Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1950, Image 1

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    Throng Tours New Student Union
KIALLY “THOUSANDS” went through the new Student Union building its operngtunday^
'k Williams, student union director, opens the door to admit the first students. Formal dedica
he new building will be Nov. 5 during the Homecoming weekend. Glass-walled soda liar has
o be most popular area in the SU. Plans for adding another coffee station in the soda liar
n announced by Williams, who also informed the Emerald of the excellent student attitude to
■ building. “They’ve shown good taste, courtesy and an attention to the value of the features of
ing.” (Also see “Salient Scenes at Oregon” on editorial page.)
ns Okay Return
Day Assemblies
ie assemblies will be re-instituted at the University this
University Board of Deans has given an official okay
n suggested by last year’s executive council,
blies will be scheduled from 11 :15 to 12:15 p.m. in the
pom. Ten minutes will be lopped off from morning
o allow’ students the free hour on assembly davs. All
s Required
court license cards will
for all car-owning stu
year, according to a de
the ASUO Executive
will receive these
with their student
during registra
week. Students will be
to keep these cards on
at all times, just as
' drivers’ licenses.
which will contain
on the driver’s name,
age, license plate num
sex, will save confusion
wasted in checking with
of State’s office on
vehicles, it was explain
witl state that the
ust notify the student
vehicle stickers,
permit parking in stu
lots, must be posted in
ght front windshield of
utomobiles parking in
’sity parking lots. Fail
display the sticker con
s a violation.
he sells his car, changes
ess, or changes his license
idea for the cards was pre
by Bill Kirkpatrick, mem
lease turn to page seven)
University living organizations
will serve lunch late on days of
the meetings.
The Council suggested the
change because of lew student at
tendance at evening lectures. Day
assemblies had been held at the
University before World War II,
but had been replaced by the even
ing series since the war.
Organize Plans
Plans being formulated .by the
student-faculty assembly com
mittee include rallies for the Cali
fornia, Washington State, and St.
Mary’s games, a speech by Philip
LaFollette, governor of Wisconsin
and national political figure, and
“Politician’s Nights”—two con
secutive evenings in which candi
dates for U. S. Senate, Governor,
(Please turn to page seven)
I • _ ' _ j
Freshmen Mixer
Set for Tonight
University freshmen will flock
to McArthur Court tonight at 7:3C
for the annual YW-YMCA Frosh
Mixer, beginning get-acquainted
activities on the campus.
Bill Bowerman, Oregon track
coach, will lead mixers. Dave
Swanson, YMCA president, will
be master of ceremonies.
Co-chairmen for the dance are
Mary Ellen Burrell and Bill
“The mixer will offer an oppor
tunity for each freshman to get
acquainted with other members
of his class and enjoy an even
ing of fun,” Miss Burrell stated.
The Alpha Phi Trio and a men's
comedy group will provide dance
entertainment. Music will be re
SU Board To Meet
The Student Union Board will
meet tonight at 6:45 in the Cham
bers Room (.Room 337 of the Stu
dent Union).
Registration Starts
This Morning at 8
In Student Union
Old students will begin registration at 8 a.in. today by enter
ing the west balcony entrance of the Student Union ballroom to
pick up registration material.
New Oregon students who have completed entrance examina
tion and other preliminary steps can also start meeting with ad
visers and signing up for classes with departments.
Seven individual steps must be taken by students in the regis
irauon process, including the pick
ing up of material at the SU. All
steps, except consulting advisers
and signing for classes, will take
place in the ballroom. The steps
Steps in Process
1. Pick up material at Student
Union building at 8 a. m.
2. See adviser and build class
3. Enroll in classes at the indi
vidual departments. Veterans must
check with the veterans desk at
the SU.
4. Check with the student af
fairs clerk in the SU ballroom.
Some cards which have been filled
out will be taken at this point.
5. Obtain fee assessment from
the registrar clerks in the SU.
6. Pay fee to cashier (also in
ballroom) who will take more
cards from you.
7. File with the registrar clerks
who will take from you any cards
you have left.
Activity Cards Ready
Students may pick up their
athletic activity cards today at a
special table in the corridor of Mc
Arthur court.
Activity cards are necessary
for admission to the Oregon-Cali
fprnia game in Portland Sept. 30
and for all other games this fall.
But students must complete
their registration process and pre
sent their receipt in order to get
the activity card in Mac court. The
card will be punched at each athle
< I'lease turn to page seven)
Yell King, Rally
Petitions Asked
Petitions for ASUO yell king to
replace Jerry Kinersley, who re
signed this week because of physi
cal disability, and for rally board
members are due at 5 p.m. Thurs
day in the ASUO president’s office,
Student Union building. President
Barry Mountain announced Tues
Yell king tryouts will be held at
9:30 a.m. Friday in the Student
Union ballroom.
Three members-at-large for the
rally board will be selected by the
Council next week. ASUO Presi
dent Barry Mountain explained.
Any sophomore, junior, or senior
is eligible to petition.
Petition forms and scholastic eli
gibility slips are available in the
Office of Student Affairs Emerald
ASUO Replacement Petitions Doe
Petitions for replacements for
two ASUO Executive Council
members are being called for by
President Barry Mountain, with
the rush deadline set at 8 p. m.
Petitions may be turned in at
the ASUO office, third floor of
the Erb Memorial building.
Needed to round out the coun
cil to its full quota of members
are one junior and one senior re
presentative to replace two Asso
ciated Greek Students candidates,
Dick McLaughlin and Will Urban,
who withdrew from the spring
term elections.
By council precedent, the new
members will be selected from
AGS ranks by the council.
Method of replacement was de
termined by the council at its
first formal meeting Monday
morning. Petitions will be gone
over by the AGS steering commit
tee, which will make recommenda
tions. These recommendations and
the list of other petitioners will
be gone over by a bipartisan
screening committee of the Exe
cutive Council, working with Bill
Carey, AGS president.
Those students recommended by
this group will be interviewed by
the council and the two new mem
bers selected at the next council
meeting:, set for 8:15 a. m. Friday.
Members of the council’s screen
ing committee are Joanne Fitz
maurice, Don Smith, Barbara
Stevenson, and Virginia Wright.
The early petition deadline was
made necessary because of the
large volume of ASUO business
which cannot fairly be transacted
without a full council represent
ing both parties, according to
The council must, in its next
meetings, select a rally board,
traffic court members, and a
| Homecoming chairman, the pre
4 sident explained.
First SU Dance
Set in Ballroom
Saturday Night
Students will gather to dance for
the first time in the new Student
Union's beige and blue ballroom for
the traditional all-campus “Hello”
dance from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday.
The annual no-date affair will bo
sponsored by the Student Union
Board to welcome all students—1
old and new—to Oregon, Hank
Panian, SU Board chairman, de
Busk to Play
Johnny Lusk and his nine-piece
orchestra will inaugurate the ball
room with “Hello” dance music.
Doors to the dancing terrace
west of the ballroom will be opened
to expand the dancing area. The
Dads’ Room area north of the ball
room proper' and the second floor
dining room area will also be open
ed for dancing.
Dress will be short silks for wo
men, and suits or sports for men.
No admission wnll be charged.
No Decorations
“The beauty of the new ballroom -
warrants no decorations for the
first dance,” Olga Yevtich, pro
gram director, commented.
Outstanding feature of the room
is a “spring” dance floor, rather
than the usual wood covering on
cement, Dick Williams, SU direc
tor, revealed. Minimum area of the
closed ballroom is approximately
5400 sq. ft., Williams, commented.
When maximum area is utilized, in
cluding terraces, the room will
house about 1400 couples.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kline will
be dance chaperones.
Theater Tickets
On Sale Today
Season tickets for the 1950-51
University Theater season go on
sale today, with orders toeing tak
en at booths in the Student Union
and at the theater box office.
Tickets sell for $5, and entitle
the ticket holder to see University
Theater productions. Season
ticket holders get first choice of
seats to major productions and
also are offered tickets to bonus
attractions during the year.
This year, six plays will be of
Attention Freshmen! !
Registration ends Friday.
Classes begin Monday, Sep
tember 25. Here is the calen
der cf events from today
through Sunday.
Wednesday: Registration:
Placement exams; YMCA,
YWCA Mixer, 7:30 p. m.,
McArthur Court.
Thursday: 8:30-10:30 p. m.
Open- House in living organi
Friday: 7:30 p. m. Open
House in religious centers.
Saturday night: Hello
Dance, Ballroom, Student
Sunday: Church.