Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    FOR SALE—Water bombs and
bags. We have just received a
new supply of guaranteed-to*
drench water bombs. In ac
cordance with University regu
lations our’s bear the official
seal of the Office of Student Af
fairs. We also have a used one
for quick sale. See Donald M.
Shoeshine. 135
WANTED—Student wants two
riders to east coast at end of
spring term. Phone Ext. 325. Bill
Cruman, 210 Sederstrom, Vets
II. (135)
LOST — Brown Eversharp pen.
Gold cap., Monday on campus.
Call Ext. 567 on Sat. or Tues.
Diana Morrison. 136
Wr ANTED—Ride to (or near) Bat
tle Creek, Michigan. E. William
son, Ext 324.101 Sederstrom Hall
SUB LET for summer session, fur
nished three-room apartment.
Near campus. Write office 219
Friendly Hall. 136
WANTED—A ride back to Iowa.
Mark Van Voorhis . Phone:
5-3491. 135
FOUND—Someone’s mind. Would
like to return to previous owner.
Is obviously insane. Hurry quick
‘cause I'm going crazy.
HAULING—Trunks, luggage, fur
niture, and clothes. Eugene
Portland or Portland-Eugene.
Low rates. Phone: 5-6337. 136
LOST—Alpha Delta Pi sorority
p,{n. Finder please call Joan
Williams. 4-5251. 136
FOR SALE Motorola 301 car ra
dio. A-l shape $27.50. Fits any
car. Phone 4-2693 after 5 p.m.
FOR SUB-LET—For summer ses
sion, furnished three-room a
partment. Near campus. Write
office 219 Friendly Hall. 136
FOR RENT—Will rent furnished
two-bedroom house in Portland
to a professor and wife for sum
mer months. References. TR9802
3816 NE 23rd. ISO
HIDE Two will share expense to
Aberdeen, Washington. Satur
day or Sunday. Call 4-7356, Bet
ty Sutton. 136 j
FOUND White cashmere sweat
er. Phone 7-8552. 135
[TWO ROOMS for single men dur
I mg summer: share bathroom,
electric plate, roaster, refrigera
tor. Bedding furnished. • 1208
Beech, ph. 5-4835. $25 a month.
FOR SALE 3 used tires, tubes—
6.50-16. $8. Lee Tillotson. Susan
Campbell. Call 5-9337 evenings.
LOST One keg of brandy in the
hack booth at College Side. If
found, please return to Snow
bell, 729 E. 11th. 135
HELP WANTED — All healthy
males who can skol in no time
flat (or less) are urged to con
tact the Peasants Party, OSC.
Please state qualifications. 135
LOST My mind. If found, please
return to faculty club. Liberal
reward. 135
Bob Waterfield announced today
that he did all the cooking in the
family. Said the football playing
husband of Jane Bussell, “I don’t
v ant Jane leaning over a hot
;,tovo and endangering her career.
Almost Hardly Late
For Oregana Pictures
Warns Aging Editor
High administrative officials
close to the Oregana editor reveal
led in a Wednesday afternoon press
conference that it is “almost too
late for any student to have his
picture taken for inclusion in the
1950 Oregana.”
“The chances look fairly slim,”
a spokesman for the group said.
He refused to disclose his name to
the press.
Also denied at the conference
was the fact that the editor pick
ed up his copies four days after
the last day of distribution. This
statement was made toy the busi
ness manager, the officials said,
in a deliberate attempt to libel
the aging editor. In addition he
asserted that five-sixths of the
Sexy Six had not yet picked their
Editor Grilled
When queried about the 1950
Oregana. Editor Larry Davidson,
said “no comment.”
“I could tell you what’s in the
book, if I could only remember—
but everything is so dim. We were
working away on it, and then ev
erything went black.”
Davidson has been a patient
in the University infirmary since
Feb. 14, and only recently has
been allowed visitors. He receiv
ed a broken fingernail when at
tempting to trim pictures with a
Still Hope
The press conference officials
requested that student bear up
under the strain of not receiving
their Oreganas. They said that
negotiations were under way to
get Portland lithographers to
s.trike, so that publication of the
yearbook would approximate last
year’s. - Publication of the 1949
Oregana was in August.
Shirley Filbert, art editor for
the 1950 Oregana, said that she has
seen almost all of the nine pages
in the book, and that they are “real
Candidates Lag
At Santa Anita;
Stymie Stymied
“I do not choose to run,” it was
disclosed Wednesday by three SAG
candidates ar.d Stymie, who re
fused to break from the starting
gate in the fifth at Santa Anita.
Bets on all entries were cancelled.
Betting Commissioner Arthur
Johnstown (winner of the Ken
tucky Derby in 1939) said this ex
clusive drivel came straight from
the horses’ mouths. Other candi
dates issued a terse “no comment.”
Stymie is by his Father, out of
his mother and has beaten his
three SAG opponents previously
at Pimlico.
Half Ashwump
Covered by Grass
Robert Ashwump, graduate stu
dent in biology, was rescued Wed
nesday night after 23 hours with
out food or water. He was dis
covered by a physical plant em
ploye half-buried in the lawn out
side Deady Hall.
After a meal, Ashwump ex
plained “I guess I just got too
wrapped up in my subject.”
He is doing research on the
home life of earthworms.
Maternity Gown
Delivery Delayed
Orders for maternity gowns
have been coming in slow, G. L.
Hemstitch, manager of the Uni
versity Co-op, said Wednesday. He
stressed that all senior women
must order as soon as possible.
A shortage of maternity gowns
has been brought on by exception
ally large graduating classes this
year. The Co-op’s orders are plac
ed farther away than ever before,
thus delaying delivery.
No Kidding!
22 noon — Plymouth Club
luncheon at the Congregation
al church.
2 to 5 p.m. —■ Plymouth House
is open for student recreation.
6:30 — IFC Meeting (short) in
105 Commerce.
4 p.m. — AGS Meeting, Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
Plant Chief Files
1. M. Wrong, P.S.P., (Phuperin
tendent of the Sizzickle Plant),
was seen- sharpening half blades
on his lawn mower. When ques
tioned by an Emerald reporter as
to the meaning of his actions, he
replied, “I always sharpen it this
way for the half-grassed lawns.” ,
[fnconsfanf Plan
To Assure Vote
Voting upon the proposed ASUO
Constitution will continue during
Fall registration, the high council
voted unanimously last night.
Failing by only 45 per cent to
get the required 50 per cent vote,
BS Prexy Bart Bunson said, “It
is a shame, when so many persons
want the proposed constitution
that a few students prevent its ac
ceptance by failure to vote.”
Of the five per cent voting, 1
person favored adoption.
Wellington Inconstant, regis
trar, announced that voting will
be step 9,856 of the new regis
tration setup planned for next
The new registration process
“virtually eliminates lines,” In
constant hinted. It will take only
33 days to register.
The husband who has no secrets
from his wife has eider confessed
or been found out.
Bundling Party Bids
On Sale at Side
Tickets are now available for
the All-Campus Bundling party
which will be held in the fields
across the river, Saturday night.
Ticket Chairman Ruddy Work
er announced that all those inter
ested should form a line around
the back room of the Side for tic
There will be no tryouts.
by QeudtleU LADY NOBELT*
Brief as forfy winks ... but
long on versatility. Both bra
and shorts made with the
famous patented No-Belt
feature. Strapless bra has
button-yoke back. Wear the
Snoo-Z coat for cooler nights
or a daytime cover-up.
In ah exciting
panorama of prints. It’s the
I most comfortable thing to sleep
! —sun or play—In, next to
wearing nothing at all!
Sizes 32 to 38;
Junior Sizes II to 15
Bra and shorts 4.50
Snno-Z coat 3*95
Do it now
From $1.00 up
Dial 4-6244 or see our Display
Pearl and Broadway almost