Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    "British Books to be Exhibited in Bookmobile
As part of a nation-wide tour to
acquaint the public with current
British books, Danny Wilcher and
Bob Kenyon will bring the British
Cantre’s Bookmobile to Eugene to
Wilcher, a publisher's represent
ative, and Kenyon, a member of
the British Broadcasting Company
staff, have driven the Bookmobile
throughout the Southwest and Cal
ifornia, and will travel to Washing
ton after their Eugene visit.
The two take orders for books
through local dealers. They also of
fer the public an opportunity to see
books not commonly available at
local bookstores. There are 1,700
sample copies in the Bookmobile,
ranging from academic to juvenile
The Bookmobile will be at the
University Library this morning
from 10:30 to noon. This afternoon
it will be parked at the shipping
entrance of the Co-op. It is open
to the public.
They Stiil Need You in 1950.
You can help needy foreign stu
dents through WSSF.
Hawaiin Educator Visits
Pauline Frederick, principal oi
the Kamehameha School for Girls
in Honolulu, Hawaii, last week
visited School of Education stu
dents at the University to inter
view’ prospective teachers.
• Frederick also talked with Uni-1
versity students who are Kame-!
hameha graduates.
WSSF helps break down the
barriers to international under- i
Journalism Seniors Set
Tour of Newsprint Mill
Journalism seniors will tour tho
newsprint mill of the Zellerbaclc
Paper Company in West Linn
G. E. Yound, vice-president in
charge of the newsprint division,
and Ralph Dickey, Northwest sale*
manager, will serve as hosts for
the University journalism group.
wonder who runs
the 4
oil companies?
1* If you ask the average American to tell you
who runs this country, he’ll answer that the
people do. He may qualify that some by admitting
that the President, the Congress and the other
officials in Washington make the day-to-day deci
sions. But he knows that in the final analysis it is
the people’s vote and the people’s opinion that
really determine how our country shall be run.
2. Ask the average American to tell you who
runs American business and 9 times out of 10 he’ll
tell you it’s “management” or “Wall Street” or
“Big Business.” Actually, the American people
have far more voice in the conduct of American
business than they have in the conduct of Ameri
can government. Because they cast thousands
of times as many personal votes on it each year!
4. The combined total of these “votes” by the
people in this country determines Union’s entire
course of action—whether it shall be big or
small, whether it shall expand its drilling opera
tions or curtail them, whether it must raise its
prices or lower them, whether it shall succeed
or fail.
5* When you realize that this voting on Union
Oil Company policy (and the policies of all Ameri
can business) is going on constantly 24 hours a day
—the “ayes” with a resounding ring of the cash
register, the “nays” with an equally resounding
silence —you begin to understand that the person
who actually runs American business is you, the
American customer. Furthermore, you “vote”
thousands of .times oftener each year on the con
duct of American business than on the conduct
of the world’s most democratic government.
3* For example, every time an American in our
marketing territory buys 5 gallons of gasoline he
casts a “vote” for or against Union Oil Company,
its products or its services. During the course of
each week, practically every one of the 5-million
odd car owners in our territory “votes” at least
once on this issue. At the same time, several mil
lion more “votes” are being cast that week on the
hundreds of other products we make.
This series, sponsored by the people of Union Oil
Company, is dedicated to a discussion of how
and why American business functions. Wehope
you'll feel free to send inany suggest iont Of crit
ic isms you have to offer. Write: The President,
Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Los
Angeles 17, California.