Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1950, Image 1

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46ITAT 2^
'Grace Hoffman Cops
'Fashion Plate' Title
Grace Hoffman, senior in speech and drama, is Oregon's
‘‘Miss Fashion Plate.”
She will receive a year's supply of Revlon cosmetics. The con
test, new on the campus this year, was sponsored by Revlon
Miss Hoffman will also be entered in a nation-wide contest
tor Miss Fashion Plate of 1950,”
as will winners of the contest on
other college campuses throughout
the country.
The winner was elected by cam
pus-wide vote of students held
Monday through Friday of last
Miss Hoffman has been active
in many phases of work in the
University drama department. She
. was an assistant director of
“Winterset,” and starred in "Thun
der Rock.”
She has been in charge of the
theater box office and is a member
* * *
• * *
of the National Collegiate Players.
Other achievements include being
a finalist for Homecoming queen
last fall, and being May Fete queen
of Grant high school.
Other candidates for the title
Were Pat Boyle, Kathryn Carter,
Mary Gribble, Helen Jackson,
Maxine Krisch, Molly Muntzel,
Julie Beth Perkins, Joyce Rathbun,
and Karla Van Loan.
The contest was conducted by
members of the Revlon fashion
board on campus, Beverly Nelson,
Jo-Ann Priaulx, and Gwen Jones,
and by Anne Goodman, Revlon
campus representative.
House Song Heads
To Meet Today At 4
All house song leaders must
attend a meeting this afternoon
at 4 at the Pi Beta Phi house, in
regard to the All-Campus Sing,
Jean Erdman to Present
Program of Dances at 8
JEAN ERDMAN, who will appear in a dance concert at 8 tonight
in Gerlinger gymnasium with two of her company, is pictured above
as Ophelia, one of the numbers she will present.
* * * *
A program of nine dances will be
presented tonight at 8 in Gerlinger
gymnasium by Miss Jean Erdman,
called by the New York Times “an
interesting and provocative young
artist . . . keely alert to modern ex
periments in the other arts.”
The program of dances, to be
performed by Miss Erdman and
two of her dance compa^r, will in
clude compositions by John Cage,
Lou Harrison, Otto Janowitz, and
Bernardo Segall. Lillian Chasnoff
and Elizabeth Sherbon will per
form with Miss Erdman, and David
Tudor Will accompany at the piano.
The program is sponsored by the
School of Health arid Physical Edu
cation. Admission price will be $1.
Tickets are available at the
women's PE office, or from mem
Hazel Scott to Present
'Jazz-Classical' Recital
r When Pianist Hazel bcott appears in McArthur Court Apr.
28, she'll have something for two kinds of audiences.
Her recital at 8 p.m. in the Igloo will include the classics of
Bach, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, plus a com
position of her own entitled “Caribbean Fete.”
On the lighter side, she'll play the popular works of Vincent
Youmanns and “Fats” Waller and conclude her program with a
boogie-woogie suite of her own
called, “A tale of Four Cities.”
Miss Scott’s “racial discrimi
nation” suit is scheduled on the
Federal Court docket in Spo
kane today. She and her hus
band, Congressman Adam
Powell of New York, brought a
550,000 suit against former Pasco,
Wash., restaurant operators, charg
ing they refused her service be
cause she is a Negro.
Tickets on Sale
Her attorney said that because of
concert conflicts she will not ap
pear in trial. Her sworn written tes
timony will be read into the record.
She is currently making personal
appearances in principal cities
throughout the nation.
Tickets for her Eugene recital
are on sale at the new Student Un
ion office, in the Erb Memorial
Union. They may also be purchased
downtown at the Appliance Cen
ter, 70 10th Ave. W.
University of Oregon students
are admitted for 80 cents. General
admission is $1.20 and reserve seats
sell for $1.80.
* * *
bers of Junior and Senior Orchesis,
dance honoraries.
Honolulu-born Jean Erd man
formed her own company in 1943,
starting with three girls and grad
ually expending to include nine
dancers. Miss Erdman continued to
appear as guest soloist with
Martha Fraham's dance company
after she left that group to form
her own company.
Unusual Combinations
Her dances are noted for the un
usual instrumental combinations
which accompany them. The Peri
lous Chapel, one of her most recent
dances, is accompanied by harp,
cello, flute, and drum; another is
accompanied only by an off-stage
flute. The Perilous Chapel was
called one of the three best new
works to appear on the New York
stage during the 1948-49 season by
Dance magazine.
The full program will include
Dawn Song, Changing Moment,
Creature on a Journey, Passage,
and The Transformations of Me
dusa before intermission, and
Daughters of the Lonesome Isle,
Ophelia, People and Ghosts, and En
Pelerinage following intermission.
Picnic Pairings
Set for Today
Living organizations will be
paired sometime today for Satur
day’s Frosh Picnic, Co-chairmen
Rod Bell and Delores Parrish an
nounced Sunday.
Swimmer’s Delight on the Wil
lamette River has been selected
as the site for the outing. The pic
nic this year replaces the annual
Frosh Glee, ousted for financial
In a meeting Friday, committee
heads talked over proposed plans
brought forth by Co-chairman Bell.
Suggestions concerning food,
transportation, and pairings were
Men’s houses and halls will prob
ably furnish the transportation and
women’s organizations will pro
vide the food, the co-chairmen
The following committee heads
will meet this afternoon at 4 at the
(Please turn to page 8)
689 Visit Campus
For Duck Preview;
Guests 'Packed In'
An attendance that shrank at the last minute made Duck Pre
view weekend smaller than expected.
More than 1,000 had seemed a likely figure Thursday even
ing; final figures showed that but 689 high school seniors went
through registration; and a “census” is expected to reveal that
Gordon Sabine
Becomes Dean
Of Journalism
Dr. Gordon A. Sabine will be the
new dean of the School of Journal
The appointment was announced
Sunday by President H. K. New
burn. Dr. Sabine, who was also
named associate professor of jour
nalism, replaces Dean Clifford F.
Weigle, who has resigned to
become associate director of the
Institute for Journalistic Studies
at Stanford.
Dr. Sabine had been scheduled to
go to the University of Wisconsin
to assume a position in the jour
nalism school there, but a release
from that commitment was ef*'
Takes Over May 1
He will take over as associate
dean May 1 and assume the full
deanship July 1.
Dr. Sabine served on the jour
nalism faculties ot the Universities
of Wisconsin, Kansas, and Minne
sota before coming to Oregon in
the fall of 1948. He received the
baccalaureate and master’s de
grees in journalism from the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, and the doc
torate in political science from the
University of Minnesota in 1949.
Postions Numerous
The new dean's actual newswrit
ing experience includes reporting
for the Lynchburg, Va., News and
Advance and the Wisconsin State
Journal, Madison, where he held a
number of staff positions. He has
been a correspondent for the Chris
tian Science Monitor, the Milwau
kee Journal, and the Chicago Sun,
and has done free-lance writing
for other papers.
Edited Magazine
He edited the magazine Wiscon
sin Wildlife for a year, and has
written free-lance and assigned
articles for the Saturday Evening
Skull and Dagger
Petititions Due Soon
Petitions for membership in
Skull and Dagger, sophomore men’s
service honorary, are due Apr. 25 to
Vernon Beard, Delta Tau Delta, or
Herb Lombard, Phi Delta Theta.
Freshman who will have com
pleted at least 36 hours by the end
of spring term are eligible to peti
tion. Minimum scholastic require
ments are a 2. cumulative and last
term GPA.
Members will be chosen on the
basis of activities and scholarship,
reports Beard, president of the or
New members will be tapped at
the Junior Prom, May 13.
about oUU actually attended the
"preview" weekend, Apr. 14-16.
General chairmen were Marie
Lombard and Steve Church.
Of those who officially regis
tered, 419 were girls and 270 boys,
according to the figures of regis
tration Co-chairmen Shirley Hil
lard and Cece Daniels.
Fully Attended
Nearly all the scheduled events
of tlie weekend were fully attend
ed. Everyone was “packed in,” and
none turned away, according . to
Steve Church.
The Saturday morning assembly
filled the new University Theater
to somewhat over seating capacity;
the picnic luncheon was forced in
doors at Gerlinger by the weather,
where again the building was filled;
and the Saturday night dance in
Gerlinger Annex was also a capac
ity affair.
Other events attended by the vis
iting seniors included the All
Campus Vodvil Friday night, tours
of the Student Union building anu
Carson Hall a baseball game Sat
urday afternoon which Oregon
dropped to WSC 5-4, in the tenth
inning, the Amphibian water show
which crowded the Men’s Pool to
capacity, and exchange dinners be
tween the living organizations Sun
'Magic Melody'
Deadline Friday
Friday is the deadline for sub
mitting lyrics for a Junior Week
end theme song, to be titled “Magic
Melody,” in keeping with this
year's theme of “Melody Magic.”
Entries may be placed in a
marked box in the Co-op or given
to John Epley at the Phi Kappa
Psi house by 5 p.m. Friday. Win
ning entry will be announced in the
Emerald of Apr. 24, and this will
mark the opening of the second
half of the contest, to write music
for the words.
Maximum Length
Rules for the contest were
printed in the Apr. 11 Emerald.
Briefly, they state that maximum
length is 32 lines or less, any Uni
versity student may submit all the
entries he pleases; name and ad
dress must be included, and the
contestant gives permission to print
and perform the lyric in conjunc
tion with junior Weekend, May 12
Judging bases are (1) consist
ency of pattern and adaptability
to music and (2) clever, original
use of ideas in relation to title and
to the lyric idea.
Prizes will be presented to win
ners in both lyric and music divis
ions at the All-Campus Sing May
12. The winning combination.
"Magic Melody’’ will be recorded
and used in state-wide radio publi
city preceding the weekend.