Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    Summer Thoughts
At the present time, the ASUO is organized as a self-govern
ment for all students and student groups except one—those
who attend summer school.
Yet, summer school is as much a part of the University as
summer months are a part of the calendar year. The students
who attend have the right to a program of activities just as do
those who attend during other quarters.
Taking notice of this fact, the student paper continues publi
cation through the summer months on an abbreviated basis—
two issues a week instead of the usual five.
By the same token, why shouldn’t a student government be
provided to bridge the gap that splits the school year, main
tain a curtailed program of student activities, and keep the
wheels in motion so that in the fall ASUO would not be start
ing from scratch?
Many other universities throughout the country follow such
a policy, as provided in their student constitutions. And it is
particularly appropriate that this should be mentioned at the
present time at Oregon, for a committee is now engaged in re
vising the ASUO constitution.
Since the ASUO owes an obligation to itself to maintain
government for the students, the Executive Council might
take under consideration the possibility or arranging a sum
mer school governing body.
This might be done through the committee presently study
ing the constitution; it might be done through a committee
specifically appointed for the task by Art Johnson. In any
event, the Executive Council should investigate the merits of
the plan and come to a decision before the revised constitution
is submitted for approval to tfie student body later this term.
The framework of a summer school government might be
established along the same general lines as the one in opera
tion during the year.
Thus, these points might be taken into consideration:
1) The president or vice-president-elect of the student body
would automatically assume office in the event he is enrolled in
summer school. If not, a temporary or acting president could
be appointed by the president with the approval of the Coun
2) The acting president would appoint committees, repre
sent the University in relations with other institutions, admin
ister laws, establish such boards as would be necessary, and
carry out the other duties regularly assigned to the ASUO
3) An acting vice-president and secretary-treasurer could be
appointed to serve in such capacities as regularly associated
with their offices.
4) The summer school executive council would be composed
of the above mentioned officers and a given number of appoint
ed members.
5) The executive council would appropriate funds, hear com
mittee reports, and pass the necessary laws which would be
effective only for the duration of the summer quarter.
This, then, is a bare outline of how a summer school govern
ment might be set up. Through it, an orientation program for
entering summer school students, social functions, and other
activities might be effected.
The objections? It might be contended that there are not
enough student activities in progress during the summer to
warrant a student government.
This objection fails to stand up—it approaches the matter
from the wrong direction.
For not only do summer school activities exist, but estab
lishment of a summer school government would, by its own
hointr inrrfiase them. The one would multiulv the other.—T.K.
Why Not Others?
Thinking about the Beaux Arts Ball coming this Saturday
brings to mind a number of things:
That it is a 27-year old tradition on campus.
That it is the only completely costume dance, other than
house dances.
And that it is the only such affair sponsored by organized
students of a school of the University, the School of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts.
But particularly it brings to mind the important information
that through this dance and through other functions held by
the Associated Students of the School of Architecture and Al
lied Arts students meet with their teachers in an informal, re
laxed atmosphere.
The Ball promotes a better integration between the students
themselves and between the students and the faculty.
We see no reason why the art school should be the only one
(besides the law school) to have an organized student body
which holds such functions. There are too many complaints
about faculty-student relations, when students can be band
ing together in schools and departments to foster better human
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Some Suggested Changes in Orientation
(This is the second in a series of four ar
ticles picking out highlights of the report by
the ASUO Committee on Dormitories. To
day’s article concerns the section on orienta
tion With “deferred living,” all Freshmen
will reside in dormitories.)
Small group meetings -to replace larger
meetings during new student week, is one of
the more drastic changes for orientation of
the freshman recommended in the Dormitory
General assemblies should be kept to a
minimum, the committee believes, since in
the past they have been missed by many fresh
men and are judged by many others to be non
effective from the standpoint of information.
One general talk might be given on the orien
tation process, emphasizing the relation of
the freshman to the counselor.
The small group plan would allow a unit
meeting where freshmen could meet with
counsellors and discuss such matters as dec
iles, pegged grades, loans, and registration
“All freshmen should receive an orienta
tion lecture concerning rushing rules and
their relationship with fraternities and sorori
ties,” the committee advises. “Panhellenic
and Interfraternity Council advisers would
be ideal speakers, functioning within the
small group plan.”
Realizing the role of the counselor in cru
cial in the small group plan, the committee
suggests that the counselor “should antici
pate the misconceptions of incoming fresh
men and prepare to attack these. He should
attempt during this first week to get well
enough acquainted with each freshman to
call he or she by the first name. A brief ‘check
ing up’ interview might be held with each
freshman-during the week. Hall, floor, and
unit officers should assist in carrying out this
A daily program of events is suggested by
the committee to allow the new student to
keep pace with University activities the first
The making of the Hello dance as a truly
no-date affair is recommended by the commit
tee. “This will be easier to achieve with all
freshmen in the dormitory, but to promote
(Please turn to page three)
6*t the Ai/i
Major League Baseball ,
Gets the Air
by Malty 'kJeit^nen.
Spring term, the last term of the school
year; one day it’s portables and picnics, the
next it’s hip boots and anahistamine pills.
Ever the optimist, we have gone about
making fools of ourselves by inquiring as to
the fate of our on-again-off-again campus ra
dio station. Our latest effort was inspired by
same hitherto unconscious soul who asked,
“When the heck they gonna start broadcast
ing for those studios up there?”
The people in charge of what remains of
KDUK assure us that the only thing now
standing in the way of actual work on the sta
tion, is the matter of funds. The project they
tell us, is now in the hands of Robert C. Mc
Call, head of the speech department. From
his office, the plans will move either up to
higher channels, or back whence it came de
pending on the practicability of the project.
Sports fans will be happy to know that Eu
gene has confirmed the existence of the Na
tional and American Professional Baseball
Leagues. Commencing with an opening day
game on Apr. 18, KORE will bring the game
of the day from any one of the major league
ball yards. Play by play announcer will be A1
Heifer who served an apprenticeship under
CBS sports director Red Barber back in 1941.
Through some strange quirk of a mailman’s
imagination we received some information
from several of the larger radio networks.
CBS informs us thatjeanne Crain will be the
guest of the Edgar Bergen show this Sunday
at 8:30. We feel obligated to mention this
since they sent along some nice cheesecake
which shows Miss Crain to good advantage.
So as not to make NBC mad, we will also
tell you that Joe Dimaggio, a young gentle
man who owns a restaurant in San Francisco,
is starting a new half-hour Saturday evening
show. Premiere will be Apr. 15, at 7:30 p.m.
Locally, University KOAC broadcasts will "**—
continue on the same schedule as last term.
Tryouts for Radio Workshop plays will still
be on Fridays at 3 in studio A, Villard Hall.
Now that Choral Union is closed to non-mu
sic majors, this activity looms at one of the
top “sosh-’ spots for would be celebrities. It
can’t match the Side, Taylor’s, or Maxies,
(did we leave anyone out?) for atmosphere,
but who knows, you might get your name in
the papers ?
On the Rcuf>
A Warm,
Friendly Feeling
Open letter to the Emerald
We recently completed one of the finest
State High School Basketball Tournaments
in the history of the University of Oregon.
Much of the credit for the success of this tour
nament can be attributed to the fine coopera
tion which we received from the various fra
ternities, sororities and other living organiza
tions on the campus and the courtesies they
extended the high school students during the
On behalf of the athletic department, I
want to take this opportunity of thanking all
of the students for the warm, friendly man
ner in which they greeted the visiting high
school students and adults who came to Eu
gene and McArthur Court for the tourna
Leo A. Harris
Director of Athletics