Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    Problem Today
In Men's Minds,
Nagy Asserts
The problem of this age lies not
in the atomic weapons, but in the
minds and actions of the men whd
use them, Dr. Ivan G. Nagey, pro
fessor of political science, said in
his lecture in the library browsing
room last week.
Reviewing Vannevar Bush’s
“Arms and Free Men,” Dr. Nagy
talked on the idealistic theories of
Bush in connection with the com
munist situation in the world to
day. Believing that the sovereign
states are trying to strengthen in
the cold war, Bush points out that
this is no certainty that war will
come, and if it does come, the de
struction may not be so bad as pre
Soviet Doctrine e
“The Soviet doctrine is a reli
gion,” Dr. Nagy stated. “The com
munists do not try to improve upon
it, as to them, it is already perfect.
The main weakness of the doctrine
lies in its taking for granted that
people are the same everywhere,
and laying down one plan for com
munist followers all over the world
j to follow.”
xacucs aria strategy are the
main points in the communist plan
tactics being the short range
plans and strategy the over-all.
“We cannot understand the tactics,
unless we understand the over-all
strategy,” Dr. Nagy stressed.
Berlin Blockade
That the communists do not want
war as long as they can employ
the tricks of a cold war, was point
ed out. Dr. Nagy used the Berlin
blockade as an example.
The speaker, an expert in Euro
pean politics and international af
fairs, was born in Hungary. Part
of his education was received in
Cambridge, England. He has lec
tured at universities throughout
the country, including Yale and
He describes “Arms and Free
Men” as a book written by a scien
tist for the layman. “The book is
a stepping stone in our age of
atomic thought,” Dr. Nagy com
Victor P. Morris, dean of the
School of Business Administration,
led a discussion period after the
Asst. Managing Editor: Mac Epley.
Desk Editor: Jackie Pritzen.
Copy Desk: Lizabeth Trullinger,
Dolores Dyer, Marjorie Bush.
Night Editor: John Epley.
Night Staff: Helen Jackson, Bar
bara Johnson.
Hallo Kiddies! Now that regis
tration blues have simmered down
a bit and everybody is soshing over
the extra cup of coffee, it’s time
to unload another batch of who’s
doin’ what, why, when, and where
—so sit back, relax, and catch up
on the latest!
Top of the list finds PiPhi Fresh
man Wilma Hamilton who accepted
the Phi Delt crest of Herb Lom
bard after many weeks of holding
hands under the table in the Side.
Also, Sigma Nus will soon be
serenading the AOPi house in
double time in honor of Barbara
Cassidy and Charlotte Berry who
are now showing off the badges
of Bob Anderson and Jack Byers,
Time out for Earl “Harry High
School’’ Stelle of the Sigma Chi
White Cross hotel (it rhymes!)
who is accepting Congratulations
as his engagement ring is being
worn by Mary Jo Extra of Coos
Warming inter-school relations
is Alpha Gam Norman Rae Smith
who is now bearing the PiKA in
signia of OSC’s Dick Parmenter.
Another Beaver-lover is Sigma
Kappa Bev Ure who boasts the
hardware of Lambda Chi Bob Mor
Other new additions to the
pinned department are Alpha Gam
Sally Hulse and Lambda Chi Ken
Hansen, Alfafee Marlee Smith and
ATO Gay Norton, Tri-Delt Norma
Hultgren and DU Cec Daniels, and
Sigma Kappa Jean Ann McGee and
Delt Phil Newman.
It seems that Evelyn Snow, lead
in the recent “Warrior’s Husband,’’
wants to be known by fellow Car
son Hallites as “Heavy Evie!”
Ann Judson House reports that
things are getting to that oh-so
chummy stage between Shirley An
derson and Paul Weston of Phila
delphia House.
Officially ringed are AChioO
Sally Churchman and Beta Jack
Morrow, ADPi Ann Butler and
Chuck Wirkkula, and Alfa Gam
Frances Caldwell and Sig Ep Hugh
Wedding bells boomed over vaca
tion for Sigma Kappa Joan Downie
and PiKA Bob Silva, and Tri-Delt
La Verne Parrish and ex-Webfoot
George Scoville.
Seems that AChioO Anita Frost
felt very mischevious when Sig
Fred Young asked her for an April
Fool’s day date to Swimmer’s De
light (don’t forget, it’s Swim
mer’s) so she dressed for the occa
sion in a two piece bathing suit.
However, sympathetic AChioO's in
formed Fred of the plot so he amaz
ed all onlookers by ringing for his
date adorned only in swimming
trunks! When last seen this gay
coupls were seen frolicking towards
Salem, hand in hand.
Little Colonel Margaret Nichols
can be seen polishing- the engage
ment ring given her recently by
OSC footballer Pete Palmer.
Alpha Gam House prexy Diane
Ford reports the capture of Vaughn
c . T:!e OREGON DAILY EMERALD, published daily during the college year except all
Saturdays but Junior Weekend, Sunday holidays, final examination periods; Monday pre
cedmg Junior weekend in May, ami the last Thursday in May by the Associated Students
University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene Oregon ’
Opinions expressed in editorials are those of the writer, and do not claim to represent the
opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by associate editors
# unsigned editorials are written by the editor.
Opinions expressed in an editorial page by-lined column are those of the columnist, and
do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or his associates.
Dot* A. Smith, Editor
Joam Mimnaogh, Business Manager
Anne Goocmax, Tom King, Associate Editor
Glenn Gillespie,
News Editors: Lorna Larson, Ken Metzler.
Assistant News Editor: Gretchen Grondafil.
Assistant Managing Editors: Norman Ander
son, Hal Coleman, Mac Epley.
Merle Gors, Walt McKinney, Bill Stanfield.
M anna inn Edito*
Sports Editors: John Barton, Sam Fidman.
Chief Night Editor: Mary Hall.
Copy Editor: Marjory Bush.
Desk Editors: Marjory Bush, Bill Frye,
Gretchen Grondahl, Larry Meiscr, Jackie
Assistant Business Manager: Cork Mobley.
Office Manager: Karla Van Loan.
National Advertising Manager: Bonnie Birk^
Zone Managers: Sue Bachelder, Shirley Hil
lard. Barbara Williams, Virginia Kellogg,
Barbara Stevenson, Jeanne Hoffman.
Sterling s Lambda Chi jools, as does
her sorority sister Yvette Sweet as
in the case of SPE Glenn Yost.
Kappa Ginnie Kellogg' is cur
rently wearing the brass of PsiU
Bob Brown of the University of
Add to Getting-Engaged-Like
Mad Department: ADPi Shirley
Wilson and Lyman Oliver of Al
bany, plus SAM Irv Steinbock and
University of Washington’s Edith
Causing much comment is the
recent pinning of PiPhi Ann Gillen
waters to Phi Delt A1 Chamberlain.
Interesting sidelight: Ann was a
recent luncheon guest at the AOPi
house where A1 is a tablewaiter.
When All, who didn’t know Ann
was present, left the kitchen to
clear the table, the other house
boys locked him in the dining room.
As soon as he saw Ann, A1 im
mediately reddened, and, after the
entire table sang congratulations,
A1 was forced to stand up on a
chaii and declare that his inten
tions were honorable. While all the
girls howled A1 was asked to sing
the Phi Delt song as a send-off,
but was so rattled that he com
pletely forgot the words!
Completing the newly pinned list
are ZTA Bev Gustone and Camp
bell Clubber Don Pacobson, and a
pair of Alfafees, Sally Beckett and
Joyce Pinner who have snared the
crests of Sigma Nu Bill Lance and
Phi Delt Jim Ventura, respectively.
Due to an unusually long list of
new doings, as you can plainly see,
this column's special feature, “The
Eligible of the Week’’ will be post
poned—but watch for it, as it’s a
colossensatimagnif number!
See ya soshing!
Maybe people with money make
other people sick because sour
grapes have that effect.
U.O. Orchestra
To Play Tonight
The University Symphony Or
chestra will present a concert in
the Benson High school auditorium,
Portland, at 8:15 p. m. tonight.
Ruth and Henry Arcand will
play Bach s Two Piano Concerto.
Arcand will also play Bartok’s
Third Concerto for Piano.
The orchestra will also present j
a Mozart symphony, Barbour’s Ad- j
agio for Strings, and Beethoven's]
Lenore Overture no. 3.
Dr. E. A. Cykler will direct the
Is Book Subject
An essay entitled “The Attempt
of British Humanitarianism to
Modify Chattel Slavery” was con
tributed by R. W. Smith, professor
of history, to a recently published
book, “British Humanitarianism.’’
This book is a collection of es
says written in tribute to Frank
Klingberg, retiring professor of
English History in UCLA. All of
its authors are former Klingberg
Angry Father: What do you
mean by bringing my daughter in
at this hour of the morning.
I have to be in class at eight.
Mustang Student: Sorry, Sir, but
Did you know that my profesor
In bhysic talk to himself.
So does mine, but he does’t know
it. He thinks someone is listen
Men in a midwest college are
picking off all the baby-sitting
jobs. First thing we know, Betty
Coed will be stoking fraternity
house furnaces.
i age /
Tinker: I nearly fainted last
night when the guy I was with
asked me for a kiss.
Frankie: Baby, you’te going to
drop dead when you hear what I
have to say.
Winter is coming, so women
soon will quite wearing fur pieces
and switch to bead necklace.
Oregon H Emerald
So lovely with traditional accessories, so dramatic with
colorful modern linens ... the pure, beautiful lines of the
exclusive Lenox temple shape in its unadorned, ivory-white
translucent beauty. Made of the same fine china, by the same
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the United States, Cuba, and Mexico. 5-piece place setting, $12.25.
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