Yanks Win Second On DiMaggio's Homer SHIBE PARK, PHILADEL PHIA, (API- JoeDimaggio lined a 10th inning home run into the up per left field stands Thursday to give the New York Yankees’ Allie Reynolds a 2-1 win over the Phils’ Robin Roberts in the second world series game. It was the favored American League champs’ second stright vic tory in the best-of-seven series be fore 32,660 fans. The Yankee Clipper’s belt, his seventh in nine world series, broke up a fine battle between the Yan kee fire-balling righthander and 24 ycar-old Roberts, the Phils first 20-game winner since Grover Clev eland Alexander. First Extra Inning The game Phils carried the struggle down to the last out. Pinchhitter Jack Mayo was on sec ond base with the potential tying run when Reynolds breezed a third strike past Dick Sisler to end the first extra inning series game since the 1946 opener. It was the second straight day that Sisler had been struck out to end the game. Although nicked for 10 hits along the route, Roberts was able to bear down so well in the clutches that the Yanks popped up his pitches all afternoon. They didn’t hit a ball on the ground until the eighth. Still Reynolds, with an efficient seven-hitter, well deserved his third IM Schedule Time Place 8:50, IM Field, Fill Sigs vs. Sher j> Ross 8:50, Field 1, Alplia vs. Phi Kaps. 3:50, Field 2, ATO vs. Hunter ... 8:50, Field 3, Phi Psis vs. Yeo man. . 4 :45, IM Field, Sammies vs. Kap i |*a Sigma 4:45, Field 1, French vs. Stan i Ray. 4:45, Field 2, Belas vs. Campbell Club 4 :45, Field 3, Lambda Chi vs. Pi taps. Newland Predicts. . . Russ Newland’s football selec tions: Friday C. of Pacific over Denver by 6. Saturday California over Penn, by 10. Washington over UCLA by 1. Stanford over Oregon State by 14. USC over Wash. State by 15. Oregon over Montana by 7. People who don’t waste time wondering what makes the world go around are the ones who keep it going. straight world series success. He never has lost one of these big money games in October. Roberts in a Jain The Yanks had Roberts in a jam in the first but failed to score. They pushed over a run in the sec ond on a walk to Gerry Coleman, a single by Reynolds and an infield single to shortstop Granny Hamner by Gene Woodling. Woodling’s hit drove in the run. And that was all the Yanks were to get until Casey Stengel’s “Big Fellow” smashed a Ribert’s Pitch into the seats leading off the tenth inning. The Phils, shut out yesterday by Vic Raschi in the 1-0 opener, hadn’t scored a series run in 13 innings un til they finally moved Mike Goliat home in the fifth. It was their first series run, in fact, since their last appearance in 1915. Goliat singled on a bouncer to ward second that Coleman had no license to stop. The Yank second baseman made a sensational play to knock down the ball but threw wildly to first with no chance to get the runner. Fne back-up work by Yogi Berra kept Goliat on first base. Trying to bunt him over, Roberts popped to Reynolds but Eddie Waijtkus moved Goliat all the way to third with a bad hbp single over Coleman’s head into short right field. The ball skidded off the edge of the infield grass and careened wildly over Coleman’s head for a single. Ashburn tied it up with a fly to Gene Woodling, so deep that there was no chance for a play on Go liat at the plate. Two fine double plays, the first of the series, stifled Phillie threats in the eighth and ninth inning. The series scene shifts to New York's Yankee Stadium Friday for the third, fourth and fifth games Sekied Shaitd PHILADELPHIA UP)—'The Phil adelphia Phillies ran their World Series losing streak to six straight Thursday—six straight one-run de feats. Of course, the streak cov ers more than a generation—35 years. Joe DiMaggio has been no ball of fire at the plate in the last two World Series. He didn’t get a hit until the final game of the 1949 series against Brooklyn. He didn't get one in this series until the 10th inning Thursday. The Phils would prefer not to discuss the hit. When last seen, the ball was van ishing somewhere in the left-cent er field stands and for the sec ond straight day, superb pitching by the Phillies was not enough for victory. * a: * The last previous extra inning game was played five years ago. Like this one, it was a 10-inning affair on Oct. 6, 1946, when the Boston Red Sox nosed out the St. Louis Cards, 3-2. Fans leaving the ball park for got to look back. It may have been the last time they walked ouT of a world series game at this park until next year. Bob Carpenter, the Phillies’ head, is not likely to | agree. . .But the undeniable truth | is this: guys who don't hit don’t win ball games. SPORTS STAFF Jim Knight, Desk Pete Cornacchia Clyde Fahlman Bill Gurney if five are necessary. Lefty Ed Lo pat (18-8) will work for the heavi ly favored Yanks. Sawyer was un decided between Bob Miller (11-6) or Lefthander Ken Heintzelman. RHE N. Y.010 000 000 1—2 10 0 Phil. 000 010 000 0—1 7 0 He's Set for Montana By Bill Gurney Right in Lhe middle of the line; that’s where this game of football is really played. Ray Lung, letter man varsity guard, is a man who sees a lot of rugged action at that unglamorous position. Which is why Ray is one gridder you Web foot fans should know better. This is his senior year and his third varsity season. Last year he developed fast and played 289 min utes as a defensive guard, making several all-oponent teams. This season he operates in both the of fensive and defensive lineups,and against UCLA even tried his hand at punting. Ray carries a solid 202 pounds on his 5 foot 9 inch frame. He has an explosive charge on defense, and is a fine blocker. It looks as though Mr. Lung is all set to capi talize on his experience and do big things in Aiken’s line. Law Is Goal A Fresno, California boy, Ray gave as a reason for coming to Oregon: "I wanted to play against Cali fornia.” Here at Eugene, he is an Econ omics major with a 2.7 grade aver age.' Law School is his goal, how ever he grinned and added, “If I don’t get drafted.” If he does, it won’t be the first time. Ray has spent 22 months out of his 23 years in service of his country. Part of this time was spent at the King’s Point, New Jer sey Merchant Maiinc Academy. Since this was wartime, he had little opportunity to continue on with football following his three years at guard for Fresno High School. Along with his teammate Gus Knickrehm, Ray remembers last year's Washington game as a knockdown and dragout struggle in which he really played football. “Just Can’t Lose” On the campus, Ray is an Order of the O man and a Beta Theta Pi. During the summer he makes ice cream for the Arden farms in Fresno, and likes to hunt and fish whenever he can. “What is your prediction for the Montana game?” was a question that put Ray on the spot. There was no hesitation. “We just can’t think about los ing it,” said he, sounding very much as though he meant just that. 71 BILL RILEY AND ITTS ORCHESTRA DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING 9:30-12:30 WILLAMETTE PARK Rain and Soggy Turf May Hamper Teams One of the greatest aerial circuses on the Pacific Coast comes to Eugene tomorrow afternoon when Montana s Giizzlies invade Hayward Field for Oregon’s initial home football contest of the season. The bovs from Missoula will be after their thiid stiaight win while the Webfoots will be working to snap a seven-game losing streak. Game time is 1:30 p.m. Saturday’s clash will be the fifth between the two schools. The first meeting was in 1928, when the Webfoots grabbed a 31-6 win— the only time Montana has been able to score. It was 13-0 for Oregon in 1934, 38-0 in 1940, and 34-0 in 1946. Heavy rains this week have threatened to weaken the attack of both Montana and the host Oregon eleven. Grizzly Coach Ted Shipkey has no desire to cruise down a river on a soggy afternoon, for considerable of his happier mo ments this year have been in thoughts of one Quarterback Bob Kingsford. Kingsford to Bauer Rated by many as the best passer in the Northwest, Kingsford has been all but responsible for wins over Idaho and Eastern Washing ton. The 175-pound senior’s target most of the time has been End Ray Bauer, a 187-pound senior who holds the Pacific Coast Conference pass completion record. Bauer’s re ceiving ability is at least equalled by his defensive work. Webfoot Coach Jim Aiken won’t be so completely dependent upon the air lanes for a good Saturday night’s sleep, but a soggy turf cer tainly won’t be helpful to his Tiny Trio consisting of Tommy Edwards, Hal Cuffel, and Bobo Moore. The Oregons at least have had the benefit of a week’s practice in nearly steady rain. While Quarter backs Earl Stelle and Hal Dunham have been hurling successful passes consistently through the rain, Aik en also has provided heavy drills for his backs*in search for better chances in the mud. Fullbacks Are ‘Mudders’ Sharing most of the ball-carry ing in the mud this week have been two fullbacks, Carl Ervin and Ron Lyman. Ervin was switched to the power post after starting the sea son at right half. While the Webfoots displayed a fairly good defense against Cali fornia’s vaunted running attack this past weekend, they were guil ty of several expensive lapses against the Bear’s extra- feature passing. The situation must at least be reversed Saturday if Oregon ex pects to win over the visitors, who seldom needed more than three or four plays in their scoring driVt^ against Idaho. Aiken has concentrated on pass defense sessions this week in an ef fort to nullify the Kingsford-Bauer threat, sessions which the Oregon coach described as “the most sat isfactory scrimmages we’ve had this year.” Still at Bottom The Webfoots will go into the contest resting at the bottom of the Pacific Coa.^t Conference standings, a position they will re tain regardless of the outcome of the meeting. Montana is competing in its first year out of the confer ence, after requesting and quickly receiving permission to leave the loop. The battle Saturday will pro vide an opportunity for two line men to settle boyhood grievances. Webfoot Center Dean Hanson, a CPlease turn to page five) U-SAVE AUTO SUPPLY Something NEW!! Something DIFFERENT!! An auto supply store with the ACCESSORIES you want for your car! The most complete line in Oregon! • DISTRIBUTOR FOR DEEP-TONE PORTER & SMITTY MUFFLERS DUALS ALSO • FULL LINE OF SPEED EQUIPMENT INCLUDING EDELBROCK, EDMUNDS & OFFENHAUSER 1198 Willamette Phone 4-2441 It’s LATER than you THINK!! HEAR THE VARSITY GOSPEL TEAM • FRED MUELLER-Captain One of Oregon’s Amateur Golf Champions • BOB WHEELESS An Outstanding Trumpeter • SHIRLEY ANDERSON Golden Voice Contralto • CARLSON SISTERS Cello and Piano Artists 90 Sparkling Moments of Inspiration, Music and Challenge Saturday Nite, October 7, 7:45 WILSON AUDITORIUM 12th & Jefferson Eugene Y.F.C. Rally Joe Brill, Director "DON'T MISS IT"