/) Rode id a Rode New Constitution: Chance for Concrete Expression du Morton. Bo-and Within the next week, a new ASUO constitution will be placed before the students for their approval or rejection. This will replace a constitution that has been outmoded by the natural progress and develop ment of the University. It will give the students of the University of Oregon an opportunity to express their progressiveness and initiative. Undei the framework of the proposed constitution, the stu dents would be given a greater and more representa tive voice in such matters as will concern the legisla tive, judicial and executive departments of the new student government. This document represents weeks of hard work on the part of the student committee and faculty advis ors who drew up the constitution. They examined constitutions from many colleges and universities on the West Coast; and along with advice and sugges tions from faculty members, administrators, and stu dent leaders, they formulated a document which will best fit the present and future needs of the Univer sity. This is not a rigid structure, but one which would accomodate any changes and developments which may take place within the structure of student government. The proposed student government would con sists of legislative, executive and judicial depart ments. The legislature would be in the form of a sen ate, composed of the president and vice-president of each class, two class representatives elected at large from each class, and nine members at large. This would be the main organ through which student opinion would be transmitted. It would formulate policy, ratify executive appointments and perform other usual legislative functions. The student body president would preside over the senate. The executive council would consist of a presi dent and vice-president who would be elected by the entire student body, various ex officio members such as the president of AWS, chairmen of the Student Union board, publications board, and other leaders in campus activities. Its main function would be to serve as a correlating body for student activities, and to realize questions and problems for the senate to take action upon. The president would also pre side over the cabinet. At present the judiciary consits of the student traffic court; but it is hoped that a broader grant of power will be given to this court, when student re sponsibility on such matters has proven worthwhile. Faculty representation is generally in an advis ory capacity and it has definite benefits. The first of these is a broader perspective divorced from political considerations; second, it would act as a bulwark for student government to fall back upon in matters which they are incapable of handling; and third, it will foster mutual respect and cooperation within faculty-student relations. We, the members of Mortar Board, feel that the students owe their thanks to the faculty members and students who contributed their time and interest to the project. We also feel that this is an oppor tunity for the students to give concrete expression to their oft-heard complaints and gripes about the lack of student voice in administrative and govern mental affairs within the University. It is necessary to have only two-thirds of 50% of the student body to vote in order to pass this consti tution, and if there aren't enough students interested to do so, then perhaps there is no justification for such a constitution as this. Members of Mortar Board. Review of the 'Preview* Our guests have come and gone. We can now attempt again to creep up on studies, neglected for too long. We can breathe more freely in less crowded rooms. We need not worry about giving geographical directions, get ting dates for visitors, loaning toothpaste. High school seniors—689 of them registered—have had their first glimpse of Oregon during Oregon’s first such weekend for both males and females. (Reasons for the drop in number from more than 1000 seniors anticipated are not known. But we found that at Oregon State, where more than 2000 guests were expected at one time, ah “estimated” 1500 showed up. What the exact figures are, we haven’t yet been able to deter mine.) The weekend kept us busy. It also kept the seniors busy; all programs arranged for them were well attended, from the Vod vil Friday night to exchange dinners Sundays in living organi zations. Our feeling now is like that of the host or hostess who feels great relief at having no more responsibilities that go with en tertaining guests. But also like the same host or hostess, we want to feel that our hospitality was pleasing, and that our visitors enjoyed every minute of it. A.G. * # * * Many Kappas were seen in the Co-op one day last week rushing up to every student they could, grabbing their ASUO cards, and hastily filling out a ballot for their Miss Fashion Plate candidate. Which all goes to show, “campaigning’’ helps, as seen by the balloting results Grace Hoffman, Kappa, won. __ n Dctilif EMERALD ouvroN DAll Y EMERALD, published daily during the college year except all Oniuinus exnressed in editorials are those of the writer, and do not claim to represent the ppinimvs of the ASliO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by associate editors. Unsigned editorials arc written by the editor. Opinions expressed in an editorial page by-lined column are those of the columnist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or Ins associates. Don A. Smith, Editor Joan Mimnaugh, Business Manager Anne Goodman, Tom King, Associate Editors Glenn Gillespie, Managing Editor Stan Turnbull, Special Editor ^Cews Editors: I.orna Larson, Ken Metzler. Assistant News Kditm : lirctchen Gromiahl. Avdstant Managing Kditois: Nonuan Ander son, Hal Coleman. Mac Eplev. Picric (iois, Walt McKinney, llill btanneld. Sports Editors: John Barton, Sam Fidman. Chief Night Editor: Mary Hall. Copy Editor: Marjory Bush. Desk Editors: Marjory Bush, Bill Frye, Grctchen Grondakl, Larry Meiser, Jackie Pritzen. Shirley Hillard, Advertising Manager Assistant business Manager: Cork Mobley. ixticT -Manager: Karla Van Loan. National Advertising Manager: bourne lurk* meir. Zone managers: Sue Bachelder, \ irgiuia Kel log^. Jeanne Hoffman. Fran Ned, Barbara Ste\cnson, Barbara Williams. Layout manager: Marty Scroggin, 9*t the Hcuf ISA Charges Intramurals Discrimination A Jletten Dear Mr. Editor : . At a recent meeting of the Independent Students Association a motion was made to the effect that ISA go on record as censuring the discrimination shown against campus in dependent organizations in the intramural golf and tennis schedules by the Physical Education department, and that a letter be drawn up and sent to the Emerald, exposing this discrimination to the campus. Each schedule is a single-elimination affair which means that a team is eliminated the first time it is defeated. In the tennis schedule of thirty-eight teams entered, twenty-two are fraternities and sixteen are independents. In the first round twelve independents are en tered, six thus being eliminated. No frater nity teams are entered in this round. Consequently, nearly one-third of the to tal independent teams are eliminated in the first, the fraternities all passing the first round hurdles with byes. The second round begins with thirty-two teams, both fraternities and independents pitted against each other, but there are now twenty-tow fraternities to six teen independents, it is now twenty-two to eleven. The result is that an independent team has an even less chance of surviving, not because of competition but because of bias in tne sche dule making. The golf schedule is nearly iden tical. The P. E. department claims no discrim ination, saying at first that the teams were drawn from a hat. This statement was amend ed to drawn from a hat, “figuratively.” Later, they changed to the admission that the first (Please turn to page three) Junior Weekend Queen-Brief Glory by Vic fylye/i With the naming of the 10 finalists for Jun ior Weekend Queen, we are reminded that Junior Weekend is drawing nearer and near er—the last one for most seniors—and still no canoe fete. Perhaps the class of ’50 can con sider itself in the class of “born 30 years too soon (or too late).’’ Speaking of Junior Weekend and the Queen, I wonder if the juniors will follow the old practice again this year of concealing her identity until the last minute. It seems only fair that when a girl has the beauty and talent to be elected to reign over one of the biggest campus events of the year, her moment of glory shouldn’t be restricted to one brief weekend. Why not spread it over a longer period of a week or two climaxed by the coronation? Both the Queen and the students who elect her deserve more than a brief flash of her glory before she is tossed back to the anonymity of being just another coed. Congratulations go to Larry Davidson and staff for getting the Oregana out so early this vear. It should be out, according to predic tions, about two weeks before finals begin. That’s quite a difference from last year’s Aug ust delivery caused by the lithographer’s strike in Portland. We'll even get a chance to reminisce with friends while the memories are still fresh. In considering daytime student assemblies for next year, I wonder if the executive coun cil has thought of asking the University to set aside one hour a week—free from classes— for meetings of student groups. Other schools have found this to be a good policy—even our next door neighbors to the north. The Aggies have every Wednesday at one o’clock for student assemblies, class meet ings and meetings of other student groups. No classes are scheduled for that hour to avoid having students miss lectures, and to eliminate the tendency of some instructors to lower the grades of students who miss classes to go to meetings. Here at Oregon, the one o'clock period on Thursday would seem to be the best hour for such a plan as it would least interfere with student’s and instructors’ schedules. A Wed nesday hour would cause the changing of too many MWF classes. Such a plan would also leave the Tuesday one o clock period for scheduling these single lectures you get in some of the two-hour courses—thoie that now get scattered about at such hours as four o'clock Monday or eight o'clock Tuesday.