Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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LOST—Flesh colored glasses in
black case between 106 Oregon
and Pregnant Gulch. Phone 4
5035. 102
LOST—Brown purse with glasses
and watch. Keep money as re
ward. Ph. 7-2706, or return to
Emerald Shack. 104
TRADE—35 sedan, R & H, plus
$150.00 for later model, consider
’cycle. Jim Hanna, 1427 Onyx. 103
BOARD—(good food!) With or
without room—Don’t let the
front scare you; we’ve just begun
repairs. Ask our boarders about
us. Better yet, drop in. 874 E.
13th twixt Taylors and Fennel’s.
New management. 103
FOR SALE—Woman’s golf bag,
plaid, good condition, only $5.
Phone 5-5501. 106
blue & white case between 106
Oregon and Pregnant Gulch.
Phone 4-5035. 104
BA Students Win
Graduate Awards
Five University seniors in busi
ness administration have won
store-service graduate awards at
New York University for the next
academic year.
The are Glenn R. Haines, Frank
A. Peabody, Ralph H. Strarford,
Betty E. Twedt, and Donald W.
Van Zyl.
Each award carries a stipend of
$500. Students will work for their
master’s degrees in retailing at
New York University, and in addi
tion w’ork part-time for credit in
leading New York stores.
According to statistics half the
women marry before they are
twenty-five. Maybe because it
takes them so long to reach that
One ^JUi*Uf Bute
Jlecuii ta AuotUesi!
. . . and now. .. YOU'RE
Whether you're inviting
two, or two thousand
to witness the happy
event, there must be
announcements to send
out as well.
It costs so little to be
correct... yes, even ele
gant ... our way.
May we show you our
large selection of wed
ding invitations, an
nouncements, reception
cards, informals, etc.?
■> Virginia Courte
nay's comprehen
‘ sue little reference
book, covers every
wedding detail,
ll'e have a free
copy waiting for
your call. Wont yon come in for it ..
76 W. Broadway
Alumni Group
To Direct Dance
Complete direction of the Home
coming dance has been transferred
to the Alumni Association. This
action was approved last week in
a regular meeting of the Student
Union Board.
Formerly, the dance had been
supervised by the Educational Ac
tivities Office. The change was the
last step needed to complete a cen
tralized alumni direction ,of all
Homecoming activities.
Under the new plan, alumni will
undertake all responsibility for the
financial success or failure of the
dance. The Student Union Office,
however, will still book the orches
tra in cooperation with the alumni.
In a previous Board meeting,
Dick Williams, Student Union di
rector, presented the pros and
cons of the proposed transfer. He
said that although the dance was
usually profitable for the ASUO,
the move would consolidate all
Homecoming activities in one of
fice. This would tend for more or
ganization than could be realized
with management divided between
the Alumni Association and the
“Since Homecoming first start
ed,” Williams stated, “the shift
has been a gradual one from the
management of certain areas. The
dance would be the last area needed
to complete a centralized alumni
direction of all Homecoming ac
He added that the change would
be “a good idea from the admin
istrative point of view.”
New Constitution
(Continued from baae one)
handled by a student senate of ap
proximately forty members. The
executive duties would be given
to the ASUO president, vice presi
dent, and cabinet, while a judicial
branch would deal with certain stu
dent disciplinary problems.
Students to Vote
(Continued from page one)
Local winners will receive a year’s
supply of Revlon cosmetics. The
national winner, “Miss Fashion
Plate of 1950,” will be selected on
the basis of pictures sent to the
company’s New York office.
A trip to Bermuda with expenses
paid, plus several other gifts, will
be awarded the national winner.
Littmon Returns Home
With White Rat Grant
R. A. Littman, professor of psy
chology, recently returned from
Illinois where he conferred with
Dr. O. H. Mowrer of the Univer
sity of Illinois.
The two psychology professors
have a grant from the Universities
of Illinois and Oregon and are now
conducting research on the social
behavior of white rats.
I?— ' 1 ■, =g
3,000 Worshippers
At MacArthur Court
Easter Morn Services
Nearly 3,000 students and Au
gene residents gathered in Mc
Arthur Court Sunday morning at
6:30 for the annual Community
Easter Sunrise Service.
Dr. John Anderson, head of the
department of religion at Lewis
and Clark College, delivered the
sermon, “The Light Still Shines.”
Dr. Anderson, in the Easter mes
sage, stated that men have always
asked the question, “Is there life
eternal ?”
The questioning was changed to
a certainty when Jesus brought
hope to the world with His resur
rection from the dead, Dr. Ander
son declared.
“Although there is still the dark
ness of sin, it will never conquer
the world, for the Light still
Dr. Anderson emphasized that
there is still victory in Christ, but
He must be welcomed by each per
son individually. However, as light
shining into a dark room, He en
ters in every possible way.
“Christ also has need of people
today,” Dr. Anderson stated, “for
He came to make Himself known
and to give hope.”
Three choral selections for the
services were sung by the Eugene
Gleemen, “O bone Jesus,” “Thou,
Lord, Our Refuge,” and “Onward
Christian Soldiers.” Organist was
Donald M. Allton, professor of or
gan and theory.
Eugene ministers participating in
the service were Rev. Barlyn V.
Farris, First Methodist Church;
Rev. Wesley G. Nicholson, Congre
gational Church; Rev. W. W.
White, Fairmount Church of Christ;
Rev. Thom H. Hunter, Westmin
ster Foundation; and Dr. Carroll
C. Roberts, First Christian Church.
Students helping with planning
the program were Charlotte Stone,
general chairman, Lee McClelland,
Don Smith, Jerry Owsley, Frank
Cothrell, Barbara Howard, Melissa
Millam, and Faye Schick.
The service was sponsored jointly
by the University Religious Coun
cil and the Eugene-Springfield
Ministerial Association.
Robinson to Attend
Architectural Meet
Horace W. Robinson, director of
the University Theater, will attend
a conference of architects in Ann
Arbor, Mich., Apr. 14 and 15.
Robinson will attend, the meeting,
held on the University of Michigan
campus, as chairman of the theater
architecture committee of the
American Educational Theater As
At the conference, Robinson will
deliver a paper on the philosophy
af theater architecture. He wil also
show displays of theater plans and
Youth Control
Topic of School
To Open Today
Beginning on the campus today
will be a five-day Juvenile Control
School to be held in Guild Theater,
Johnson Hall.
Principal instructor will be Laur
ence R. Kirvin, juvenile control of
ficer working out of the Washing
ton, D. C. office of the FBI.
The school, held from 9:30 a. m.
to 4 p. m. each day, is sponsored by
the Portland office of the FBI for
the benefit of persons connected
with juvenile problems. Law en
forcement and probation officers,
school officials, and judges will at
Cooperating in sponsoring the
school are the Oregon Association
of City Police Officers and the
League of Oregon Cities. A similar
school was conducted in Portland
last week.
Supplementary instructors in
special fields will be the following
Eugene men:
Circuit Court Judge William G.
East; Lloyd Gillett, director of
special education in the Eugene
school system; Paul Potter, dean
of men at Eugene High School;
Father Francis Leipzig, St. Mary’s
Catholic Church, and Dr. Wesley G.
Nicholson, pastor of the Congrega
tional Church.
Petitions Due Today
Today at 3 p. m. is the deadline
for petitions for the Junior Week
end promotion committee.
Petitions should be given to Cork
Mobley at Sigma Chi or Walt Mc
Kinney at Beta Theta Pi. These
positions are open to any scholas
tically eligible students, regardless
of year in school. The advertising
committee, in particular, needs stu
dents with advertising and layout
4,000 Expected
For Radio Show
More than 4000 students from
Willamette valley grade schools
are expected to arrive on the Uni
versity campus Apr. IS for the an
nual big broadcast of “Let's Sing,
America” over KOAC.
Miss Maude Garnett, professor
of public school music, will be the
director of this final broadcast
of the Oregon school of the air
series. The broadcast will last an
hour and will be followed by en
tertainment and group singing.
The University of Oregon band,
directed by Steve Stone, graduate
student in music, will accompany
some of the songs.
Two Awards Given
For Danish Studies
Two scholarships of $600 each
will be awarded to qualified grad
uate students who wish to attend
the American Graduate School in
Denmark during the year 1950-51.
Several scholarships for study
in Norway and Denmark are also
Interested graduate students
may obtain further information
from J. D. Kline, assistant reg
istrar, in Emerald Hall.
Entertainers Needed
By Talent Committee
Entertainers are urgently needed
by the ASUO Talent Committee.
Those interested are requested to
attend a meeting of the committee,
Tuesday at the Kappa Alpha Theta
Town requests for University
talent will prove lucrative, accord
ing to Fred Young, talent chair
man. The committee has great
need for all types of entertainment,
Young asserted.
Amphib Tryout at 8
Last tryouts this term for Am
phibians, women's swimming hon
orary, will be held at 8 p. m. to
night in the Gerlinger pool.
Any girl interested in the popular Oregon-Hawaii
Tour-1950 is invited to attend a movie and meeting at
7:00 P.M. Tuesday.
• • •