& Rate © Rods For More Voice of the Students * l - iuf, MoaIgA. BggA.& During the last Tew years, student-faculty co operative action has been expanded in several admin istrative fields.From this activity students have gain ed much valuable experience, and a better under standing of administrative problems. After considering recent editorials, letters to the editor and personal experiences, the members of Mortar Board feel that it would be profitable to ex tend this cooperative action to the academic field. On questions of curriculum, academic calendars, grading systems, and other similar matters, students naturally have opinions. Unfortunately, these opin ions are often expressed in the form of unchanneled criticism which occasionally results in poor publicity for the University. The faculty and the administration have many problems in organizational mechanics and in main taining high standards for the University of Oregon. These are not fully appreciated by the student body, However, when changes are made by the faculty or Board of Deans which disrupt the pattern of student life, they will not be accepted graciously by students until the conditions which caused them are under stood. When the problem is aired and discussed openly, reviewed in the Emerald, and student opinion is so licited before a decision is made, it is far better re ceived than when a decision is simply announced with an explanation that is expected to settle the is sue. We believe that students feel themselves as cap able and willing as the faculty and administration to' put the best interests of the University before any selfish interests. It has been suggested, with this premise in mind, that some type of student commit tee be organized which could study academic prob lems, survey student opinion and be prepared to in telligently answer requests for information by faculty members It would act as the official spokes man for the student body on academic matters. In turn, this same committee could be one of the spokesmen for the faculty in explaining to students the need for changes and the inherent advantages and disadvantages. We do not believe that this group should be a pressure or voting group or should invade the privacy of the faculty meeting. We do hope that it might be invited to discuss special problems with the Faculty Senate and perhaps occasi©nally with the Board of Deans and that these groups would Ire receptive to problems and ideas presented by the committee voluntarily. When student and faculty opinions are com pared, we believe it will be apparent that there are splits on both sides-and not a student versus faculty conflict as is so often imagined under the present sys tem. This has been proven by the disciplinary, stu dent affairs and other student-faculty committees. It is improbable that such cooperation would be im possible in the academic field. There are already several groups actively at work on such a project. Mortar Board feels that their un dertaking is commendable and hopes that in the con sideration of the possibility of this new student func tion, more student interest and participation will be stimulated.—by members of Mortar Board. • • • Rushing Women’s dormitories have agreed reluctantly to Panhell enic’s request for continuation of early rushing in the Fall, de spite deferred living. The dormitories agreed because they wel comed the overtures of cooperation made by the sorority group. The next step, then, is a meeting of sorority and women’s dprmitory leaders to outline plans for the activity program of the freshman woman next year. . As it now stands, women will rush early in the fall term. What freshmen women will do after the rush has not been fully de cided—they will live in the dormitory, that we know, but where they will study, and where they will “activate” is not known. Last term the Inter-fraternity Council and the Interdormi tory Council compromised on freshmen men’s rushing and ac tivities. Up to the sixth week of winter term, the two groups decided, the freshman man will not pledge. After that time he will be allowed to participate in house activities if he so wishes. From the standpoint of the freshman this will probably be shown to be a wise decision. He must become oriented to the University, and there should not be an undue demand on his time and activity. Such a demand might exist if the freshman was participating in all-University, dormitory, and fraternity activities. Both the freshman and the dormitory and the fra ternity would suffer from divided efforts. The IFC and IDC realized this. The women are now faced with a similar problem. Panhell enic and women dormitory leaders must meet to determine how they can best help the freshman woman become oriented to the University. The freshman woman must learn, or continue to learn, how to live with different types of people, she must learn to work with these people and participate in community activities. More specifically, the freshman woman must become accus tomed to University life, she must learn how to work and play at the University, if her work is to be successful. In discussing the activity and scholastic program of the freshman woman, then, it would be wise for the Panhellenic and women dormitory leaders to fit rushing and the program of the following weeks into the overall plan. They must remember that orientation of the freshman is the major problem, and special interests of the dormitories and sororities may have to be subordinated to the successful groom ing of the freshman woman. daily EMERALD The OREGON DAILY EMERALD, published daily during the college year except all Saturd.iNs hut Junior Weekend, Sunday, holidays, final examination periods, Monday pre ceding liu.tor weekend in May. and the last Thursday in May by the Associated Students, University, of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Opinions expressed in editorials are those of the writer, and do not claim to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by associate editors. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor. Opinions expressed in an editorial page by-lined column are those of the columnist, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or his associates. Don A. Smith, Editor Joan Mimnaugh, Business Managtt Anne Goodman, Tom King, Associate Editors Glenn Gillespie, Managing Editor Qjflfkand Qb&ebuali&nl On Bonnets and Bunnies ^ feill Rsuf&ti, Easter is always a time of indecision for most males. They can’t decide which is more strange—women’s hats or rabbits suddenly beginning to lay eggs. Either way you look at it, it’s hard to swallow. . Take rabbits for instance. If you suddenly see a bunny go beserk and start spewing out eggs all over the place you have two alterna tives. You either figure that the rabbit is crazy or you are. But when it comes-to seeing hats, all sorts and colors of hats, that’s a dif ferent proposition. Because you can’t accuse a woman of being psycho. It just won’t take. Some of the hats that are being featured this year are really going to blow the lid off. For one thing, those close-fitting jobs of the twenties are back. If you haven't seen one yet you’re in for a real surprise. It looks like a beany that forgot to stop growing. If a wo man’s nose is too big it will be accentuated. If her ears are too big they will flop out from under like wings. In fact, the only beauty of this revival is that it will completely cover up the crew cuts which fashion-happy women are sporting these days. Also on the shelves for milady to pick and choose from are the hats which appear to be fugitives from Mrs. Wiggs’ cabbage patch. While the big beanies are hateful in their aus terity, these are terrific. They provide laughs and laughs and laughs. And not only that, the enterprising housewife should be able to cull enough vegetables from them to feed the nor mal family for a week. The real gem among all these chapeaus though is the fruit salad variety. Man, they've got it. It’s usually the straw sailers that you'll find festooned with fruit. Some come equip ped with a a veil to sort of hold all the stuff in place. There won’t be any mistake at all when it comes to recognizing them. They have more color than Joseph’s coat, and sun glasses are recommended spectator equip ment. Speaking of women’s hats in general, the one feature prominent about all of them is their lack of utility. The ones with wide brims, which should be invaluable protection against showers, invariably have a large hole cut in the top. Others are made of stuff which will disintegrate in a mild breeze, yet they all have a price tage that’s reminiscent of the na tional debt. If it’s a safe and sane Easter you’re looking for, maybe the secret is to ignore the bonnets and concentrate on the bunnies. No self re- j specting rabbit will do anything that can sur pass the efforts of a hat designer. 1/0itA Noted, Good for Spring Dancing Lu tyfied tyauna Biggest news in the popular music area is the 15 album release by Victor. All are "De signed for Dancing”—and include a smatter ing of jazz. Our suggestions concern just five. First, there’s the new 13-piece Charlie Ven tura band performing the music of Duke El lington. "It Don't Mean a Thing.” "Solitude,” “ ‘A’ Train,” and the rest are nicely presented with Bennie Green’s trombone and trumpeter Red Rodney highlighting the good sounding arrangements. Naturally, either Ventura's al to or tenor sax is present with its moody in tracacies. This rating the top of the fifteen al bums in regards to "wellness.” The next four rate about evenly and in clude Tommy Dorsey playing Cole Porter, Erskine Hawkins with \V. C. Handy tunes, Rav McKinley featuring Rodgers and Hart, and Claude Thornhill playing Gershwin. All 15 albums include S tunes. Comments are these: Porter is well suited to Dorsey. Pretty things as "Love for Sale” and bounce as ‘‘One of Those Things” are common to and well-done by Dorsey E. Hawkins is well-known for blues and so is W. C. Handy. McKinley’s has always been a smart band which makes such as the blue “Room" and “Moon” good listening. Thorn hill as one of our favorites is the tone perfec tionist and Gershwin’s “Summertime” and “Man I Love" make fine subject matter. A must for the club jukes is “C'est C’bon” or thereabouts by Tommy Dorsey and spotting his newest gal singer, Frances Irwin. There's no doubt about this—it does everything but pull down the shade. Also, the most recent Ventura single of a "Flamingo in full flight is worth serious note. And, V oody Herman’s last of “Detour Ahead features the always pleasant Mary Ann McCall singing. And, let’s be getting ready for the "end" in vocal duets as a record is about to be released by MGM with a Sarah Vaughn—Billy Eckstein duet. 0