DUCK TRACKS By PETE CORNACCHIA Emerald Sports Editor * Goldilocks had a lot of trouble with bears in her day but her woes were indeed minor compared to those confronting the Web foot football squad during the first three weeks of the season. California’s Bears and UCLA’s Bruins have gorged themselves on Webfoot porridge, and there’s no reason to believe Montana’s Grizzlies don’t have serious intentions of getting their share. In the four meetings Oregon has had with Montana, this, par ticular bruin was a rather moth-eaten affair evidently just out of hibernation. The first battle between the two members of these northern woods occurred in 1928, when the Webfoots copped a 31-6 victory—the only time Montana has been able to score. It was 13-0 for Oregon in 1934, 38-0 in 1940, and 34-0 in 1946. Next Saturday, however, Jim Aiken’s boys will be facing a team which has tallied 80 points in beating Eastern Washington, 52-0, and Idaho, 28-27. Shiftey Shipkey Coach Ted Shipkey, in his second year at Missoula, will be bringing his “Shipkey Accordian Shuffle Shift” to Eugene. What next? First it was Red Sanders and his “horse and buggy single wing with television in the dashboard” offensive, and now this. We should be ashamed of our unimaginative, plain old T-forma ti|)li. The Montana mentor’s SAjBS, as we might call it, uses spread variations of the T-formation to carry out a high-geared passing and running game. The two big boys in this attack have been Quarterback Tom Kingsford and End Ray Bauer. Kingsford’s passing brought the Grizzlies from behind three times in the Idaho upset. He threw for one touchdown and scor ed twice himself after his passes had set up the opportunities. The 175-pound senior tossed 55 passes for 750 yards in 1949, for a 48.5 per cent completion record. Rated by many coaches and sportswriters as the best passer in the Northwest, Kingsford will be one of Montana’s two candidates for national recognition this fall. The other one is Bauer, a 187-pound senior, who holds the Pa cific Coast Conference pass completion record. Bauer broke the record, set in 10 games by Oregon’s Dick Wilkins in 1948, with 31 catches for 455 yards in last season. In addition to his offensive ability, the three-year letterman is rated a great defensive player—fast and ferocious. This bright spot on the 1950 Grizzly edition is called “Moon” around the “university with a mountain on its campus.” Deep Green Shade Montana cap-and-gowned 19 members of the 1949 squad, some with four years of experience, which leaves Shipkey with what he considers a green team. The Grizzlies are loaded with depth, however, according to scouting reports by Johnny McKay, with a heavier team all the way around. The team averages 192 pounds, the starting line 205, and the starting backfield 189. The halfback spots appear to be the weakest positions on the team, with two seniors, Jack King and Don Campbell, returning. Bob Byrnes and Paul Wold are the other two returning letter men in the halfback berths. Backing up Kingsford as field generals are John White, a JC transfer; and two sophomores, Paul Grein and Dick Shodoan. Tiie fullback load is shared by Bob Bates, 215-pound pile-driver junior bothered by injuries; Carol Matye, a senior used on de fense ; and three sophomores, Gene Carlson, Loren Laird, and George Vucurovich. Grizzlies Have Wings The positions with the best outlook are the wing posts. In addi tion to Bauer, there’s Dick Doyle, a 190-pound senior, who cap tured the PCC discus crown last spring. Another good end is Don Gerlinger, 200-pound sophomore from Chicago. Gerlinger is the boy whose conversion placement with three minutes left gave Montana its win over Idaho. He missed his first try but an off side penalty gave him another chance, which he made good. A half dozen juniors and sophomores fill out the bottom of the bag. Team Captain Ken Campbell and veteran Bob Anderson carry most of the load at center. Two parts of the Shipkey accordian certain not to fold are the guards and tackles, where each spot is loaded with at least three men in serious contention for starting berths. Sophomore members of the Grizzly squad to bear watching are Quarterback Grein ; Fullbacks Carlson and Laird; Halfbacks Bill Baker and Bob Graves; and Guards Bob Antonick and Gordon Jones. Montana, evidently tired of b'eing percentage fodder for other PCC teams, has moved out of the conference this season, so Sat urday’s contest will have no bearing on the Webfoots’ standing i^the circuit. With 16 veterans returning this year, strengthened by JC transfers and material from the Frosh squad, Montana is expected to win at least half of its games this season. Evening Classes Offered Here By Extension Among the adult evening classes offered in Eugene by the general extension division are two which will be of interest to UO students, Howltrd Akers, administrative as sistant for the division, announc ed today. The two classes are second-year Spanish, to be taught on Tues days from 7 to 10 p. m. by Ber nardo Gicovate, professor of Span ish; and elementary logic, to be offered on Thursdays from 7 to 9 p. m., with Dr. Arthur Pap, professor of philosophy, in charge. “There are no formal require ments for admittance to the classes,” Akers stated. “Anyone may apply.” For further infor mation, interested students may call extension 467. Future Teachers Outline Program A program to bring together teachers and future teachers was presented at the first meeting of Pi Lambda Theta, education honor ary, Tuesday night. Education movies, speakers on education problems, and student panels were named by President Faye Schick Smith, as some of the proposed program highlights. A plan for student and profes sional members of the honorary to work together through class room visits was also discussed. Committee chairmen named by Miss Smith were Minerva Grif fiths and Barbara , Stevenson, publicity; Edna Hostol, social; and Mary Howden, initiation. The group set its regular meet ing date for 7 p. m. the first Tues day of every month. Coffee Hour Set By Clubmen The Cosmopolitan Club is plan ning a coffee,, hour for all foreign students and for as many Ameri can students as are interested from 4 to 5:30 p. m. today at Wesley House, on the old YMCA location on Kincaid street. There are 95 foreign students on campus this year, hailing from na tions from Canada to India. The Cosmopolitan Club, organ ized last spring, reported having a great deal of fun as v/ell as learning from the students, both foreign and American. Campus clothes will be the order of the day. Geology Class Bills Initial Field Jaunt Students from the general geol ogy classes will take their first field trip of the year along the Sky line Trail of the Cascades to Col lier Glacier next Sunday. Dr. L. W. Staples, associate pro fessor of geology, K. E. Gair, as sistant professor of geology, and Ray Sims, of the Eugene Obsidians, will accompany the students on the 14 mile hike. The group will make a special study of extinct volcanoes and glaciation. Sims will discuss the history of Collier Glacier with the students. This has been a special study of the local businessman for a number of years. Restaurant Trade Down, But SU Only One Cause By Howard Lindbeck Will the Student Union cafeteria and fountain hurt the business of privately owned restaurants near the campus ? Opinions of the proprietors and managers of the different eating places were obtained on the sub ject through a series of interviews Wednesday. The general reaction was that business is definitely poorer than in other years. But none of the spokesmen placed the blame entirely on the SU. “We can't blame it on the SU,” said Jerry Proctor, manager of Del’s Inn. “It just seems like the kids aren’t getting out.” Due to the drop in business Del’s Inn now closes at 8 p. m. instead of the usual 11. Blames “Living” Too “Doc” Ireland, owner of the Lemon “O”, commented that his fountain business had been de finitely hurt. But he believes the policy of deferred living is as re sponsible as the SU. Rod Taylor and Roy McDowell of Taylor’s stated that their busi ness hadn’t been hurt at all for actual number of days open. But because of deferred living, and therefore no early rush week, they Condon Club To Meet Summer experiences and slides taken during vacation will be the main attractions for members of Condon Club, geology honorary, at their first social meeting this year. Members will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Samuel N. Dickens, head of the geography and geology department. JT estimated ten days had been corn* pletely lost. SU Does Hurt The coffee and fountain busi ness is ‘'definitely down" at the College Side. Mr. Alpine, owner of that establishment said that there were other factors than the SU, but, ‘‘It would hurt, natural ly.” Spokesmen for the Spud-Nut Shop, Duck Inn, Rush Inn, Ren ell’s and the Jumbo Barbecue shared the opinion uiat business was poor as compared with pre vious years. But they agreed that this fact could not be blamed on the SU entirely. Freshmen SING’S CY BLEND JAacyiant PIPE TOBACCO S.UTLIFF TOBACCO CO.. 650 Fifth St S F .Cglif. HEINE'S TOBACCO CO„ Manillon, Ohio STUDENTS! Get these 23 famous “office typewriter” features on your Roya Portable Companion! FOR ONLY $69.50 PLUS TAX rt. Shift Freedom 2. Fully Standard Keyboard] 3. Finger-Flow Keys, 4. Speed Spacer 5. Acceleration 6. Rapid Ribbon Changer) 7. Line Finder 8. Time Saver Top , 9. Back Spacer tO. Movable Paper Guido tt. Three-point Paper Feed, 12. 2-way Paper Bail 13. Tilting Paper Table 14. Paper Scales 15. Left and Right Margin Stops' 16. Shift Lock 17. Line Space Selector 18. Line Space & Carriage, Return Lever 19. Full-size Cylinder 20. Line-end Warning Bell 21. Automatic Ribbon Reverse' 22. Left and Right Shift Keys 23. Air-Flight Carrying Case Ask about trade-ins and low, easy weekly terms' U of O CO-OP STORE