m iifi' fon. Daily EMERALD -*6|TAT VOLUME LI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, APRIL 6,1950 NUMBER 101 Civil Service Men to Discuss Job Openings State civil service representatives will discuss university-level occu pations with University students this afternoon. The conference will begin with a general meeting at 2 p, m. in £ Fenton. James M. Clinton, acting director, and George Robinson chief examiner, will outline cur rent opportunities in the State Civil Service. Both men are formei University students. Separate Section Meetings At 2:30 p. m., representatives will meet with students in smallei section meetings, planned accord ing to fields. After section meet ings, students may talk with speak ers individually. The section meeting of account ing, auditing, and related occupa tions will be held in 206 Commerce Adam Lefor, division of audits, anc Jason .Lee, tax commission, wil' speak. Professors of business ad ministration C. L. Kelly and W. V Monegan will be in charge. Personnel, public relations, anc general business will be discussed in 5 Commerce. Gordon Shattuck employment compensation com mission, will be guest speaker. S T. Ford, professor of business ad ministration will preside. Social Work Social work will be explained by Mrs. Margaret White, state wel fare commission, in 206 Oregon. E. H. Moore, professor of sociology will conduct the meeting. Health and biological science will be discussed in 3 Fenton. A. T. Johnson will represent the State Board of Health. P. L. Risley, pro fessor of biology, will preside. Karl W. Onthank, graduate placement director, said the con ference would be similar to one held last term by the Federal Civil Service Commission, but more ex tensive. Civil Service representatives will be guests at a noon luncheon meet ing today in the Faculty Club. ISA to Meet Tonight The Independent Students As sociation will meet tonight at 7:3C in 105 Commerce. Election of officers and the polit ical future of ISA will be discussed in the rheeting. No Float Entry Unless Reps Go To Pairing Meet Junior Weekend float parade chairmen from each campus living organization must be present at the pairing drawing, scheduled for 4 p. m. Tuesday in 105 Oregon, Co Chairman Jim Hershner stated Wednesday. Any organization not represented at the drawing will be absolutely ineligible to enter a float in the parade, Hershner said. He re quested that house presidents ap point their float chairmen this week. Either the chairman or a representative must attend the meeting. Reason given for the compulsory attendance rule was that in former years living organizations who wish to be paired together have not at tended the drawing, and later have gone to the parade chairman to gether to request a pairing. “There have been a lot of un happy houses because of this,” Hershner said., Juniors are preferred as house parade chairmen, but selection of sophomores or seniors is permis sible, Hershner explained. Hershner and his co-chairman, Will Urban, will explain the par ade route, rules on expenditures and dimensions of floats at the Tuesday meeting. Grades Released At Emerald Today Grades will be available inside the center door of Emerald Hall starting this afternoon at 3. When calling for grades, stu dents should report to the table alphabetically corresponding to their last names. Each student must pick up his own grades. Toylcmd, Tulips Set for Vodvil; Themes in Today Eight houses had indicated their choice of theme early Wednesday for the All-Campus Vodvil, Apr. 14, with the majority expected to an swer today. Gretchen Grondahl, program chairman, requests that all groups return their post cards today, tell ing the theme of their act. In cases of duplication of ideas, the first card received will take precedence, she said. Tryouts Begin Tuesday Finalists will be chosen in elim inations to take place next Tues day and Wednesday, beginning at 6:30 p. m. in Gerlinger Annex. All groups must furnish their own props. Ticket price for the Vodvil has been set at 50 cents, Co-chairman Willy Dodds and Ed Peterson an nounced. Campus sales will start Wednesday in the Co-op and con tinue through Friday. Among the first theme ideas to be received was Alpha Delta Pi’s “Toyland,” which will show after hours life in a toy shop. Western Show Ann Judson will sing a folk tune entitled “Fair Hannah,’’ while Zeta Tau Alpha plans a shadow act, ‘.‘Tricycle Built for Two.” Scenes based on the song “Dearie” will be featured by Delta Zeta. Victor Borge’s rendition of Moz art’s Opera, with narrator and pan temine, is the central theme for the Delta Gamma act. Campbell Club will show “Flicker Flash backs,” in a one-act pantomime. A song and dance routine to “By the Light of the Silvery Moon,” is the choice of Alpha Omi cron Pi. Delta Delta Delta plans to give “Tip Toe Through the Tu lips” with 16 girls singing and dancing. Musicians' Unions a Hinderance To American Music Spaeth Says By BILL VAN STEENWYK Union pressure, both in artists and allied unions is hamstring ing- American music, according to Dr. Sigmund Spaeth, noted author, lecturer, and musician who appeared at McArthyr Court Tuesday night. In a Tuesday afternoon press conference at the Eugene Hotel, Dr. Spaeth cited numerous instances where the American Feder Auction Set for Side Friday at 4 Winners Get Waiters, WSSF Profit 'uon t rorget tne auction,” is the advice of Auction Chairman Tom Barry. The event, with all proceeds go ing to the World Student Service Fund, is scheduled for 4 p. m. Fri day in front of the Side. Going on the block will be groups of 15 from Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, and Sigma Phi Ep silon. They will act as waiters at dinnerfor the winners. Purchasers may set their own time. Only men's houses will be al lowed to bid on the women's groups, and vice versa, Barry said. Miscellaneous items will also be K awarded the highest bidders by Auctioneer Dick Neely. Houses are asked by Barry to send a representative to participate in the auction bidding. Donation items for auction are also sought by Barry, who may be contacted at the Sigma Phi Epsilon house. Saleable white elephants are needed, he stated. Such things as sweaters, rain caps, and jackets will also be accepted. Entertainment for the auction ♦vill be provided by Curt Finch and his Pep Band and skits, presented by Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi. auua ux ivxuox^xaxm LJiilLlii tlllU others, such as the Stagehands Union, had killed concert tours and radio shows by making them too expensive or otherwise impos sible to produce. Repudiating the fact that the AFM is designed primarily to keep legitimate musicians in work, Spaeth declared that eighty per cent of the members of the AFM were part-time musicians. These people held regular jobs other than in legitimate music and earned extra money by working as mu sicians in their spare time. Many Musicians Poor Under the union plan these mu sicians had to belong to the AFM to play professionally. Of the other twenty per cent, Spaeth affirmed half were not good musicians, and that the other ten per cent whc were good musicians “were never out of work.’’ (Please turn to page eight) Fall Term Rushing For Women Oked By Panhell, IDC An agreement between Panliellenic and the Interdormitory Council to hold women's rushing fall term of the students’ fresh man year was reached at a meeting winter term, representatives of the groups reported yesterday. The agreement came out of two meetings held shortly before final week winter term. They were attended by representatives ol Panliellenic. the inter-sorority group, and representatives of the Interdormitorv Council. WSSF Behind With $340Total On Fourth Day Approximately $340 had been raised for the World Student Serv ice Fund drive by Wednesday night, with 10 houses failing to report. “With the drive now entering its fourth day, this is a poor show ing,” Ed Peterson, co-chairmen stated. “In order to meet our ex pectations it must be greatly im proved today and Friday.” “The students should back WS SF 100 per cent, Peterson declared, "since it is the only campaign of the year officially sponsored by the ASUO. It is the drive from stu dents to students.” In Wednesday’s contest winners and runners-up in the women’s group Zeta Tau Alpha, first, with $52.67 and Pi Beta Phi, with $68.85. For the men, Stitzer Hall took first place with $11.80, while Phi Kap pa Psi took second with $11.30. Judging was done on the aver age amount given per capita in each group. For winning first place, ZTA will have the services of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon freshmen as waiters at dinner tonight. Pi Phi will have the Phi Kappa Psis. Since Stitzer Hall eats in the Vets Commons, they will have en tertainment only from Alpha Chi Omega. The Delta Gammas will go to the Phi Psi house. “In keeping with a rule of the Inter-Fraternity Council, the com petitive arrangement of the milk bottles in the Co-op has been re moved from the WSSF drive,” Co chairman Ed Peterson stated last night. Some living groups have with hold their contributions because of the competitive aspect, which vio lated an IFC rule. The milk bottles will remain in the Co-op, but will not arranged in order. Voting Talk Set By Young GOP What can be done to secure state approval of voting in the May primaries for students who do not live in Eugene ? This will be discussed by campus Young Republicans at a 6:45 meet ing tonight in 2 Oregon. Group President Beldon Owens informed the Emerald that the 1948 procedure has been changed, and students now will not be able to cast ballots in Eugene if their home is located elsewhere. The city of Eugene will take reg istrations and accept absentee bal lots which will be sent to the vot er’s home precinct. The Campus Young Republicans are attempting to secure a change in the plan through the state elec tions office in Salem. New officers will also be elected at the meeting. Under the terms of the agree ment, Panhellenic will give the "fullest cooperation” to the dormi tories in encouraging loyalties and cooperation of pledges living in the dormitories. Jackie Pritzen and Joan White, representing the dormitories and sororities respectively, conferred Wednesday with Donald M. Du Shane, director of student affairs, reporting the conclusions reached at the winter-term meeting. They are scheduled to meet with Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, director of women’s affairs sometime next week to work out details. DuShane Statement Mr. DuShane told the Emerald Wednesday that “we have been hoping for a long time that the agreement could be reached. "I see ho reason why it is not possible for freshmen women to benefit from the dormitory coun seling programs and also from the guidance of the sororities. "The next step now is for Pan hellenic and the dormitories to meet with Mrs. Wickam to find time to fit dormitory orientation and soiority rushing into next Fall's student week schedule.” Miss Pritzen, speaking for the dormitory group, declared that “the women's dormitories assented to fall term rushing to keep the is sue from continuing indefinitely. Rushing Advantages “We feel that fall term rushing has a few advantages to the dormi tories themselves. However, with the sororities taking the initiative in coopex-ation between houses and dormitories, a satisfactory system of living-in should result.” “Cooperation between both dorms and houses will be essential to the success of living-in next year.” Joan White, newly elected presi dent of Panhellenic, left for Vic toria, B. C., Wednesday evening and could not be reached for com ment. Frances Robeson, former presi dent of the group, said Panhellenic was pleased with the agreement. "I am sure that with the coopera tion that has been shown so far, they will be able to work it out. I know the cooperation will continue, but it'll take work.” Freshmen men will pledge the first part of winter term, according to a compromise reached last Jan uary by. the Interfraternity Coun cil and the Interdoi’mitory Council. The policy regarding male pledges will support the dormitory until the sixth week of winter term i nthe event of conflicting activi ties. Freshmen will not play on fra ternity intramural teams until the sixth week of winter term. Night Classes Offered An assortment of night classes ranging from personnel manage ment to elementary German is of fered by the University General Extension Office for spring term. Deadline for registration is noon. Saturday, but late registration will continue after the date, with, a dollar fine for each week after deadline. Fees for the classes and information on what classes will be offered may be obtained by call ing the General Extension Office.