Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Geology Class
To Visit Glacier
Geology students will make
their annual trek to Collier Glac
ier, Sunday, leaving at 7 a. m.
from Condon Hall.
The seven mile hike to the gla
cier will start from the McKenzie
highway, go along Skyline Trail
to Middle Sister, and return by a
different route.
Lloyd W. Staples and Jack
Gair, professors of geology, will
lead the trek, accompanied by
Ray Sims of the Obsidians, local
mountain club, who will describe
changes in the glacier since he
has been studying it. The group
will also observe extinct volcan
A few non-geology students
may go on the hike if they tlave
transportation. Those desiring to
go should contact Staples for per
mission to attend.
More than 80 students went on
the trip last year. The Obsidians,
who are also going to the glacier
Sunday, may combine with the
student group as they did the
year before.
tAusic Honoraries
Alter Coffee Time
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, men’s
national music honorary, changed
the time of its coffee hour from
8 p. m. today to 4:30 p. m. Satur
day at the SU. All men interest
ed in music are invited.
A musical program, including
a trombone quartet composed of
Don Jordahl, Ira Lee, Jack Lough
ery, and John Kienzle, a piano solo
by Millard Kinney, a baritone solo
by Jim Wilson, a tenor solo by
Elden Penttila, a violin solo by
Bob Groth; and group singing led
by Lynn Sjelund, is planned.
, Donald W. Allton, professor of
jorgan and theory, and Theodore
Kratt, dean of the School of Music,
will be guest speakers.
| Refreshments will be served.
Cosmopolitan Club
Holds Coffee Hour
The Cosmopolitan Club report
ed a successful coffee hour Thurs
day with a total attendance of
71. The meeting was held at Wes
ley House.
Foreign students and American
students interested in foreign coun
tries attended.
Delores Jeppeson, president, and
Dirk Schepers, foreign student
from Holland, welcomed the group.
Ellen Liebe provided entertain
juent with violin solos. “Midnight
Jjells” and “Alt Wein.’’ Cookies
hnd punch were served.
Rubinstein Set
(Continued from t>a!ie one)
When this artist of the key
board is not traveling, he lives
at home in Los Angeles with his
wife and widely-born family of
tour, Eva, 16. born in Buenos
Aires; Paul, 15, in Warsaw; and
Aline. 5, and John Arthur, 3, in
Program Given
Rubinstein's program includes
tiach-Buseni’s “Chaconne,” “Chop
in’s “Scherzo in C Minor,” “Maz
urka in D Major.” “Nocturne in
111)" and “Sonata in Bb Minor,
•pus 35," with its four movements:
Crave-Doppie movlmento, Scher
re. Marche Funebra. and Presto;
Debussy’s “La Cathedrale Engleu
tie,” “La Plus que Lente (Valse),”
and “L’isle joyeuse”; also Crana
do’s "Tiie Maiden and the Night
ingale” and Liszt's “Mephiste
Amsterdam via Hoboken Told
By European Visitor From Oregon
By Jim Hay cox
A lot of the people who went
to Europe this summer for a look
around were students with plenty
of ambition but not much money.
In fact, with about $100 maybe
even a little less, there is no rea
son why you couldn’t do it too.
Thirty-three of us, all Oregon
ians, made the jaunt and all would
tell the same thing. Europe is
worth every penny of it.
Our group assembled in Hobo
ken, New Jersey, on July 25, to
board the Volendam, a Dutch stu
dent ship with an unlimited cap
acity and seven kinds of dessert
made with vanilla jelly. The ac
comodations were spacious. The
men slept in the converted por
tions of the cargo holds and the
women got the cabins.
Used To Privations
Yet, in no time at all, we were
quite used to our seagoing priva
tions and with the other passeng
ers, who probably represented
every major race, religion, and na
tionality in the world, had a swell
It didn’t seem like ten days lat
er when we docked in Rotterdam
after a shortstep to the south in
La Harve. There was a small
flurry here which involved a
French sailor who had jumped his
ship in New York, lived with a
girl friend for a few months, and
then stowed away on our boat just
one step ahead of emmigration.
U of o-osc
(Continued from page one)
fill out slips at the Student Union
from 10 a. m. to S p. m. Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday of next
week. Athletic cards must be pre
sented for checking’.
Wednesday night 1,650 names
will be drawn including alternates.
Alphabetical lists of those eligible
to buy tickets will then be posted
Friday or Saturday in the Library,
Co-op, and Student Union.
Students whose names appear
will have their tickets held at the
athletic ticket office until 5 p. m.
Wednesday, Oct. 18. Alternates
may purchase uncalled for tickets
Oct. 19 and 20. Tickets will be
open to any student Oct. 21.
Each student can submit only
one slip for the drawing, Smith
pointed out. Anyone not abiding
by these rules will be immediately
disqualified from the drawing, he
The Dutch kicked him off and the
French wouldn’t take him. Don’t
know what finally happened.
Met Guide In Rotterdam
At Rotterdam we met our
guide, a little gal from Belgium
named Jose, and hopped the train
for Amsterdam which was our
first extended stop. Here it was
that our education began.
Next morning after some wait
for breakfast, we discovered that
the rolls which sat in front of us
were more than part of it. They
were all of it. That’s all anybody
ever eats for breakfast over there.
City Of Brick
Amsterdam is a city of per
haps 900,000 people. Everything
is built out of brick and about four
stories high and if you don’t like
to walk you can swim in one of
the seventy canals that are right
in the middle of everything. There
were surprisingly few automobiles
on the streets for everything can
be done and is done on bicycles,
and that includes smooching the
girl friend before the light changes.
Anyway, we were just getting
used to all this and beginning to
love the town when one morning,
we found ourselves bound for
Beaner Speaks
To Young GOPs
Henry Beaner, Young Republi
can national committeeman from
Oregon, spoke briefly on the state
legislature reapportionment plan
at the first meeting of the UO
Young Republicans Thursday in
the Student Union.
Beaner was introduced by Don
Lees, president of the local chap
Plans for the annual state con
vention, to be held here on Oct.
21-22, were announced by Don Col
lin, general chairman of the con
vention. The principal convention
speaker will be Stanley Earl, form
erly with the Economic Coopera
tion Administration in Korea.
President Lees also announced
that tickets for tonight’s banquet
in the Osburn hotel honoring Guy
Gabrielson, chairman of the Re
publican National committee, may
be secured at the Republican party
headquarters at Seventh and Will
amette Streets.
Curtain Rises
(Continued from page one)
“It kind of makes us feel bet
ter to know that closing night is
not really closing night,” she con
tinued, during a break in last
night’s rehearsal. “This way we
feel we can pick up the play
whenever we feel like it.”
Dress rehearsal was going off
nicely last night, the cast seem
ing to get a kick out of present
ing the comedy. The play, direct
ed by Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt, is be
ing presented in performances to
night and tomorrow night be
cause of its success this summer.
Plot Confusing
“The plot is confusing to relate
—but because of its situations
makes the comedy a comedy,”
Miss Wendel remarked. “It’s
about a fellow who marries Ifcis
buddy’s girl so the girl can come
to American, get a divorce, and
marry the buddy. In the meantime
the fellow is supposed to get mar
ried to his own girl.”
The playwright, Norman Kras
na, handles this situation well,
and everything worka out happily
in the end, according to the lead
ing woman, but not before Lily,
a night-club entertainer who
stands on her head and sings at
the same time, enters the scene
for a few riotous moments.
Assistant Managing Editor;
Fred Vosper
Desk Editor: Stan Turnbull
Desk Staff: Jack Clement,
Louise Hoblitt, Mary Kelley,
Janice Taylor, Bud Lindbeck
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