Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 07, 1950, Image 1

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    Dr. Spinka
To Speak
On Religion
Dr. Matthew Spinka, authority
on Russian and Balkan religions,
will be special guest lecturer for
the biennial meeting of the Pacific
Coast Division of the American
Society of Church History on the
campus today and Wednesday,
sponsored by the Department of
Dr. Spinka, professor of Church
History at Hartford Theological
Seminary in Connecticut, will give
public lectures at 8 p. m. tonight
and 'Wednesday night. “Khomya
kov and the Beginning of the Ren-‘
ascence,” will be his topic tonight
in 207 Chapman. Tomorrow night
he will talk on “Berdyaev, Repre
sentative of Free Orthodoxy,” in 3
Quirinius Breen, professor of his
tory and social science here, is
chairman of the group’s executive
committee and in charge of the
The two-day session will be open
ed by a general session from 10 to
11:30 in Gerlinger Lounge follow
ing registration from 9 to 10 there.
President Sandford Fleming of
the Berkleley Baptist Divinity
School will preside at a 12 noon
luncheon in the Faculty club to
Membership in the American So
ciety of Church History is open to
anyone interested in church history.
It is non-denominational and is af
filiated with the American^ History
Movies Set Wednesday
Five short movies will be pre
sented Wednesday in the Educa- ]
ttonal Activities series at 7 p. mJ
and 9 p. m. in 207 Chapman. The
group will be introduced by a new
film, “What is Modern Art.’’ I
Parlez-Vous Francais?
Tous les etudiants de francais
doivent assister aux causeries fran
caises qui ont lieu tous les mardis
a deux lieures au Side. Ils s'ani
useront bien et apprendront a parler
mieux le francais au meme temps.
Venez, aujourd’hui, a deux heures!
Exec Council
Adopts Plans
In Final Meet
In its final meeting of the term,
the ASUQ Executive Council last
1. Adopted a report from the
committee on dormitories headed
by Stan Pierson, and moved to for
ward it to the Administration for
careful consideration.
2. Appointed Bill Carey, junior
in business, as financial manager
for the Ore-ntei\ student welcom
ing booklet.
3. Set the date for ASUO elec
tions May 3 and voting on the new
ASUO Constitution for Apr. 19,
pending a report from the Judici
ary Committee on adoption proced
4. Recommended to the fresh
man class the cancellation of the
Pro'sh Glee and suggested that
class officers work out another
5. Went on record favoring the
tentative solution by the Student
Union Board of the perpetuation
The dormitory committee’s re
port concerned itself with three
phases of the dormitory problem
under the deferred living-in plan
which goes into effect next fall.
Orientation suggestions included
a booklet on the dormitory setup
to be issued before school, Smaller
groups to promote closer personal
contact during freshman week pro
grams and major meetings, and a
series of lectures throughout the
term sponsored by living organiza
Dorm counselors should develop
(Please turn to page eight)
Scottish Debate Team to Meet
Zimmerman, Dimmick Mar. 14
Scottish Debaters David Reid left and Malcolm Wcbster-jLow who will,
m^et WebfoOts Howard Zimmerman and Don Dimmick in debate in
the University Theater Mar. 14. The debators will discuss “That this
House deplores the use of propaganda, political or commercial.” The
University students will take the negative. The debate is open to the
WAA Selects
Seventy Five
For Members
Seventy-five women invited to
membership in the Women’s Ath
letic Association will be initiated
at 6:45 Thursday at Alumni Hall,
Gerlinger, Bonnie Gienger, presi
dent, announced.
Membership checks were earned
by participation in intramural
basketball, swimming, or in ac
tivities of one of the four WAA
groups, Amphibians, Orchesis, the
Hockey, or Outing clubs.
Refreshments will be served at
the short initiation program. In
vited to join the organization are:
Sharon Anderson, Sherry An
tony, Sylvia Beckot, Joan Beggs,
Joanne Bleth, Molly Bliefernich,
Judy Bolender, June Bosworth.
Bernice Bradley, Frances Brooks,
Barbara Burke, Mary Ellen Bur
rell, Ann Butler, Betty Jo Carle
| ton, Ann Carson, Pat Choat.
Dee Darnell, Frances Dunn,
Mary Eilertson, Betsy Erb, Joanne
Fitzmaurice, Florence Godfrey,
Marjorie Harnden, Beverly Hart.
Hellen Hawes, Mary Ellen Hol
man, Frances Hussey, Joan Jac
obs, Mirian Jones, Barbara Joslin,
Carol Kelsey, Marge Leong.
Jackie Lewis, Margaret Lewis,
Jo Lyons, Eleanor Matthews, The
ola Miller, Melissa Millam, Emily
Nichols, Margaret Nelson.
Julie Northrup, Alice Lou Ohl
ing, Myrna Olsen, Ann Ostenson,
Laura Pearson, Julie Beth Perkins,
Carol Peterson.
Eunice Peterson, Sally Pitman,
Lila Popish, Beverly Port, Mar
jorie Rambo, Dorothy Rowe, June
Rose Seid, Judy Slack, Jan Simp
son, Shirley Smart, Babette Snit
zer, Sandra Snodgrass, Lois Sorch
Irene Stangbye, Joanne Sweet,
T°h Lee Tan, Iris Thompson,
Louise Vawter, Met Sue Wada,
Sylvia Walker.
Pat Ward, Ruth Watts, Rose
mary Whitbeck, Marcia Woodward,
Lee Yeager, Ginney, Yuzon, Colleen
French Production
Sixth Foreign Film
The widely publicized French
film, “Children of Paradise’’ will
be shown twice each evening, Wed
nesday and Thursday at the May
flower Theater, as the sixth pre
sentation of the Foreign Movie
Starring Jean Louis Barrault,
Arletty, and Pierre Brasseur, the
film pictures the gallery patrons
of the melodramas, pantomimes,
and vaudevilles staged on the
Boulevard du Temple, the Broad
way of Paris in the 1800's.
Barrault, one of France’s lead
ing actors, plays a melancholy
mime, the central figure in the i
story. The complete original pan
tomime included In the pictui'e was
written for him.
Among the other stars in the
picture are Marie Dea and Pierre
Renoir, son of the famous French
Portland Musicians
Present Concert
In Court Tonight
James Sample will conduct the Portland Symphony Orchestra at 8
p.m. in McArthur Court tonight. The concert is sponsored by the Eugene
March Grads
Urged to Notify
Karl Onthank
“All students graduating in
March should check with my office
and see that their credentials are
in order,” announces Karl W. On
thank, graduate placement direc
Onthank reports that many tele
phone calls are now being received
from employers who wish to hire
March graduates.
Even those students who are
seeking employment on their own
initiative should not neglect to
register with the Graduate Place
ment Office, as employers fre
quently call about students who
have not done so.
“Seniors who will graduate in
June should utilize the spring va
cation to seek jobs,” warns Karl W.
Onthank, graduate placement di
Onthank said the competition in
June will be keen, and those stu
dents who can arrange in advance
for employment should do so im
mediately. He also urged seniors
to register with his office.
Offers of positions in California
and other states as well as Oregon
are being received daily,” he stated.
“Interested students should check
with me before they leave for home
at the end of the term.”
Scholarship Bids
Asked by Office
Before April 1
Students planning to apply for
scholarships awarded by the Uni
versity should obtain application
blanks next week and file them
with Karl Onthank, scholarship
director, immediately. April 1 is
the deadline for all scholarship ap
Scholarships awarded by the
University include; the Standard
Oil, Oregon Mothers’ and Dads’,
and many other awards. They do
not include the State Fee Scholar
ships or private prizes given by off
campus agencies.
A new, comprehensive applica
tion form has been designed to
cover the University-awarded
scholarships. These blanks will be
available in the scholarship office,
room 216 Emerald Hall, next week.
See Mrs. Harris, secretary.
State fee scholarship applica
tions must be turned in to the
Scholarship and Financial Aid of
fice by April 1, announces Mrs.
Nancy Harris, office secretary.
Application blanks are now avail
able in the office, 216 Emerald Hall.
ana university Civic Music As
Students with registration cards
will be admitted free.
The Portland Symphony was or
ganized during World War I by
Carl Denton and a Symphony So
ciety was formed in 1923 to give
the orchestra a solid financial basis.
It disbanded in 1938 because of
inadequate finances, but was re
organized in 1947 when Werner
Janssen became conductor.
Successful at first, the symphony
again found itself in financial dif
ficulties by the end of the 1949
season. To keep the orchestra alive
musicians offered to accept as their
sole pay the ticket and touring in
I come.
Conductor James Sample was
the unanimous choice of the boar d
ol the Portland Symphony Society
last year as a successor to Werner
Janssen. His plans for the Port
land Symphony for the season in
clude a repertoire based on the
[ traditional classics, and on temp
orary American music comparative'
Sample became at 15, the young
est regularly employed church or
ganist in the city of Minneapolis
and at 18 he joined his father, a
member of the Minneapolis Symph
ony, in the viola section of the
The program for tonight’s con
cert will be: “Overture to Eur
yanthe’ by Carl Maria von Web
er; “Symphony in C Major (The
Jupiter)” by Mozart; “Overture
Fantasia Romeo and Juliet,” bv
"Peloas and Melihande Suite
Opus 80” by Gabriel Urbain Raur*’
and Roumanian Rhapsody, Opus
11, No. 1 in A Major” by Gorrgea
Tickets Remain
Tickets for the remaining per
formances of “The Warrior’s Hus
band’’ are on sale at the Univer
sity Theater boxofficc.
file Julian Thompson comedy
will be presented tonight and eveiy
night this weekend, closing Satur
day, Mar. 11.
Tonight’s performance is spon
sored by Mortar Board, senior wo
men s honorary. Proceeds will go
to their scholarship fund, which is
presented to an outstanding junior
woman spring term.
Tickets for tonight’s perform
ance may be purchased from Mor
tar Board members or at the Theat
er box office.
Speech Sponsored
Omieron chapter, Phi Epsiton
Kappa, will sponsor a speech Wed
nesday at 8 p. m. in 101 P. E, A
business meeting to be held at 7:30
p. m., Mar, 8.