practices of neither team, and dis
cussing general form and strategy
with none of the coaches, this de
partment is ready with an im
partial, completely blank mind to
tell you what to look for in Sun
day’s skirmish.
A la Oregon, both teams have
been switching players from posi
tion to position, searching for the
best combinations of weight, speed
and experience. The Kappa Krun
cher offensive is coached by Fiji
Vince “Weepy” Dulcich and cap
tained by rugged Dewanda “Hike"
Hamilton. Coaching the forces of
the Pi Phi Archers is Phi Dolt
(Please turn to page seven)