Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1950, Image 1

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    Weather . . .
Fair weather is predicted for
today and Wednesday, with a high
of 63, low, 37.
The Constitution ...
Speakers for the promotion of
the new ASUO Constitution will
meet at 4 p.m. today in 103 Journ
The constitution is printed on
page 6.
Council Names Funk
To Edit 1950 Ore-nter
The go-ahead signal was given to the proposed new ASUO
constitution and Bob Funk was named editor of the Ore-nter bv
the Executive Council Monday night.
The Council officially proposed the constitution to the stu
dent body for ratification in a special election Apr. 26.
Funk, a sophomore in liberal arts, was named editor of the
freshman orientation booklet on the recommendation of the Stu
400 Expected
At Saturday's
Freshman Picnic
With good weather in the off
ing for this weekend, about 400
freshmen are expected to attend
the class picnic Saturday at Swim
mers’ Delight.
That was the view expressed
Monday by Dick Davis, transpor
tation chairman, in a meeting of
frosh picnic committee heads. The
number was estimated by Davis
after he had contacted halls and
houses regarding transportation.
During the meeting, Co-chair
man Rod Bell told the group he
had made necessary arrangements
for renting the park. The area, he
said, was not yet in shape for the
summer months, but he added that
the softball fields, tables, and
speaker’s platform were to be
readied this week.
Rally to Start
A rally at McArthur Court will
provide a send-off for the frosh
affair. Molly Harbert, rally chair
man, said paired living organiza
tions will gather at the Igloo at
1:30 p.m. and parade around the
campus prior to leaving for the
river area.
However, possibility of a trans
portation shortage was noted. Da
vis is anxious to procure as many
cars as possible from the fresh
men in men’s halls and houses. In
addition to the private cars, he
hopes to be able to provide the
picnickers with at least one truck.
Jazz Band Slated
The entertainment committee,
headed by Rocky Gill and Gerry
Pearson, promised plenty of fu^
for the freshmen. In addition to
softball and football games, there
will be an all-freshman jazz band
to provide music.
According to Food Chairman
Jeanne Hall, women’s organiza
• tions will furnish the food and
men’s halls and houses will pro
vide transportation. Cokes will be
sold, she said.
Pairings Announced
Pairings of living organizations
are as follows: Alpha Chi Omega,
Sigma Nu; Alpha Delta Pi, Sig
(Please turn to paqe three)
Tickets for'Martha'
On Sale at Theater
Reserved tickets for Frederich
von Flotow’s opera, "Martha,” op
ening Friday night, are now on sale
in the University Theater box of
Tickets for the production, run
ning five days, Apr. 21, 22, 27, 28,
and 29, are priced at $1., including
tax. Tickets may be reserved by
calling Ext 401. Tickets reserved
by phone must be picked up at the
University Theater by 7:45 the
night of the performance.
dent Publications Board. He
lias been associate editor of the
Oregana this year, and desk ed
itor and columnist for the Em
A discussion of the proper
sphere of authority over the
recognition of University clubs
and organizations took up much of
the Council's time. Senior Repre
sentative Dick Neely presented a
motion declaring that the recog
nition of clubs should be exclu
sively a student body activity and
not a function of the Student Af
fairs‘Committee, as it is at present.
Motion Rejected
The Council rejected the motion
on the grounds that such recog
nition is a joint student-faculty
function. Both students and facul
ty members are represented on the
Student Affairs Committee.
University recognized organiza
tions have the right to carry the
University’s name and to use Uni
versity facilities, with the excep
tion of political organizations,
which do not carry the University
name and to be recognized must
qualify as parties under the laws
of the state of Oregon.
It was decided to authorize the
Co-op to order rooters’ lids for
sale next fall. The Co-op will han
dle the sales and receive 10 per
cent of the profits, with the re
mainder of the profits going to the
ASUO for the use of the rally
(Please turn to page three)
Junior Weekend
Float Allowance
Increased to $50
In the interest of better floats
and to take a more realistic view
of the money actually spent on
floats, the maximum allowable ex
penditure for floats in this year's
Junior Weekend float parade has
been upped to $50.
The former maximum was $30.
Float parade co-chairman Will
Urban, in making- the announce
ment, reminded house float chair
men that today is the deadline for
submitting proposed float themes.
They must be turned in to Urban
at Phi Delta Theta or Jim Hersh
ner at Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
All floats in this year’s parade,
scheduled for Saturday afternoon,
May 13, will represent song titles.
Twenty-three floats will be en
tered, according to pairings of liv
ing organizations previously an
WSSF Campaign
Passes $1,700 Mark
Oregon’s contributions to the
World Student Service Fund for
1950 total $1,758.75 from both the
campus drive and the Vodvil show,
Collections Chairman Ann Darby
said Monday.
Last Friday’s Vodvil boosted the
total by approximately $1,077,
while the week-long drive netted
The University’s contribution
will be combined with those of
other colleges throughout the
United States in reaching the
$600,000 goal of WSSF. The fund
is then distributed by World Stu
dent Relief to needy students in
Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.
General co-chairmen of the Uni
versity drive were Willy Dodds and
Ed Peterson.
New Constitution
Ready for Vote
Two-Thirds Majority Needed in Apr. 26 Election;
President's Cabinet to Replace Exec Council
The new, proposed ASUO constitution will go to the polls for
student body approval Apr. 26 following revision by the ASUO
Executive Council and a wording check by a member of the law
school faculty.
Complete text of the document appears on page 6.
In order for the new constitution to be adopted, it must be ap
proved by a two-thirds majority at the election, in which one
Women Invited
To Ag Playday,
'Cosmic Capers'
Oregon women have been invited
to “Cosmic Capers,’’ a playday to
be held on the Oregon State cam
pus April 29. Transportation will
be provided, with cars leaving
from Gerlinger Hall at 8 a.m. and
returning by 5:30 p.m.
Women students wishing to at
tend may sign up on the Gerlinger
bulletin board this week, or call
Bonnie Gienger at Hendricks Hall.
A flexible program has been ar
ranged by Oregon State members
of the Women’s Athletic Associa
tion. Students from all over the
state will participate in games of
their choice. These include archery,
badminton, tennis, ping pong,
horse shoes, softball, volleyball,
swimming, and square dancing.
Box lunches will be available
for 50 cents, each, or students may
bring their own sack lunches.
Oregon was host to women stu
dents from other campuses in the
state last year, when playday was
held here. The event is held an
nually at different colleges.
Complete Grand Opera, 'Martha/
Due Friday at University Theater
The University of Oregon and
Eugene will get their first real
taste of grand opera, with all the
trappings, when the University
Theater presents the opening per
formance of Frederich von Flo
tow’s “Martha” Friday night, April
Although attempts to present
grand opera have been made before
in this area, inadequate stage fa
cilities have prevented a thorough
treatment. As part of its 1949-50
season, the University Theater,
gets, then, the honor of premiering
a full-scale production of grand
Strictly speaking, grand opera is
usually meant to include operatic
works performed by the major
opera houses of the world. Al
though “Martha” is not grand
opera in the sense that Wagner's
“Tristan and Isolde” of any of his
“Ring” operas are, “Martha” does
fall into the comic opera class
typified by Mozart.
The von Flotow work has been
presented many times by the
Metropolitan in New York and by
the Berlin, Paris, and Milan opera
opera houses in Europe.
But not until this year has the
City of Eugene had a theater in
which to present grand opera with
all the necessary facilities, al
though three times attempts have
been made.
Last Saturday night’s presenta
tion of "Cavalleria Rusticana” and
“Pagliacci,” in McArthur Court
was the first opera production by a
professional company in several
Before the war, the McDonald
Theater was the scene of a superb
production of Mozart’s comic op
era, “Cosi Fan Tutti.” The produc
tion was presented by the Salzburg
Opera Guild with European singers
and a New York orchestra. But the
limitations of the stage prevented
through technical treatment. The
orchestra used the McDonald pit,
but the larger pieces — harpsi
chords and basses—were set up on
the sides of the stage.
“Carmen” Given
Eugene, in 1946, got an im
promptu performance by the fam
ous San Carlos Opera Company,
well known West Coast touring
group, which scheduled a perfor
mance of Verdi’s “Carmen” in the
McDonald Theater. But the train
with all the company’s scenery,
costumes,and props got shunted to
Portland. So the San Carlos bor
rowed instruments and just sang
arias from Carmen.
The University Music School has
three times put on opera which has
also been limited technically. In
the spring of 1948, John Gay’s "The
Beggar’s Opera" was presented in
the Music school auditorium. It
was a complete performance with
costumes, lights and scenery, but
the stage was small and it lacked a
Cut Performance
A cut version of another Mozart
work, "The Marriage of Figaro”
was put on by the Music school in
1947. This production lasted about
two hours, while the full perfor
mance normally takes nearly three
and a half hours.
^Last year the Music School pre
sented the three one-act operas;
Pergolesi’s "Maid as Mistress,"
HindemithVThere and Back," and
Minotti’s “The Telephone.” This
type of production is fairly com
mon in the opera world. Many of
the large houses present two or
more short operas on one bill which
usually run the same length as one
full-scale production.
halt of the student body must
Major changes in the new
document over the old include
the formation of a senate and a
presidential cabinet, abolishing
the old Executive Council;
abolition of the posts of student
body secretary-treasurer and1 sec
ond vice-president; inclusion of an
ai tide establishing a student judi
ciary; establishment of a petition
system for ASUO elections; and in
clusion of a more workable amend
ment procedure.
The senate will be composed of 27
members: The ASUO president and
vice-president; the president, vice
president; and two representatives
from each class; nine members
elected at large; and two faculty
members appointed by the Univer
sity president for two-year terms.
Legislative power will reside in
this body, which may conduct in
vestigations, create special com
mittees and appoint their chair
men, elect the Yell King, approve
presidential appointments, and
carry out other functions stated in
the constitution.
The president’s cabinet, which
will be similar in function to the
United States president’s cabinet,
will consist of the president, vice
pi esident, and the non-elective AS
UO oficers which include chairman
of the Student Union Board, chair
man of the Co-op Board, EmeraliT
editor, Associated Women Stu
dents’ president, and Director of
Student Affairs, all ex-officio; and
the campus public relations chair
man, social chairman, and athletic
Election System
Any candidate who wishes to run
in ASUO elections may do so by
filing a petition one week before the
voting-. Names of candidates for
president, vice-president, and Sen
ate representatives-at-Iarge will
appear on the same ballot. Those
receiving the first and second high
est number of first choices in tha
preferential system will be presi
dent and vice-president respective
ly; the next nine will be elected rep
The same procedure will be fol
lowed for class elections, with a
president, vice-presidents, and tWo
representatives-at-large being cho
The judiciary section includes a
section establishing the student
court, which is not included in the
present constitution. The present
student court was established by
action of the Executive Council by
authority of the Office of Student
Affairs. The new document will
clear up questions of constitution
ality of the court under the ASUO.
Amendments to the new constitu
( Please turn to page three) ,