Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1950, Image 1

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Anita Holmes New Emerald Editor
• • • •
—See Column 1
Holmes Chosen;
Thompson Tops
Business Staff
Anita Holmes, junior in journal
ism now working in Washington,
D. C., was selected editor of the
1950-51 Emerald at a Publications
Board meeting that lasted until
12:15 a.m. this morning.
Don Thompson, junior in adver
^ tising, was selected business man
ager of the Emerald for next year.
Miss Holmes is a 4 point student
at the University, and will be a
second term junior when she re
turns to school next Fall. She was
named outstanding woman in jour
nalism in her sophomore and fresh
man years at the University.
Fund Campaign
For Ore-nter
Hits Difficulties
Things are going poorly in
Ore-nter fund-raising c a m
That’s what Bill Carey, busi
ness manager Or the freshman
orientation booklet, has to say
about the results of solicitation
for funds from classes, honor
aries, and living organiations.
“We now have $112.50 in stu
dent-raised funds as a result of
contributions by living organiza
tions and some of the honoraries,*’
Carey explained, adding that the to
tal will probably near $200.
“The remainder of the funds can
he furnished this year out of the
Administration’s pre - freshman
m week fund, but in future years the
fund may become so depleted that
we will have to revert to the Wel
come Book put out by the Office of
Student Affairs,if student contribu
tions are not higher,” Carey said.
Last year’s book cost 5896, of
which $196 was student-raised.'
Carey has received ten letters
from campus organizations refus
ing to contribute to the Ore-nter
with more probably on the way.
"The refusals were mainly on two
grounds—that the responsibility
for pre-freshman week orientation
rests with the. Administration, so
they should provide the funds, and
that students belonging to many or
ganizations are hit too many times
for contributions,” he explained.
One letter received by Carey was
a three-page, typewritten docu
ment presenting a list of grievances
against the Administration and
claiming that students should' not
be asked to contribute toward such
a publication.
“There will be no general drive
for funds if the organizations con
tacted are not willing to support
the booklet,” the manager said,
adding that he himself could under
stand the reasoning of many of
the organizations which have re
fused to contribute.
The Ore-nter was brought back
(Please turn tu page eight)
No Adion Taken
On Voters Status
The ASUO Judiciary Committee
was unable to meet Wednesday,
but will meet today to decide on
the status of graduate and under
graduate students according to the
ASUO Constitution.
K. J. O’Connell, professor of
law and acting chairman of the
committee, expects a decision to be
reached today.
The group is meeting in answer
to a request to clear up the status
of graduate students in regard to
voting in ASUO elections. Under
the constitution, only undergrad
uate students are members of the
ASUO, but anyone who has paid
his educational activities fee is eli
gible to vote.
Members of the committee,
which recently declared the first
ASUO constitutional, are Don Di
mick and Morris Galen, law stu
dents; Warren C. Price, professor
of journalism; Kenneth S. Ghent,
professor of mathematics; and O’
Connell, who is acting for Oilando
J. Hollis, dean of the law school.
Prof. O’Connell also acted as
committee chairman during the re
cent election hearings in the ab
sence of Dean Hollis. Under the
present constitution, the dean of
the law school or his representa
tive is the permanent chairman of
the committee.
Sue Bacheider
Gets Position
On Old Oregon
Sue Bacheider, sophomore in
business administration, has been
appointed business manager for
Old Oregon for next year accord
ing to Les Anderson, Alumi sec
Miss Bacneiaer nas chosen Kay
Kuckenberg, sophomore in liberal
arts, as her advertising manager
for fall term. The new managers,
with Editor Stan Turnbull, will
work on the June issue of the
Serving as this year’ advertis
ing manager, Miss Bacheider is
also assistant advertising manag
er of the Emerald. She is a mem
ber of Kwama, sophomore women’s
service honorary, Gamma Alpha
Chi, women’s national advertising
honorary; and was oo-ehairman of
advertising for Junior Weekend.
Miss Kuckenberg, also a member
of Kwama, was co-chairman of
promotion for Mothers’ Weekend
and head of promotion for the
Sophomore Picnic. She has work
ed on Emerald advertising.
Weather . . .
Partly cloudy today, becoming
clear tonight and Friday; warmer
High today 64; low tonight 36.
Mortar Board Ball Offers
Ladies a Chance to Shine
Ladies—you say you have had your eye on a Joe College all
year, but to no avail?
Or, are you dissatisfied with your date’s manners, and want
to show him in a subtle way what Emily Post has to say about
the whole thing?
Or, do you have extra coin in your pocket that you just do not
know what to do with ?
Well, here’s what Mortar Board has to offer. Its members have
planned their annual ball for the
night of May 26 (one o’clock per
mission has been given, by the
way). Here is your chance to date
that man of your dreams. Or, if you
have already won his brass, here is
your chance for showing him how
an average, red-blooded, American
college man should act on a date.
Girl Asks Boy
In case there is any question in
your mind, here are the steps to fol
low for a terrific time at the Mor
tar Board Ball.
1. Ask the boy.
a. He has probably been wait
ing for this all year.
2. Read up on your Emily Post.
a. You should know which arm
to take when, how far to pull
out his chair, how7 to help him
properly with his coat, etc.
3. Earn $2.40—plus a little extra.
a. The tickets for Mortar Board
are $2.40.
b. A little extra means that you
might take him to dinner.
4. Find a car, a bicycle, a horse
and buggy, or a truck.
a. It is up to you to furnish the
b. The little extra could also
cover taxi fare if necessary.
5. Ask about the color of his suit.
a. You will want to give him a
corsage to match bis person
b. Suggestions: Onions, garlic,
radishes, dandelions. If you
can stand it, he should be
able to.
Showboat to be Theme
6. Learn how to make conversa
tion with house mothers( or
house managers — whichever
the case may be). Find out
what time his closing hours
a. You must call for him and
escort him home.
Yes, ladies, Mortar Board is once
again presenting its turnabout ball.
The theme, by the way, is “Show
boat" with the Castle Jazz Band
furnishing the music.
You know how aggravated you
are when your man does not ask you
to a big affair until the night be
fore. Well, show him how it's done.
Ask him early and make plans for
the Mortar Board Ball.
Nill Enters Contest;
ASUO Candidates
Outline Platforms
'Not Willing to Stand by and Watch Student
Government Sold Down the River," Nill Says
Political fires burned higher Wednesday as Herb Nill entered
the race for ASUO president on a non-partisan ticket.
“I am not willing to stand by and watch student government
sold down the river," Nill explained when he accepted the ASUO
nominating assembly in McArthur Court.
Blasting the AGS poll to discern the Greek Bloc candidate
for number one position, Nill stated, “The poll was controlled by
pressure put on members of certain living organizations.”
Summary Given
Of Nomination
Speech for Mill
Editor's Note: Views of AGS
candidate Gerry Smith and USA
nominee Barry Mountain were ex
pressed in Wednesday’s Emerald.
Nominated by former USA
President Walt Preauff as “a man
who has the courage to speak his
mind without fear of any pres
sure groups, whose record of im
partiality as sophomore president
and junior representative speaks
for itself,” Herb Nill Wednesday
accepted a non-partisan nomina
tion for student body president.
"I feel the student body has a.
right to a voice in our government,
and I feel that voice has been de
nied us,” Nill asserted, going on
“Hundreds of students have in the
past few days been urging me to
do what I have decided is the only
thing I can do.
Gives Background
“These students have as their
only interest that we have some
way of getting around controlled
campus politics. It is my belief
that we can, but only if we real
ize what has taken place and why
we have what we have today,” he
Nill then said “The so-called poll
taken by one party was controlled
by pressure put on the members of
certain living organizations, so as
to get the candidate nominated
that certain individuals had de
cided to nominate beforehand.”
He also slapped at "opportun
ism” evidenced by a candidate
"who is elected to office by one
party one year, then the next year
changes his party so as to get
nominated from another group.”
Gives Points
In outlining briefly part of his
platform, Nill commented that as
a junior representative to the AS
UO Executive Council this year
he had found that group’s hands
tied by the present constitution.
He urged adoption of the new con
stitution and “government by that
constitution, not by pressure
The non - partisan candidate
pledged himself to working for
continued progress along the lines
that present President Art John
son has maintained — "those of
good student government."
Nill concluded with the state
ment that “it will be a tremendous
job for next year’s president to
come up to the standards set this
year. I think only a non-partisar*
candidate can even come close. I
feel an obligation only to the stu
dent body of the University.”
"I had pressure put against me
in the poll because it was evident
that no group could control my
actions once I was in office," he
asserted, explaining his move to
join Barry Mountain and Gerry
Smith in the presidential race.
Nill's platform embodied approv
al of the new constitution, student
government by constitution control
rather than political pressure, and
continuation of the policies of Art
Johnson, student body president.
Nill's nomination followed the
nomination of Smith by Hob Deuel,
AGS president, who attacked the
Emerald as a “machine for name
calling and story telling,” and la
beled Mountain as a deserter from
his party.
Rejects Name Calling
Rejecting name calling, Smith
presented a platform including—
requiring the administration ac
countable for ASUO fund distri
bution, adoption of the new consti
tution, co-ordination of deferred
living problems, and unified poli
tical parties.
Supporting unified parties,
Smith maintained that nobody
benefits from coalition parties.
“Greeks don't profit because the
party is weakened through dis
union, and independents don't prof
it because groups who change af
filiation are only out for selfish
reasons; only a few selfish, dissat
isfied, malcontents profit from the
lack of unified parties,” he main
Following Smith’s address, John
Day, USA party president nom
inated Mountain, asking, “Do we
need a cleanup of politics on this
campus?” Maintaining that AGS
was under the influence of a poli
tical pressure group, he explained,
“In the USA, it is not a case of
turn or political deals—it is a mat
(Please turn to page eight)
ROTC Students
More than 800 Army and Air
ROTC students from the Univer
sity will march in an Armed Forc
es Day parade in Eugene Satur
day morning.
All ROTC students will be ex
cused from Saturday morning
classes for the parade.
Military science students will
fall in with rifles at 9:15 a.m. on
the ROTC drill field, march north
on Onyx to Highway 99, west on
the highway to Pearl, north on
Pearl to 5th St., west on 5th to
Willamette, where they will form
with other military units for a
march up Willamette.
The parade will disband at Wil
lamette and 15th St., but ROTC
units will march back on 15th to
ROTC headquarters on campus.
The march will be completed by
10:45, the military science depart
ment estimated Wednesday.