Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1950, Image 1

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    ^Post Office To Open
The post office in the Student
Union is due To open about the
middle of October. The equipment
has been ordered by the Eugene
post office but it has not arrived
as yet.
Weather.... ^
Forecast: Cloudy, occasional
light rain through Tuesday. West
ern Oregon, same, warmer.
Temperatures: Low Monday
night, 48; expected high Tuesday,
Bunion Derby Planned
For This Friday Night
Bunions and heart trouble, of the pigging type, will start when
the Bunion Derby dances get underway Friday, at 7:15 p.m.
Annually the Associated Women Students sponsor these mov
ing jittney dances, where males from every living organization
visit all of the women’s dormitories and houses to trip the light
fantastic for a short time.
Upon arriving at each women’s living organization, each man
Soph Class
Has First
<5irl Prexy
The sophomore class Monday
found itself with its first woman
president in many years, as the
ranks of class presidents were
riddled with scholastic ineligibili
Helen Jackson, sophomore in
liberal arts, steps into the sopho
more class presidency replacing
Joe Kaiser, ineligible. Willy
Dodds, junior in business, takes
over the junior class reins replac
ing Vernon Beard, also declared
ineligible. The replacements fol
low the constitutional require
ments that vice-presidents step
into the president’s shoes.
This leaves the sophomore class
with an all-female cabinet, with
a woman president, secretary, and
ASUO officials were investigat
ing Monday night to determine
whether it will be necessary to
call for petitions for new vice
presidents in the two classes.
Duties of the class president in
clude supervising the Sophomore
Whiskerino fall term and Junior
Weekend spring term.
Petitioners Seek
Student Union Posts
One-hundred and thirteen peti
tions have been received by the
Student Union Directorate for the
six directorate standing commit
tees, Bill Carey, chairman, re
ported Monday night.
Letters are being sent to the
petitioners informing them of
their interview appointments. In
terviews began Monday and will
continue through Thursday night.
wm urop a nicKei into rne collection
box. The men’s dormitory or house
that shows the largest attendance
to the percentage of its members,
will win a prize, as will the woman’s
living organization that has been
visited by the most men. The collec
tions will be turned into the AWS.
Head chairman for the Bunion
Derby is Georgie Oberteuffer.
Chairmans assisting her are Shar
on Anderson, promotion; Joan Skor
dahl, publicity; Kay Kuckenberg,
collections; Virginia Kellog, prizes,
and co-contacts chairmen, Mary
Gillham and Dolores Parrish.
All pledges shall remain in their
own dormitories. Campus clothes
are in order.
The full schedule syncronizing
the men’s visits will be announced
Solicitors to
Get 'Boot'
Three salesmen soliciting for
Charm Magazine were requested
to leave the campus last Thurs
day for failing to get University
sanction from Ray Hawk, Direct
or of Men’s Affairs.
Contrary to earlier reports, they
had posted bond at city offices,
but were not following the Uni
versity restriction.
“Students should be particular
ly careful in their relations with
solicitors, and check first to see
if they have a letter of authoriza-,
tion,” Hawk stated.
He said that if students are con
tacted by photographer’s agents,
they should remember that the
University Photographic Bureau
will take pictures and will charge
only for materials and time con
The AP wire summary will be
found on page seven of this issue
of the Emerald.
Attention Bowlers!
The man and woman with
the highest bowling scores
each week will be awarded
with ten free lines, Louis
Bullismo, recreation manager,
announced Monday.
There are no strings, quali
fications, or entrance fees at
tached. The only requirement
is that the students bowl a
game at the Student Union al
leys and turn in their score
when the game is finished.
Duck Spirit
One Topic
Of Council
Lashing of the lack of spirit
shown at the Oregon-Califor
nia game sparked a spirited dis
cussion on Oregon traditions
leading to the appointment of a
special committee at Monday
night's Executive Council meet
Suggestions for improvement
of Oregon spirit included require
ment of fresh information booklets;
rooters' lids; white shirts at games;
and enforcement of class pants reg
Discussion centered around the
distinction between spirit-promot
ing traditions and those which
would merely provide “busy work"
for freshmen and enforcement of
Eve Overback, Dave Rodway,
Herb Cook, Don Smith, and Joanne
Fitzmaurice were appointed to a
committee to look over the situa
Enrollment Statistics
Comparative enrollment statis
tics at colleges throughout the na
tion were presented by Donald M.
DuShane, director of student af
Oregon has a comparatively
small enrollment drop — around
eight per cent—when considered
with other schools, he explained. At
last report, Oregon State was suf
fering a 14 per cent drop; UCLA
15 per cent; and Vanport 16 per
cent. The average drop seems to be
from 10 to 15 per cent as a nation
wide trend.
Intramural boxing promotion is
(Please turn to f'at/e eifiht)
Song Queens In Rally Squad
“Oregon will have girl song
queens this year, in addition to
the previously selected all male
yell squad.’’ This announcement
Tuesday evening by Jim Fenimore,
rally board chairman, ended much
speculation concerning the sea
sons rally personel.
Fenimore stressed that the
purpose in initiating the song
squad and in selecting an all male
yell group was to stimulate stu
dent interest and to obtain en
thusiastic student participation in
rally activities.
Men Selected
The men were selected for the
yell duties because of their great
er endurance and the girl’s group
^is slanted toward a more colorful
squad. Fenimore also emphasized
that there was never any inten
tion of restricting the girls parti
cipation but that the decision for
an all male yell squad was in
aended only to provide the stu
dents with the best leaders pos
sible for both songs and yells.
The five yell queens will never
act simultaneously with the yell
leaders but will have separate
appearances on the field. The ap
pearance of the girls will be a
signal to the rooting section that
a song is in order.
Select Song Queens
Yell queens were not present
at Portland last weekend only be
cause the board had not yet been
able to select them. No petitions
will be accepted for the five song
positions. However, open inter
viewing will be held tomorrow
afternoon and evening at the SU.
A tentative schedule calls for in
terviews with the board to be
held from 3-5 Wednesday after
noon and 6-10 Wednesday even
ing. A definite announcement of
the time and place for these in
terviews will be made in Wednes
day’s “Emerald”.
The rally board, composed of
Fenimore, Jim Crismon, Anita
Frost, Ron Symons, and executive
council representative, Herb Hill,
will meet Tuesday afternoon to
select chairmen for the rally sub
Plans are underway for a rally
the last of the week in prepara
tion for the game with Montana
1500 OSC Tickets
To be Available
For UO Students
l'ii'tcen hundred reserve seat tickets to the Oregon- Oregon
State football game Nov. 25 at Multnomah Stadium in Portland
will go to Oregon students, Howard Lemons, athletic business
manager, said Monday.
Ticket price will be $2.50, as set by PCC.
UO Nights
Set For Park
First of a series of Friday
evening “campus nights” at Will
amette Park is scheduled for this
B'liday, according to Tom Barry,
student manager of the Park.
Barry has leased the Park for
Friday nights this year, and, with
the aid of a student staff, plans
to make each Friday evening a
special college party from 9 p. m.
to midnight.
"This week students can make
the tour of the Bunion Derby and
finish the evening with us,” he
Curt Finch's orchestra has been
secured for Friday nights, a^id
intermission entertainment is be
ing planned, he explained.
Other University students on
the Friday night staff are Dick
Fading, Edith Fading, and Fen
Petitions Due
Deadline for Homecoming peti
tions has been extended to 5 p. m.
Wednesday in the ASUO office,
Student Union, President Barry
Mountain announced Monday.
Change. In Plan
Under a change in plans, stu
dents may petition now for any
of the Homecoming committees,
rather than merely for the general
chairmanship, thus saving time
wasted in extra petition calls.
Petitioners for the general chair
manship only will be interviewed
at a special meeting of the Exe
cutive Council, 6:30 p. m. Wed
nesday in the Student Union board
Committees Open
Committees open are promotion,
publicity, alumni welcoming,
dance, noise parade, sign contest,
finance (including button sales),
and general* secretary. A tradi
tions chairman whose duties will
include handling of the bonfire
will be appointed from the Order
of “O”.
"Nearly every student who peti- j
tions will have a chance to work
on some phase of Homecoming,”
Mountain stated. Petitions for sub
committees will be turned over to
the Homceoming chairman.
This year’s celebration is set
for the weekend of Nov. 5.
This is the same number of
tickets allotted to Oregon for an
Oregon State home game for
many years, Lemons pointed out.
“We allow them the same num
ber for our home game,” he stated.
The Oregon-OSC game will be.
played in Multnomah Stadium
for the first time this year. Tho
move was made from Bell Field
in Corvallis, whose capacity is
22,000, to the Stadium which will
now hold 35,000 because of its
new bleacher , addition.
More Tickets
Possibility of more tickets for
Oregon rooters will be discussed
First crack at tickets for the
Oregon-OSC game will go to mem
bers of the Order of “O”, who will
police the field after the game, ac
cording to an Executive Council
decision Monday night.
Remainder of the 1,500 tickets
will be allotted through a draw
ing, details to be announced lat
er. Those students successful in.
the drawing will be given first
chance to purchase the tickets.
In previous years, Executive
Council members have voted them
selves a first chance at the tick
ets. The group decided Monday to
take the same chances as the rest
of the student body.
with Oregon State officials fol
lowing the OSC-Washington game
Oct. * 14 at Multnomah Stadium.
Lemons said.
Oregon State will then be able
to approximate the number of stu
dents who will attend the Nov. 25
game, and may designate more
tickets for Oregon students or for
general admission.
Lemons indicated that the tick
et situation may not be as ser
ious as it seems, due to external
factors affecting attendance at
the game.
Students Home
Many students will be homo
for Thanksgiving vacation and
will not attend, Lemons pointed
out. The price of admission will
also slow sales considerably, ho
“We generally expect 80% of
the student body at a Portland
(Please turn to paijc three)
Oregana Announces
Picture Schedule
Picture scheduling for the 1951
Oregana begins today, with men's
living organizations up before the
Suit jackets, shirts, and tics
are required, according to Pat
Mullen, associate editor of living
The schedule:
Tuesday—Alpha Hall, Delta
Wednesday—Alpha Tau Omega,
Chi Psi.