Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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Beaux Art Ball Theme Due Today
Today is the last day for sub
mitting ideas in the Beaux Arts
Ball theme contest.
The dance theme must be broad
enough to work into adequate dec
oration and suitable costumes. Only
students in the School of Architec
ture and Allied Arts may enter the
A prize for the winning sugges
tion will be awarded Monday, Mar.
6. Entries may be dropped in one
of the three boxes placed in the
Jack Broome is in charge of the
contest and the annual costume
ball, which will be given Apr. 8 in
Gerlinger Annex. He announced
that attending faculty members
will be asked to wear costumes this
Statisticians Write Book
W. J. Dixon and F. J. Massey,
professors of mathematics, are the
authors of a mathematics text,
already published in experimental
form and scheduled for printing
in regular stiff-back form next
January by McGraw-Hill publish
The text in paper bound form is
now in use in numerous Pacific
coast colleges. It is intended for
basic statistics courses.
PE Profs to Survey
Hood River Schools
Two memoers oz tne umvei“"y
School of Health and Physical Ed
ucation will make a three-day. sur
vey of all secondary schools in
Hood River County this month, at
the request of the school superin
tendent, Ralph E. Jones.
Vernon S. Sprague and Myrtle
S. Spade, professors of physical
education, will spend Mar. 13, 14,
and 15 studying and evaluting the
health and physical education pro
grams. Upon completion of the
tour they will make recommenda
tions to Supt. Jones for improve
ment of instruction programs in
that area.
Sub-Chairmen Petitions
Due for 'Duck Preview'
Petitions for sub-chairmen of
■ ^preview” Weekend are due
Friday. They may be submitted
to Donna Buse at Delta Zeta or
Dick McLaughlin at Chi Psi.
Chairmen are needed for en
tertainment, clean-up, decoration,
and food committees.
Campbell to Speak
Laurence R. Campbell, professor
of journalism, will speak on ‘‘Ex
ploring Journalism” at the Pacific
Slope School Press clinic at the
University of Washington Mar. 3
and 4.
Women's Honorary
To Pledge Six
Phi Beta, women’s music and
speech honorary, will hold formal
pledging for spring term at 6:30
tonight at the Chi Omega house.
Spring term pledges are Sharon
Anderson, Sue Dimm, Kathleen
Harris, Donna Knoll, Sue Lichty,
and Julie Beth Perkins.
Members are asked to wear
white blouses, dark skirts, and
Oregana pictures will be taken
during the meeting.
The Red Cross last year was
served by an estimated 1,450.000