Daily EMERALD UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, MAY 23,1950 \OLUMF. LI NUMBER 133 Baku i mu u r> iaiin EVE OVERBACK STEVE CHURCH VERNON BEARD JOE KAISER Mountain,Overbade Win Top Positions in Elections 25 TNE Members Put on Probation TNE has been broken on the University campus. Twenty-five men students, admitted members of Theta Ku Epsilon, secret illegal society, have been placed on probation for the rest of their college days at the University, school officials announced Monday afternoon. Officials announced at the same time that a campus TNE chapter has been “thoroughly and completely exposed and Co-op Receipts Due Thursday Thursday is the last day to turn in Co-op Cash-register slips for the regular yearly patronage re fund. Manager of the Co-op, G. L. Henson announced that no envel opes containing recipts will he ac cepted after Thursday’s closing hours. The color of the cash-regis ter tape will be changed Thursday night, so there is no reason for any customers to wait to pile up more slips. Last year the patronage refund was 10-percent of all cash-register receipts turned in, and it is hoped that the same percentage can be given this year. After all receipts have been turned in, the Co-op Board will decide upon the percent age of refund and will make the announcement after June 1. All Co-op members who turn in their envelopes and tabulated re ceipts can pick up their cash rebate beginning June 5. Henson re quested that all rebates be picked up in person before the end of the term to avoid book-keeping diffi culties in writing checks and mail ing refunds. Weather . . . Fair and a little warmer today and Wednesday. High today, 72; low, 44. High Monday was 69. broken. .\o list of members- j names has been or will be re leased. An extensive investigation of the situation by the Office of Student affairs under the di rection of Donald M. DuShane preceeded the announcement. All TNE members signed affida vits admitting their affiliation with the illegal society, according to Du Shane. Also in the hands of the ad ministration are membership cards, a copy of the society's ritual, shing les—small certificates of member ship, and other “pertinent informa tion.” Although University officials (Please turn to page seven) Nill Loses Presidency by 165 Votes; Joanne Fitzmaurice Polls 613 Tallies * * * 'I'm Surprised/ Says Mountain, New President By KEN METZLER Barry Mountain, newly elected ASUO president, sandwiched enough time between fraternity tubbings and an impromptu USA celebration at the Alpha Tau Ome ga house to say he was “a little surprised.” ‘'These things are always a little uncertain,” he commented. That was even before he had dried him self off from the tubbing he had received from his fraternity bro thers, at the ATO house. It was an eventful evening for the newly-elected ASUO president who beat second place Herb Nill by only 166 votes. After he had gotten the water out of his ears he said the first thing to do is to reorganized student spirit at the University of Oregon. He wants a rally squad that the University can be proud of and that will be known all over the state and the nation. About Theta Nu Epsilon, the sec ret fraternity, he said ‘‘I hope everyone will let bygones be by gones. We're starting out with a clean slate now.” (Plcaie turn to page seven) For the third successive year the United Students Association copped the number one and two ASUO positions, receiving the student nod tor ASUO top executive spots next year. USA Candidate Barry Mountain emerged from student body elections Monady as top man in the race for ASUO president with 1084 votes, winning over Herb Nill, non-partisan candidate, whose tally counted 918. USA Running Mate live Overbade edged into the number two position with a 90-vote margin over AGS candidate Joanne r uzmaiu ice, who ponea old voces. - Associated Greek Students candidates stepped into the major class offices and the yell king po sition by narrow margins, award ing them the class executive spots in the coming year. A narrow margin of 10 votes put Steve Church, AGS, into the num ber one spot of the senior class. Church polled 221 votes, winning over Bob Pearce, who polled 211. USA candidate Anne Goodman received the nod for number three senior position with 259 votes, top ping Florence Hansen, AGS, who polled 208 tallies. Vernon Beard slipped into the top junior position on a six-vote margin as he received 330 tallies to 324 for Willie Dodds. Shirley Hillard top ped Donna Buse in a race for secre tary. Official tabulations for secre tary were not available to the Em erald before press time Monday night. Sophomore Joe Kaiser received the winning tallies, to become sophomore class president with 304 votes, edging out Helen Jackson, USA candidate, who polled 268 (Please turn to page seven) Election Review: Withdrawals, Riots Boltings Mark Wild Campaign Week By NORM ANDERSON The battle cry of the 1950 spring term elections might very well be “Wha’ Happened!” One week of the most confused, startling, and hectic campaigning in campus annals left the student body with hardly enough strength to go to the polls Monday. And there they found the “Spirit of 1950” carried through in ballots which were already outdated, be cause some of the candidates listed weren't running anymore. The campaign was enlivened with all the 19th century political trappings of charges and counter charges, parades, street dances, riots, "secret meetings,’’ “bolters,” and a political issue as deep as the Tea Pot Dome scandal of the Harding Administration. Probably no one, not even ASUO president Art Johnson, who got the ball rolling, really knew ex actly what was happening from one day to the next. And the AGS party, split by dissenters and tinged with sweeping accusations from all sides, was as baffled as anyone. Some hint of the campaign which was to follow came when word went around the campus the weekend be fore the nominating conventions that the Alpha Tau Omegas and the Delta Upsilons intended to bolt the Greek Bloc. This word was verfied Monday, May 15, when Art Johnson opened political warfare b y nominating Barry Mountain, ATO, and hurling his charge that AGS was operating under "political pressure” by Theta Nu Epsilon, banned and disgraced secret fraternity. The issue was heightened that same night, following the AGS meeting which nominated Gerry Smith for ASUO No. 1. Word (Please turn to page seven) Voting Resumes For Constitution 3 Booths Open Although most of the political furor has died down, three polling booths will remain open today anil Wednesday for voting on the pro posed new ASUO constitution. If approved, the instrument will go into effect for spring elections next year. Booths will be open in the lib rary and on 13th St. between Fen ton and Friendly Halls, and be tween the Co-op and Condon Hall. Poll books will be marked with a different color of pencil today and Wednesday to avoid confusion with Monday's officers election. The same poll books are being used for all three days. The constitutional election was set for three days by the ASUO Executive Council in an attempt to insure that 50 per cent of the stu dent body would cast ballots for or against the document. A two-thirds affirmative vote of 50 per cent of the student body is required for approval of the new constitution. The 50 per cent mark was reached after three days of voting in April, but the election was declared invalid by the ASUO Judiciary Committee because the Council had extended the election after the polls had been opened. The committee stated, however, that it felt that a three-day elec tion would be legal if so announced in advance. Oreganos Still Available Unclaimed copies of the 1950 Oregana are now available at the Student Union office, on the first floor of the Erb Memorial building across from the infirmary. Questions about orders will be answered at the office.