CLASSIFIED WANTED—Student wants two riders to east coast at end of spring term. Phone Ext. 325. Bill I Gruman, 210 Sederstrom, Vets II. (135) ■WANTED—Ride to (or near) Bat tle Creek, Michigan. E. William son, Ext 324.101 Sederstrom Hall 136 WANTED—A ride back to Iowa. Mark Van Voorhis . Phone: 5-3491. 135 HAULING—Trunks, luggage, fur niture, and clothes. Eugene Portland or Portland-Eugene. Low rates. Phone: 5-6337. 136 FOR SALE—Motorola 301 car ra dio. A-l shape. $27.50. Fits any car. Phone 4-2693 after 5 p.m. 136 FOR SALE—3 used tires, tubes— 6.50-16. $8. Lee Tillotson. Susan Campbell. Call 5-9337 evenings. 136 FOR SUB-LET—For summer ses . sion, furnished three-room a partment. Near campus. Write office 219 Friendly. 136 FOR RENT—Will rent furnished two-bedroom house in Portland to a professor and wife for sum mer months. References. TR9802 3816 NE 23rd. 136 FOUND—White cashmere sweat • er. Phone 7-8552. 135 KRO Concludes Radio Fee Drive A successful campus drive to se cure breakage fees for radio sta tion KDUK was concluded by radio honorary Kappa Rho Omicron. Living organizations contributed pledges totaling $1,500. This amount is enough to insure the installation of a carrier current station with studios in Villard hall. Any money over and beyond the installation of this network will be used with additional funds in the installation of a frequency modula tion outlet. KRO decided early this week to halt its campus drive and encour age contributions from alumni and other interested groups. Students wishing to submit pledge cards may obtain them in the speech of r fice on the second floor of Villard hall. Jack Vaughn, chairman of the drive, could not offer an approxi mate date for KDUK’s debut, but said that it should be sometime next school year. Honorary Taps Six B.A. Women) Six University women were tap ped for membership in Phi Chi Theta, national business women’s honorary, Monday night. New pledges are Mary Alice Baker, Gretchen Grefe, Joanne Kelley, Sue Israel, Elizabeth Mil ler, and Helen Triska. Formal pledging is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. today at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Pat McGintyL president of the local chapter, will attend the na tional convention of Phi Chi Theta, scheduled for June 15 through 18 in Chicago, 111. Houses Accept Exchange Students Six foreign students have al ready been accepted by University living organizations for next year, according to information received from the registrar’s office. The number of foreign students to study here next year, however, is expected to increase before the spring term is over. Several living organizations have voted to accept the students, but as yet have not made their selections known to the registrar’s office. Students already accepted and the houses they will live in are Ingeborg Vedeler, Norway, Alpha Delta Pi; Pieter Streefkerk, Neth erlands, Delta Upsilon; Wilfred Maeding, Germany, Sigma Chi; Arne Magnus Borgnes, Norway, Phi Delta Theta; Oskar Hoessl, Germany, Campbell Club; and Jo han Bystrom, Sweden, Phi Sigma Kappa. Saturday Deadline For USA Positions Positions are now open for the United Students Association steer ing committee. Students may peti tion for president, vice-president, secretary, and one of 10 members at large. Saturday noon is the deadline for petitions, John Day, president of USA, said. Applicants will be notified of the time they will be interviewed by the present steering committee. Members now are Ron Phillips, Virginia Wright, Dolores Jeppeson, Sue Michel, Dan French, Vic Fry er, Joan Carey, and Donna Buse. There is really not much dif ference between “has-beens” and “going-to-be’s.” A French boxer kissed his oppo nent after losing to him. He got in one good smack, anyway. Why not ship your luggage home the carefree-and-easy way — by Consolidated Freightways? Just make one phone call and we’ll pick up and deliver your things right to your front door. Pay on delivery if you wish. For pickup or information call — eomoMTa wcmmm n,„„c +-6268 P.S.: If you have household goods to move, ask about TWINWAY — our convenient, economical Home-to-Home Moving Service. Advanced ROTC Applications Due Deadline for applications for ad vanced ROTC and Air ROTC is 5 p.m. Friday. Applications may be submitted to the Department of Military and Air Science and Tactics. The department’s present quota will enable it to accept an addition al limited number of qualified ap plicants over and above the 45 who have already applied, Col. Frank R. Maerdian, head of the department, stated Tuesday. Students who are unable to ap ply now may enter applications next fall, but prompt signing of contracts will be assured by appli cation and physical examination now, Col. Maerdian explained. Union Oil Co. Plans Interviews Thursday Interviews for sales positions with two national concerns will be held Thursday and possibly Fri days, Mrs. Marian Scheckler, grad uate placement secretary, an nounced Tuesday. Representatives of thp Union Oil Company will be on campus Thurs day to interview students interest ed in a sales training program. The Portland branch of a nation al wholesale grain firm will send representatives to the University, either Thursday or Friday, to re cruit salesmen and buyers. Students wishing interview ap pointments should contact the Graduate Placement Office today, Mrs. Scheckler said. Daily EMERALD TODAY S STAFF Assist. Managing Editor: Norm Anderson. Desk Editor: Bill Frye. Copy Desk: Sarah Turnbull, Jean Lewis. NIGHT STAFF Night Editor: Rusty Holcomb. Night Staff: Del Miles, Ann Os tenson. His billfold was lost, He couldn’t pay his way An Emerald Classified Would have saved the day. ...soiftonltf common sense -thatl smokeihe ckjaieHelbat oqtm u/rffi mq-ffiroafc CAMEL! HIS VOICE is in demand, around the clock—network radio . . . theater appearances . . . motion pictures . .. dance dates (over 100 last year) . . . plus recording hit tunes that sell in the millions of copies. Vaughn Monroe is the singingest band leader in the U. S. A. NOTED THROAT SPECIALISTS REPORT ON 30-DAY TEST OF CAMEL SMOKERS... Not one single case of throat irritation R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. due fo smoking CAMELS Yes, these were the findings of noted throat specialists after a total of 2,470 weekly examinations of the throats of hun dreds of men and women who smoked Camels — and only Camels — for 30 consecutive days. Make your own 30-Day Camel MILDNESS Test in your "T-Zone"(T for Throat...T for Taste). • f x a